Advertisements & Notices

... TIlE ONLY *p1 LINiTN WVAREHOUSE IN-HL, t- R L 1 A t 64, uAtnirv1T-PLACR, 'YORi{AN & CO. Irish Linen Manufacturers, are 'i:@ 'w Selling 4.4ths and 7-8ths Linens, Lawns7 -:-& Daa sk. and Diaper. Table Linen i_24llklas, Ill rk0^'5 '1'owellins, Tickings, Checks, &c- which, 1 '1 n;sn~cticd by th~emn, are of a genuine Grass ! d rttiroly free front any Cbemical Procesi of 3dr iii' r 1(01 iertllY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M1I1. DONROCHEUS SEMINATRY, 58, AUNGTR,11-sTRLET. A T an Examination ill Siactid Ilistori-, Cateclism, &c., held A I o ll Tursday March 51st the following Youtig Gentlemen were au(judged Prem:ums, ?? l'aircloug'h. ?? VVoods Duncan, Grasbrook Smitb 1r O 1N~al24I utcainlighacnm Alotuai 1Dralle 12du t Neill : O'N'eil '2dus CI~y lionis, Cuflev 2dus, 0'ei ius The undernamed obtauined Piemniums for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /mLIEATREtE-RE -R:- Mr. Weekes, who is en aged for a few [s PR^ESENT CHUlSDAY, April IB, MgSl,. the per ff forteantes will comaence with tbe omsc Piece of /J;L ° M;AIN(EUVRtING. Ajr which (for the second time) Mozart's Coiic Oxekof cost FAN TUTTIl or, TIT FO^R TAT.: 'fhe Opera produced under the direction of Mr. W. PeIson. o Feranldo, dMr. MIelrose; Don Gulielmo,. Mr. Bedford- oii pli^O DMr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A if 'iff W . t;~ t fl i fg U'iff I i iit ''f,.iiff'iffiif . if ?? iff' ififf if ifif.' ii, IQ; tri' if'lfi'f'fi Ir ii fi f ii i ''If i 'if ,if ' i f if is iffi tf' III; Io t ?? . ak h if,' Y% Ailinh me itf ?? I JAI.~ ~ ~ V r.Alr(1f if - if 'fffiE'f i :if i t ?? i i'fifi'ri * M if 'if~r St r A'ii trr ti'~ II' 'is ' ?? 'if. if~ ?? ifa hif ~~'iiawi~~iy bv :De~ if' ?? ?? ik; t I fffifI . , if ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e ---P b S; a PURECK-STONT1W ENA C~ t ROYAL ENGeNVEnE's O'rrICE, POarSs UTIo'f, 15is April, 1831. UCH Persons as are desirous of Supplying PUR. t S BECK STONE, for the service of the Engineer I I k)epartnment at Portsmouth, or any place within the C Isle of X ight, for Three Years, determinable at any . period afier the expiration of one year, on either party I giving three months' notice in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? I - -= Ad me zociety o0 zerleus. I3)ORO 16GII OF NEWWPORT. m - 'OTICE is hereby ?? his Alklesty's st GENERAL SESSIONS and GE N E R A L J QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE for the Bo- y rough of Newport, in the Isle of Wight, in the County 9 sof Southampton, and the Liberties and Precincts there- (A of, will be holdce at the Guildhall of within and for ha the said Boyough, on'Tuesday, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROUGH OF CONWAYA.-.-: TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Black Horse, in the Town and& B3orouch of Conway, iil the County of Carnarvonin Tues- day, the 26th lay of April, 183i, between the hours of three anal five in the altertoon, subject to such conditions of sale as will be then pro- djuced: - ?? LING.HOUSE called the BLACK J HORSE, with the Shop, Brenhouse, Stable, Garden, &b. Wblon ingto it. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... u w tl)D b\ , Somerset House.-Notice is hereby gum,, That th,, 1'XIIBI1lION ,viil OPEN -n bonday enext,,, the2d of Blay, ~ .. v~ '~iolz . dm as on ne S Ii og.itlaagite 0 e Sil ing. HENRY HOWARD. EL A. Sec. n sd stttlertt may recolve tbhelr Ttckcntt and Catalogues, by apply- Oae At .t leTIY ott MOnDa'y. Rtter tw',elVe. t'sP'2ND1)GROUPIS of SCULP~TURE in FREE- .,~~ ~NP.-NiiW RxliITI'rNQ, at. NO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBY IMPROVE' lA'IFTT ACT. NOTICE is hereby Given, that the Annual N General Meeting of the Commissioners under the Act of Parliament passed in the sixth year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled ' An Act for better paving and otherwise improving the Borough of Derby, is appointed and will be held at the Guild Hall, in Derby aforesaid, on Saturday, the 30th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * NO HISTAK9-118ISFORMJ IN' PRICES. l pIENobility, Gentry, and the Public wtill-make nio mistake al T IEn-patircnlsingthe celebrated. peculiar Steel TABLE CUT- in LERY, -which, besides being very silperiort in qu~ality and finish, In re ?? at the very lowest wholesale prices (however small the qua-im at~ city tsken',lby MEFGtI, No. 4, Leadenhall-street, the fourth houtes frora Coruihlill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pil C' t3F lRISH SrOCKS ON TUEDAY. . C, or Cent ?? . . . . Ditto fle(,I . . . . . . . . a..- Dto,3h. 4 At (Hera Ce1212. t! 1 ). . . . . . . ?? 1 Pa'A!k stjc- ?? ?? G razlll CaIIA;, Del) '1 ia le:Ut, r . . .e . ?? ?? . . . . .~e ?? .I . W I:X~g C(otr l ;.,Iy ol. 5t 1 .fI a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :-fEATRE-ROYAL 'BOX-RPER'S BENEFIT. / r 1.S SIARlKEY has tlile. honour of announcing t1t his 8j13 NI I1'will take place oa THURSDAY Evening, i~e '28111 of Aparil, 1831, when will be 'produced a diversity of teost favourite Entertainments. pl triculara will be imm~ediately announced in future Bills. ' ckets and Places to be llad of Mr. Sharkey, at the Box Of- lcor.t No S0, lilldare-street. -P ...