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Advertisements & Notices

... MIR. BROUQHI, ?? respectfully to announce to his Friends and the Fapblic that ls BENEFIT, NVILL TAKE PLAC&. I sF.NT 1:VENING, (I\Ionday), 'Bay ed, 1t, 11 ion nvwill be performed the Opera in Acts, on Ji~cj otccsl BRlITISHt TARS; Or, for England ho S addle, Mr. Browne; Captain Laurel, Mr.' Bed- Sitrji Altie?, Ir. Melrose; Guillaume, Mr. Cooke fd; Di0 .lr. 13 rough; MissEleanor Arruidel, Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GIENF11E.RAL EILECTION. '0O TIlE ELECToRS OF TilE ClIY OF DUBLIN. jY the recent dissolution of Parliament the King has sp* ?? pealed to his people onl a question deeply interesting to Us all. Warmly and stedfastly attacrbod to the principles of thle British CVUnSistiton I feel most anxious for its stability, which l am persuaded will be' most effectuaily secured by correcting its abuses. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GZNXSW.AL ELECT1ON. TO THrg GENTLE;MEN, CLERGY, AND FREEHOLDERS OF THE COUNTY OF ANTRIM. GENTLEM5EN, benpe]dt HIIS Majesty.,havirg been graciously pleased to prorogue the Parliament with a view to its immedliate Pas Dltssolution,' 1 take the eatliest opportunity of again !| ny 9ffiing moyself as ,$Ca~ndid~ate for the ?? of frepre- I in Piarliamrent. :.of - ' Ilhope I hiave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .i SElNERAE LLECTU()N. 'TO TIlE ELECTORS OF 'I'E CITY OF OUBLIN. the recent dissolution oif Parliament the King as ap. pealed to his people on a qlnestion deeply Interesting to rll. Warmly aul stedfistly' mtttauled to the priaciples of the British Constitution, I feel most an:ious for its stability, which .t a. persuaed v.ill be most efibctuaflly seured by -correcting its abuses. I abhor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROY~ROYAL. ?? ?? '!)1§ G RBOIrS S AND MR. MAED`ER -- '-«dfl tol annoutle to tbe Nobility,.Geantry, and 'czt6ROM- ' the Public,. that their BENEFIT ThUS EVEN ,IN, May 3rdf 1831', when will be wpll,00tt ph erformed the favourite Opera -of PTHK DFEVI'S BRIDOE. f t Ba~elino, E ?? in which, character he av' sitg, Conn . is 3ll soft expressive fac3 ; -*Though Lovrd vr , 13etl intere a heart that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE - C:-FNTLEMEN, CLERGY, A ND FlIEEHOlLDERS, -OF THE COUNT} OF ANTRIMl, G E 2;T LE'M N T-HE expeditionnwith which 1 have 'travi41cd from London, as far-as'tbis place, in anxiety to have the honor of paying' yon my persor-al restects at ihe earliest possihlc. mometn aftecrthe Dissnlinion Of fParliamenit,J has brough.4 onnan ililesA, 'Which at present covfiles me to my room, and ?? my ...

TO SirStephen IMay,

... Sovereign of eliast. WE, the undersignetl inhabitants.-of Belfasti' deply W. impressed by the firmness displayed, by our Patriot King, and deeply grateful for the promptitude witl which His Majesty has Dissolved a Parliament determined to main- tain the Corruptions of the Constitution, do request you to Convene, on an earlv dav, a MEETING of the INHA- BITANTS of rhis TO WN, to take into ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | A ._RE-ROYAL. 7'l . -py 'if F OF MIISS FIANMILTON AND AIr. lmsPRESliNT WEDNESDAY, Mlay 4, 1831, will as th pera of 113 Og oY MACGTREGOR , i j .,derick \'li1, MsIr. Wells ; Usilie Nicol Jarvie - i 1ei Mcgregor ~Campbell, Mr. Calcraft; Fr 0 t8 lsb tols I ^°i. B3edf'6ord Rasbley Osbaldistone, DIr. 7 tii)tlstnp 3X1fD, ian Vernor,, liiss Harnilton. uor avliich the Comic Interlude of BO01III ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL ELECTION. TO THE ELECTORtS OF TPIE COUNTY DUBL1N. Hg Dissolution of Parliamneut has agaiit placed in' yoir F I baends thle trust which you did me the honour of couliddingf to me last August. I feel that I returu it unsullied. It gratifies c me to find thbt my vote on the important questionri ?? is e Sinctionud by thls declared approbation of m t, o 4ituents. Should I be so fortunate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'TTATRE-ROYAL. I - the last appearance but one of the Bohemian Brothers, 'Sit ' piRESENT THURSDAY, May 5, 1831, will be p erformed the Opera of P TH4F k,,iE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO. iva, ir King; Fiorello, AMr. Bedford; Figaro, (:Oull , lhru'bino (the Page), Mliss Coveney ; Antonio, 11lr lrsMfl0 sutins, Miss Betts. l After the Opera the BOHEIMIAN BROTHERS l r in their National Costume, anid will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION: PROFIT RENT. MOORE a. DULGENAN $ WIra. TO BE SOLD BY AUTCli'6,;\ By Order of the AdmiliSti-atrix of the late Johin Moore, Esq., deceased, pdrsaiant to the ?? Order or bis Im.1j sty's I-igh Court of Chancery in Ireland, bearing date the s6 y of July 1D830, At the Sale Room, AN. 1i, Upper Ornltnd-quay,4 On THIS DAY, At the Hour of One o'Clock, Afternoon, A LL the right, title, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tbBENEFIT of )ir. i-. COOKr, SIr. M. STANLE far tbpFitC, as.s CIIAL1MLRS, Mass BARRYI d 5 hS pESXNVI FRIDAY, May 6, 1831, will e per- ~Fr5i~econtedv Of i foSrmeND tbR ; 'or, rI{E IRISHMAN IN NAPLES. FS ?? r. M1 Stanley; Lealto, sIr. Ii. Cooke (,'otint I. r aly; Juliana, Miss jrer Marchess Veterits, After :li Mis is Ilarry will sing The Boys of Kilkennya ?? of tr. ee favourite Interlude of ...