Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t if rr£ %t Antf @,tjtb0. MARRIED, ^r lat, at New York, Mr. Robert Burns, M.D. to Miss n res-; both lateofManchester. 0' rl`se.y, the 5th instant, at Walsall, Mr.GeorgeSpilsbury, ,. . ,, this tuwf, to Miss Jane flardsvick, of Wolvethamptoll. 3i` sdIr, the I1th instant, at Coulton, iattheW, the second e the late Mr. John Worthington, of Ulverston, to Agnes, , * ,:ghter of Mr. John Leece, of ...

MARRIAGES. On Thursday week, at Hulme-upon-Spalding-Moor, near Market Weighton, by the Rev. A. Keir, Mr. George ..

... Jane Brealey, eldest daughter of Mr. Francis Brealey, tailor and draper, all of that place. On the 24th ult. Mr. Geo. Dunhill, of the New Angel Hotel, Doncaster, to Catherine', eldest daughter of Mr. Hepper, hosier, &c. of the same place. ' On Sunday week, at Grimsby, Mr. John Canty, joiner, to Miss Anfi Newby, daughter of Mr. Samuel Newby, bricklayer. At Wsinligboroagh, on tbW 23&ult: by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MONTAGUE TALBOT, ESQ. | Drsst 'on Tuesday last, After, R lingerink sllnaee2, nged;58 yeats, MofgeAGup TAT.UOe; Eoqr, f~r23 Yeat managesXiid' Proprietor of the BelfastTheatA ;anrd also for many yeaif manager of -the Newry ad' Derry 'Theres- 'He waaw s8 Pe nd 'soni of the H-on. George- Talb ot, a Cpttn i f t bhe; Worcester man-ofi.war, who, with hii serva'nf, svaSalost'On' the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At St. John's, Hampstead, on the 5th inst. by the Hon. and Rev. Horace Powys, the Rev. Thomas Henry Conston, M. A. to the Hon. Frances Hester Powys, fifth daughter of the late Lord Lilford. - At St. Mary's, Newington, on the 6th inst. the Rev. Josephus Williams, of Creatois, North- amptonshire, to Mary Ann Susannah, only daughter of the late W. Mount, esq. of St. Catherine's.The liev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNEVSDA A'PitL~ 13;.18 ,s.o, !daAmyof UtjgFriday-, at. Heavltrees thek Laidy-of'Gao. palttesr Balls; -AtSt.. Leona~rd'o. Cttage, on-the 7Ah lnstanti,,tboi Lady of On, Monday the 4th- instant, at Curtisknewleo -hLad-Y of tiie,31cev, Henry Hare, of a son.~ At, Stke, the. Lml of' Chsrles Brwn, e5Meister, of ki-P4S. Caedoalia, of a _son. On ti~ Sf'th~imstant; the JLady of.thRe2I5 Tydn of . ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... __BIRTHS__ On the Ith inst. of a- son, Mrs. Renny, Harp Society House, Crornsc-street, Belfast __MARRIED__ On the 28th alt- by the Rev. John Hall, Presbyterian Minister of Clough, HUGH KERR of Ballycraigagh, Esq. to Miss MARY, youngest daughter of the late Samuel McKean, Esq. of Rosedernet. In Kilmore Church, by the Rev. Mr. Creery, on Tues. day last, -Mr. ADAM BOYD, iinen-draper, to IasS ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Colcorton Hal, Leicestershire, the lady of Sir George Beaumont, Bart. of a son. WAflMtAGE S. On Saturday the 26th ult. in London, Captain Short, eldest son of the Rev. L. Short, of Ashover, in this county, to Eliza ?? Decima Griffies, fourth daughter of Sir George Griffics Williams, tart. of Llwyny-Wormwood, Carmarthenshire. On Mlonday the 4th instant, at Ecclesfield, by the Rev. J. B. Dewe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LT .IR ?? S , R 'Tj4E LoATE SIR TAOS. MOSTYN, BART. . C e have to4annouce -with feelings ofssincere re- gret thodeceaso of. Sir Thbomas: Mostyn, Bart.. of Mostyn, in the county of Flint, who died of an at- :tact; of the, gout, his residence in London, on. Sundy 'night last.' Few men unitel in a greater degree than he. all the amiable and attractive :qualities which are the delight and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? .BIRTHS- COn Saturday lais4 at 17, Gleseter-street, PMre. John Greene, 'of a dalghter. (On Tuesday last, at Newtowuhamilton, the LADY of John Hill; Esq. of a jon. On Tuesday eveniing last, by the Rey. .ugh1 Moore, Mr. WILLIAM HARLIN, .ierchanit, Bgelfsst, to SARAH, second daughter of James Kennedy, Esq.0of Flush-hall, Newtown. On the 19th inst; by the .ev. W. Loughridge, of Dun. ,irod, Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Z Lately, at 'Llvimeiruh:ioh, t L;dy of tae Rer .Ct Chambre;,z4t ?? ! Oo the 4ttl inst. at 44iiust Siun, n(eir swesM n the lady of R. 1uill Njers, Esq. of a 6cn nrd hiri ,:At Bexliey, Eest.2the aev. 3Morgan 11Vai~iirS o f'Rhiw'r.ychci,. Breeonshire, B. A. to ljerricl dainter of thle la.te Dr. Drmined, ce' 11idline Sugu~oikin grandd-t aughter of tie lezo Arehbi? iof York;- Oli tjbe 2Cith ult. ...

On the 29th ult. in

... Charlotte -Street, the wire of StafF- Adjutant Nu.-N, of a son.. On the 25thult. at Kirriemnuir Manse, Mrs Dr EAsToN, of a daughter. On the 27tbh ntl. at the Manse of Cravvfbrdjohri, Mrs t3OrfER, Of! twii 50lsens. On the 25th ult. at Nogadd- Trefawr, the seat of her Fa- ?? Webley. Parry, R.N. ?? of Captain 'C16.tLES 11OPE, of his AMajcsty's ship Tyne, of a daughter. MARRIED. - At Keir Street. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MMAIR1D. Cape. Fx Mkautle, eldest son Of the lI{on. . A. Maule, M. P. and ncephew to tle Earl of Dalhousie, to the If on. Miss Abercroniby, eldest daughter of Lord and Lady Abercromby, and niece of Viscount Meville.-At Elvastoni Hall, near Derby, the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Harrington, to Miss Foote, late of Covent Garden Theatre.-At Alexandria, in Egypt, Win. Nathaniel Peach, Esq. only son of N. ...