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Advertisements & Notices

... i' Publighed by D. A. Talboys, Oxford; and Wilittaker andCo. London, t HEEREN, A. H. L.-A MANUAL of ANCIENT 111$. id H TORY, particularly with regard to the Constitutions, the CossiCo erce, and the Colonies of the States of Antiquity, by A. H. L. a HRERSN., Professor of History-in the University of Gottingen. n ac. Translated from the German. 8vo, boards, 16s. It would require a longer paper ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U {3utaict {,mU0Et1ttUlt5. HO LLLOWAY'S SAWNS PA REIL, GREAT CHARLOTTE-STREET. ikR. HOILO WAY begs leave to inform his Friends and ithe Public thathis Establishment willbe RE-OPENED on ?? MIONDA the 4th instant, whet vwill be. performed on t;, ,nld the to o fo~llifg Evenings, ain interesting and splendid 'ido dr unatiC Spectacle, entitled, A TALE OF BLOOD; ,- on THE SOLITARF OF THE Ar . In the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A REGULAR TRADER. Toi saillobo.t the middle qf Mfay. FOR CALCUTTA, NoThe Fine Still ALBION. ORMAN M'Lcon1, Commander; Budten50,0,tons, well known to be a remarkably fanst sailing vessel an at davourite conveyance with pmasengers. Her cabins are spacious, each fitte4 up with a Patent Air Fort, find other con- veniences, tand shq carrles an experienced Stirgeon.-F'or terms of freight oar passage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Qatrz b~v Auction. .SR1,DSALE OF CAPITAL PICTURES. I By NlFSSRS. TAVLOR & HIME, nwedneo;daY, the 6th instant, pretcisey at Twelve o'celock, at their Rooms, Church-street, ?? (lINE and very Valuable COLLECTION of PIC. T~tt-~rof hih Class of ArrV~noongist hivlch will he fseel iC~~t~~1 pecmen o the SVW lks f Cuyir, Beth, lWowver. t~~O Itl'lit. Bergh Rul lusdael, flu Jardyn.Maes, ~ -er. Ttin, aro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rrNrHANNUALIMEETING of the -y MRliTHOD)IST AUXILIARY MIS.. j WI CITYfor thec MANCHESTPR 'DI1& glO4~ibe eldin Oi.DHAM STREETCHAPEL, on MO AApdril 4th, 1iSR1, at halfpast Taim teerrllPand by adjournmsent, on, TUES-. eclock' A~i Stll5th at Six o'clock. UTOES~i, IN THE CHAIR. tth oetwill ble preached iii Oldham ~ OI MONAY vEletNic April 4th, ait SEVEN iPtele . JOSEPH BEAIMOIST,-of- Nottifig.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pANALL ARRYING C' y TA CE TO LIVER pOOL-JOHN K~ls'tOJII and SON be apprise t~beir friends and tbe itbWliat theirTLY BOATS cootinus to leaie -Manchesl/it r~s~al, every eOvenieg, pur Li-vernrol, at wchich plac ooi5sffre regularly deliiertd early the following day, and vicC versa. Star Yard, ManchestI r Ist April, 18SL U3 OSIERlS snd SMALLWARE BELERS be DISPOSED OF, an excellent SJOP in tue above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE Ladies and Gentlemen of Preston and its vicinity X are respectfully informed that there will be A BALL, AT THE ASSEMBLY-ROOM, BULL INN, On THLTRSDAY the flk of APRIL, DANCING TO COIMENCE AT NINE O'CLOCK. Admittance (Refreshmeotts included), GENTLEMEN ?? 7s.- LADIES, ?? 5. lpS. N. ORMEROD PILKINGTON, LADY PATRONESS. WM. CLAYTON, ESQ. STEIVAS., ED. LEGH MAST;, E s RDS.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - J r c3IDSX~a Ajqz SALri!OR &sLrIShfG MARCH 4th, I81 ~11TEENfR ANNUAL MRETING (OF-THE PATRONS TY tI1I6~ANK thi5 day-. The Rev. Wil. ARSDEN; in the Chair. OF HENTSAILS j. evlls ,edalgeof the Committee, and ardetailed statement of the accouintsdu d ee adb EN6 I utwa DifsphO austs dhad been examined, the following Resolutions were pase __..y audited Ieelidbfre the maeelin. kt t e~o~rnittee be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TlTO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, QiWednesday, theG 6th of April, 18i1, at Sir o'clock in I the evening, at the house of Mrs. Smith, the Black Bull Inn, in Poulton, in the Couzith of Lancaster. ALL that the said old-established and well-accustomed .A S7INN, called the Black Bull, with the Stables (ca- pable of accommodating 40 horses) Coach-house, and other a suitable Outbuildings, Bowling Green, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oubltt m etts ,IVl3R THEATRtE, CHURCH STREET. = OR the BENEFIT of MR. POWELL, on MONDAY F VEFNING next, when ?? be ierformed THE VAM~RE. After which. for the first timee in Liverpool, THE6 DEATH OF THE MUTINEERS A variety of SINGING and DANCING. To conclude with BLACK-EYED SUSAN. Tickets to be had of Mr. POV-LL, NO. 6, GIII-street, and at the Theatre. gi OLLO WA Y'S SANS PARElL, itAT CiAiLOTTE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - DAVY'S DIAMOND CRf'EfNT A1 INVALUABLE DISCOVERY for ,joining broken rL .Atllc ChI9 ?? WodCabinet Wrand F'ancy 'S0ent hisreimarkable for Its extremnestrength, and the great facilitY Of using it: nijilxingor prepaxatjo~being required. it re515t5 see, ad -lllt~idan orin dpb f.lheat. Theisints are Particularly rieht. and shew very litgle,. *!1lhls Cement is beyond conmparlinin esiperl r ts any- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sp all ha 'rata SEwsWRs.-The letter of X Partahsoner, respecting the construe- dr tion of the sewers, &c. appears to-us to merit attention; but we to must not pablith it In Its present fornm, as we should be at a loss let to substantiate the facts, if called upon, and our eorrespondent As might not be for thcoming. Under these circumstances we have us' thought it advisable to Inclose the ...