Advertisements & Notices

... 1=0- ?? i-, i. i_ ^ Ad L ' - rl ~~ ' ?? 0 i111LRTRAD tweR. 'o ?? the ita eo May. 6It CALCLTTA. - - Tbe Fine Ship ALiliON, * Roamalil M'Laon. Colnmanlkf: i T .tos, wehknoin to be a reinsbly fast sailing npttd, aW a favoagite eonreyantce with pyigers. 13er cabins ms~ apa , each fitted up with a PateptAtlr Port, and other eon- Vsiiaigtes'ii4 sihe carriesatt ?? terms of to fedht or ?? with plant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QULiI *. RED UCED 'Ps 3RJGE&~ * 1i.43-BAC DO., ts.-CI HILDREN, TO L &ASL - a;.; Is. 0 SALOON, vi5, GRlA17TOVS-S1FTll~, f the ti gbht Ilonourable the Lord Aror. , 'e C'esio~ Of til( CIOsitari of thes TIheatre ftoyal, OrCAT,- (Ib becu prevailed on by several of his 'FIrends to 1115lroip vvl;)(Thursday). anid every Evenling during USl i;}il~~l1;iher will appear in the interesting arid popular ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATRE-ROYAL. MIR. S.TAPLETON (Treasurer) sctfully to antounlce, that his BENEFIT will take- e>XGS 0 IiROW EVENING. T ULSDAY, Mllay1 -),vgitOch 0casion the performances will commence with the ft et THE SLAVE. -of Surinam, Mr. Shtiter; Colonel Lindenberlb Ir GOVc51IO c cifito, Mr. Alehrose, iii which he rsiiig f ',COII J I, eer my aching heart, The lest wordsof Mar. , oh ncounufme dead in my ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY LLELCTiON. Comrndittee fo r the Eloctioin of the Conisti- tutl i1 CM(;idlaesr foeel hound in Justice to thernspds- as ivell as to tbe cruso in whichi they are engiged, to set tlr Ij right %%ith respcoct t,) an irsitjiotis and most Linfiundll article hich oppeared in tile F veoli;. Pac! et Ne soapt of #rtutiav. I bat J Ourns:al v ie Il hS lithk rto affectekl to trapot t th CSil. Stitution ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TDIE INDEPEI EDVNT ELECTaORz OF TllE COUAX GENeTLgM~rTN, OF CARLOW. U R latriot King, anid his orilightened, virtuolls, aable 1 iMinisters, call aloud for the vigtorous support of all clisesa of his MsjMae-ty' Subjectr. Ycou have sulru4o1ned mie to the breach. J obey vorir call.- Yioa demand my servioeri at this eventful crisis. Should I have the honour of being chosea by you, to the utmost ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEN:ERAL ELECTION. COUNTY ANTRIM ELECTION THE FRIENDS of g0 ELFAST and GENERAL O'2lEIT are fuested to MEFT themn at the HUSTINGS, at M WKFERGus, on sA- TURDA Y tie 21st May. F U (34G , COUNTY OF ANTRIMV ELECTION. A T a Meeting of the FRIENDS 6f LORD BELL A FAST, held in the EXCHANGE-lROOMS, May 18, 1831, WILLIAMt TENNENr, Esq. Chairman, the follow. ing Resolutions were unanimously adopted Ist. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTHAMIPT6N.REF'ORM DINNER. r HE FRIENDS Oil REFORM intend-to DINE I Tat thle Loig-Rooms, onl Thursday thle 26th ANay, to celebrate the resurt) to Parliament of ARtTHUR I ie ATHERLEY aild JOHN SrostRY PENLEAZE; Esqrs. It. 5TEVAiIIDst Air. Thn K~ing Alr. John W. Drew I r.Nichole Mir. WVilt Ai r, Rubi 'Ar. Will. liamer, jun. Id Altr. Roe Mr. ?? he Ar. Josep~h lIIill, jo n. 111r.sJohn Wren Mir. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~Th~4~I~6YA L ECJNCE -N ESPSENTI'AL PUBLI1,1C (GOOD, positively ivithujit Dpvepiitmlot..0~'Cie IHEAO-ACtIE Nttri'd In less thitin Three I Mittutetl, by MANNING'S AIAtTA EXO0TIC. NothlrlylitVan be ((11)1 deoervi Ill. of pu bile clulldertee ii tidI pittromn~ge thou, thle yyl fiaet of the Propr'ietrlr'sotenerlbg t o cure the ((Bile ted grat-is ristra. liitlntit roijuir ing themt to purcbsee even ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , .X1ETER - i .l E '.:>WESCOMJ3,f Boow ?? ,HO-^,AXtRj, .N .: 39, HI1GHi- STTEET.. oP ITa 'Wi Fbsu- MA.xorT, most respectfullyreitris his iducere and ?? thanksto the Nability, 0etiry, his FlIehids and the Pulw generally.f'or ihe distibgulshed fatbrs he blaw already so libeb. ?? sjicceedlng to thle iBuaines&'ttfMrs. PmtwIll : late Vhlit City.; ?? begs to jnform to4 .with'the asistahee of an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR IROTTERDAM, The A. 1. Schooner G 9XA: Pl~l:GRIM, : JAMES OWEN, Master; A Tegular Trader. .Hull, Maiy 27, 1831. JOHN HALL, North End. FOR SALE, FlilE good Sloop O.P.Q. 45 Tons Burthen T per Register. For further Particulars apply to FRANCIS HAwosrTI,,the Owner, No. 2, North Walls, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, 'At JlMessrs Nicholas flurry s Son's 0ice, No. 4, Tithe- barnze-Street, Liverpool, oa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %a .AltNA*VV'8 XVOC'RII ZN POLITIOAL 1CONOWTm. N UMEROUS Applications having been made for .s'inqle 'Fickets of Admission to these Lectures, the Pub- lic are iitormed that they will be accommodated with Such 1 o Aplication to the l~ibrrial of the Literary and Philosophical Sleay, oil te folloiwiang Terms :-Members of that Society, i. d.; other Persons, Ss. Tickets for the Remainder of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENT. rl' '1'dinburgh,20th May 1831. MIVer Alacillah having, in a letter published in your paper _ of yesterday, as a reply to Mr Aytoun's communication of if .14h inst. stated, that lie had received the foulest abuse ?, ?? Brodie for mdrely. demanding the purport of the it hostile massage from Mlr Aytoun, we deem it necessary tow declare, that the cause of oftnce was most distinctly ...