Advertisements & Notices

... _tO4fES PUBLISHED THIS DAY. ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~Price IS a Ci. 'io the FREEHOLDERS and ELECT- ~.- ttOirIhe OU~IESandBURRS f SOTLND, on PAR.. L~oM~r~Aly REFORM ith ~ ~ ~y~,f~m cogenial to thle ;Lawrf~f~6ten .ad nt mterillyaffctig Pivae Bgh~ts. By the GICEI'S lIECLINE: AND FAILI OF THE RONAN EMPIRE, GRDEIED RTS HRTON'S WOReKS.-Price 2s. Part IV of I BBN'SROM A N E M P I It E. PartiI. oflDr. ROBNtTOJN'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABSCONDED. . I:IFREAS EDWARD THOMAS, of the Pa W rish of 4holywil, is the County of Flint, 'ip-ou'rer ,raid THO1AS NEWBY, of the same ,lff e, Shoe' =nakerb is'ahsconenld dand left-their faustlies chargecable. thereto, a, REWARD of TEN ! SHLLINGS w'il[ibe paid by Mr. Ronsams, Act.- . , ?? rse- of th'e- said Parish, toluny. person or . ,,persons who will'jive ssch will .-jlea& Wi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WOO Or' X~IL- OA D Tbis Day is mblishel, irn Octavo, Frice i8s. Boards, A jAEls-oN (tAPJXALEt-, Neuce~tte A PRACTICAL TRE.ATISi: on RAIL ROADS, containing an Account of the Performances of the diff ferct LOCO-MOTIVE ENGI NESatthe LIVERPOOL CONTEST1:. Is8t7ated by numerous E',graviygs. BY NICHOLAS WOOD. London: printevc for Hurst, Chancie, and Co. The CorunIuLteC of Directors of the North and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AIJNDEl~l. The I PITCH CORNV fALIRKSI . mo thg [IHIS AlIARKIU' will coi il)ixNcrI on Tuesday. Prce TLthe 8th of March, and be held, weekly, on evory admuir Tuesday. in 'I'be Store Rooms will be ready for the rsception of iog Corn on the lst of Maich, and every day afterwards, Breg except Market Days, when Corn can only be received Gospi or oelitered after the close of the market, which will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / To thC 1orthy and Indepepeer~at Freemen of tlc DjotJG H OF LANCASTE:R. ' I, Ujjpcr Brook-street, Loitdoa, 1St Afarch:'8311. N lisequence of a Vacancy lhating occurred In th r O esentatton of your ancient Bsrough, by thoedeath 01lr. C rWTH0nEJ I beg leave to offier mvself to you for dlistinguishiedl biolor of serving 'yru in Parliamient:. At tile present moment it becomes me only to repeat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at For Coughs, Hoepir-~.Cough, Shorwss. of Breath, Mst l'ne, t aConsuplion.. T HE above remedy possesses the peculiar power of controlling t all disorders of the Chest and Lungs. It affords immediate e ?? to the Breath, and subdues the most obstinate Colds, and h Coughs, Hoarseness, &c., and Asthmas (which neglect has rend- j, ered confirmed), and Hooping-Cough, iu shorter time than any ., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. FARC US, At the COMMERCIAL ROOMS, this present TUESDAY, March the 29th, at One o'clock in the Afternoon precisely, A LL that MIOIETY or Half Part of and in all . that WAItE H0 OUSE, together with the substan- tial LO FTS over the same, situate at the Corner of St. IStlephen'a Arcne and the Quay, now and formany years ?? ill the occupation of Mr. Wst. IIARTNELL, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4 MEMOio ROBERT FIRST .L MEARLOfI OIHNYN ~ ?? of Great Britain. By the Right Hon. Roehtn Ha Grandson. DR. LARDNER'S CABINET CYCLOP EDIA. OD April ist will be published, in i volume, price 6s. IIYDROSTATICS and PNEUMATICS. BY Dr. LAUDR. .R .11.. Being Vol. XVII. of Dr. Lardner's Cabinet CyclopEdia. Publithed March Ws, XVI. HISTORY of MARITIME DISCOVERY (completed), Vol. I1I. On Ma' Cd will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONCERT OF SACRFD MUSIC. 1 ROGERS, ORSGANIST of St IowaqNj (;Hi- rer. begs respectfollv in announce, that his C11%( Rf'T of SACREI) MUSIC will take place in r ,he Iopptotun Itooms, on 1 FRIDAY EVENING, the 1ILI) of ;IIARCNS. gills of io rticulsrs to be had at the shop of the principal * asd lookkseller.I BILI3';Si LINEN CoMPANY'S BANK, *1 Edinbargh, St t.ran. IS1. . TJE DIRECTORS of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNION CANAL. -~-rOTlCE is hereby giveu,. that -s SPECIA-L ?? -ASSEM IBLY of the PlLOPRIE. Tf l 1;. JBUit'GH& 51ASGQ UNION F CA,,;AI COMPANY is to lbe held on Tuesda y the 2th t1he Of April next, within M'Ewens -Rrin'-, [tnl j- dn Ldinburgh-, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of Chal, cn ai eration and ?? a proposal from captaci, Cheine to resign, his office of Clerk to the Cornmpa.- in, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * IRELAND. , ICliAl'D AInT IKEN and SOX, Grafton-street ol- *I ., sellers to tile Ullitresitv have *'Ahisljedo (ON POII'.LAlW D)lSCtON'1'E.NL' IN l. EL1 i-L By Pnill'- AlcI.(),o E~sq. Octavo Clotb boards, 3s. 6d. Printei al so for Jaiies Iidgwav, London. SPOR'LING INTErELIGEN E 1'. CLOGIDERAAN ST.EEPLE CHASE CUP. 7l I E SteIwardds will add 1o5 to the above race. All lkors > to be ente~red ol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rojV(ER TS POSTPONED. the especial and immediatie Patronage of e RIG1T HON, LADY SCARSDALE, be HON, MRS. ALFRED CURZON, Dry COUVILE, &c. &C. chARLES COLVILE, High Sheriff, thS B' CIIAS. STEAD HOPE, M'rayor, JoS' STRtUT{, Esq. c &c, & ,jASTrER GEORGE ASPULL A the holour to announce, that having most l ?? fixed his Concerts in PASSION WEEK, J th bdvice of many friends Postponed the period Oilby ...