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London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... XT9 ICE to ARI'IS IS.- Ail Worka of PaiToing, ScuIp- A 1 4lue or Architecture, Intended for the ensueing EXHIBITION at tile IVY. ttoyALAi:ADEITY~must hesent In on Allcndavth,±4th. or by Sixo'clock In the tiler ,rvenlirc of Tuesday tile 3th of April next, after vihltck time none caht poscibly cot , be recelveetl TA I The 11,gulathinttl meceacary to be observed may be obtained at the Royal O'Ci ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -rQTICE, to ARTISr'S.- All Worktr of' Painting, Scuip- . to fre. or A r~t itctr, ure httd.d5 for the e-;tjjnKn EXHIBITION at thle !,OAL A' A, DE IV, monU.,t tite net Ia n 'ttday the 4th, or by 81, o'clock in the, i ..~ i~t daythe 3lh at.,ott- Ivhi,,h tic-it n0r el.. p'tnstbly. U, re~eoetr-. I oft:- a- ncel'sitry It to al La erred may fil ttbto a- at the Ronyal 1 A~~~ *~~~*y ~~If FINlA HO ICAD, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bishbd.' ThbIs auoeh vx mi d Kietbe. price is &Z ound in~ ?? 3w a ostructionls for thei Lea~rning of French. Prieei, 5s.. ;y5 - e ;3. ?? ITALI-ANn GRAMM1A-R, by ?? ai~d Compendious Inltroduction to the Study tii d's>e41i-tor'tbe uysge ofthe -- ?? * c~icite.f~ th tEnglish> oition. I fmade ;yself acpsiated, with:tt b~stz2a&d,ahppjewmouleof. iwakingf beerrpad brei 4 iaAdtheseI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N EW MUSIC FOR THE PIANOFORTE.- N Les Deux Sceurs, original set of Quadrilles for two Performers, by s. d. Dos Santos . . , . 4 0 The same, for one Performer . . . . . 0 Quadrilles from La Somnambule, as Duets, by Lemoine, in Two Books, each a f Fec 3 Les Victorieuses, a set of popular French Quadrilles, by Madame Bous chardy . .3 0 New Rondo in E. Op. 161. by F. Ries . 3 6 Waltz, introducing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,RITISH INSTITUTION, PALL MALL-The GALLERY for f the Exhibition'and Sale of the Works of British Amisti, IS OPEN dail, frm Te inthe ornig tllive in the evening. Admission is.; Cata- logue, frmse. n h WILLIAM ~BARNARD, 'Keeper. logue is. ;OCIETY of BRITISH ARTISTS, Suffolk-street, Pall-Mall 8 East.-The EIGHTH EXHIBITION for the Sale of Works of living British Artists is NOW OPEN, from Ten till ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOURS IN WALES. Just published, priceigs. in cloth, HIEGH'S GUIDE to WALES and MONMOUTHSHIRE, -LA containing Observations on the Mode of Travelling, Plans of various Tours, Sketches of the Manners and Customs, a DesPription of every remarka- ble place, and a miznute Account of the Wye. Illustrated with a Map of Wales, and Views of the Mfenal and Conway Bridges. Also just nublished, as a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -,\T(CII( to ARI ibI t.L. All Workii of Vainting, 6ctilp tare, or Areliltecture. Intended fer the ecsaaltg EXiIBlITION _at the ROYlAL ACADENI V must he sent In THISl iAY, or by Six o'clocIET0-SIOR- B sX Y& rNIVNG, after whick tlnme none cam possibly be received. True litrcuiati9ns necessary Loi be obrerved may lie obtaiiedi at the Royal A,~deny- HEFNRY HO WARD, R.A. Sec. Evr po~ssilhe care ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~vI ~tt o AR- IS1. Al Workil of Painting, Sculp. I ~ o Ari~iectre inandri erthe evenMiZI FXHIRtITION at the I l~taL CAIF'3Y, t~tbe inby IX O'clock THIS EVENING, after The lirral~tet~ orceeary to e oboered may Ile obtained at the 'Royal lat iletO0tttitl care wvill he taken of Wtorkcn tent for ExhItitioll hot the itoyal ,111rr miirt 1all Itaself aeI rrtahle in any Csta Otf ;jinirty or log.. Fit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~}iE THAMS TUNNELnear Rotherhithe Church, I an epoele te ed ofOldGrael-ane on the Wapping uid# of' the .Riee.N~i~eIaherbygivn, ha th Pbli oavylew the rannel every day (Sundys eceptill, hornEigh in te Moning 1nri Seven In the Evening. tpenpayentaf Oe 'hilingbr ech er'n. he Tonnel Is lIghted with Gas. ~s ry ~dwar, nd he ctantleiry sfe and tasy Htalirea. walo, r-bll r JA.ES. arck7Li, Cirri to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ji i -jt, ra t IININ b C1i1a ut)Cd O101aCt'VLtIC Chiurch, ayi -P-Ie'ttthe en.d tfat Oil ravl I-lane, on ti-a 'Aapolit m itie of the jaa I-e1.1 ~r-,b kd i-, a iaat thie Pul ilt m lay ,iew th r. i'lnelau every riay (soby Enceite atri I 'tn tie Mit- cavilotl ai~i S~7ne Ill the Eveulng ,P~ js111- ,t a'iie 101ilig fr,* each Peetrao. 1I~e T-ra'ins lightild with ooa,,, I,, tartan'd -eM. 'irtI the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ThSTRESS in IRELAND.-Th~e COMIMITTEE ap I DPOinted ait at PUB LIC IN!IIETING, helId On the 24th of Altarch lasi, at the HAln1in1hOnse, In the~ Cit7 of tLodoti, t Ott ight Honourable the L.03RD MIAYORIn the Chair,fI'rthe purpoae of adopting temporary mneasurtio cailcu- lated to relieve tio presolng DTlit'RESS. exioting fin IRELAND, deem it to be their indispensibie dttty to oubmuit the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mHBE THAME~S TUNNFLI, near Rotherhithe Church, and oposite he en of Ol Orars-lane on Ott %Aa) ogside oat the Is hereby gven, that he Putrilsmay, View the TE1'zinell every' day D: (tafll]75 exceted], iron, Emi In the MorningUntil Seveit In the Evct Ing, % ~ poyrocrt td one ShlI~lig ti~r eai'h Pt r-~r litu T , a ik l lighted with (ias, Li lodCY~fl warm, wl the escent s hyasae and easy citaleae. ...