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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... - -NOTICE. U3OSE Persons wvho have Claims against the deceased Mr .L R. J. STRANACI, late Lithogrphlic Painlter uil Aber- E 'deent arc rcquested to lodge the sanse, Iproperly touched, within fionth from this date, with John Fleming, advocate, 1, Maris- 'Sfreet; aal thoss persons lwho ate due accosunts, are re.- ' oieste4 to Pa y the sanme to IL' Flemoing, Within said period. Ae'i~esdeen, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To W/c (credhora Qf (hle df .t',wri ?? G.2ES flosS. Creditors of MI,:S 3tOSs itr requeisted to ?? .. Me ii, it) lie. hil iti li ouster's Hotel liere, (il AfuiiiaN the 300 AfLv ii xt, for examining, Cte general dispotinee5 hit ii` Iliimsuimiwi ilthe ?? ~'dcail proparlatorv tII a d(listirili offthe' II tils bohriti wdtte. Its tht,! at itc otitni, it is r ~iwtcd.i tiat siuch of tli tireditos it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a, = = Ill CARD. 1' e- . T ISS SAUNDERS begs to returil her most grateful thankls give cr to the Itlhabitants of KIrITIr, and Vicinity, for the liberal ij patroaige tbey have so long conferred upon her, ltad respectfillyv - intimilates that she has just ireturited fioI the Market wit lba ver - elegant selection of GOODS,-consisthug of Black and Coloured , SILKS; PALMERINO DRESSES ; GAsUSE anld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET AT 1VIURTLE, Dl.' '011 lrABLEI FARMl.1 CIROFTS, AND) SUMMIGR LODGINGS. FH Farmi of UPPER MAINS of MNURTLE,-consist- ?? i hr of about 30 acres, of very siuperior andcon oli (i'I1,1tij CItti (tltttitIou, to bsr let 0il Lease, it ith Divelliigoseat Olibe-s. It 1-oltrlul be ?? suitable for ainy proi~il~I iii n t ?? wvith at FaLIiSl. 'Vs oCROFTS, of 10 acres cacti, of ?? soil, Iaigbe vs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ROAD COWTIACTORS. C ONTRACTORS a'e wa\tedl, for KEEPING in REPAIR, for the period of One, 'Two, or Three Years, from the Ist day of May curt., the lload from Aberdeen to Skene, as divided into the Lots or Divisions after specified, viz ;- Lot Ist~-Frosi Aberdeen (including both bramches) to the 2d . . 'Mile Stone. - 2d.--4rom the 2d to the 10th Mile Stone. - -'From .the 10th to the 111th ...

111 the Press, and s

... preedily wtill lie Published, Itn one volume, octavo. By 1VA~T:6 Ie nd I-, Es, 2, Huniter Square, andI 31, Hanover Street, Ediniburgh. S~tINjtM;S ON' Vi'A5IoUS SUBIJECTS OF CHRIUSTIAN DOCTRIN~E ANt) 'ItACTICI. By the -liw. GimeC.E GAflIocle, Minister of Wlldiam. Ei This day is~ Published, vilth inn ,nerouS Plates, 58. FAMILY LIBRARY, it No. XXII. e Being thle LIVES of SCOTTISH WORTHIES., i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AB3ERDEENSHIRIE 7:10r9I TIC rzruiiiz SOCIETY. V ~1HE11 Second Compet(itionl of the Soctiety for the C _X leetvetr Avill take itlace, oil Werdhssdgty CaO Wm~e, thre 2ts5th 1,ist. hi the Hall of the New lInn, of' T Articles for Competition lit this time ate- tI tI T~thps, Rannetises; Anemonies , Pe~th/4tda- Bouttle SIeV/n8 ; Dwin/dc ifaf/li/wer Strait- tie 6esm-4'sa ,.Azcilias; with stich other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M RS MASIE,~n ntitatiy th arival of MIssMSS ir.,J stet o ILI~ll'adi)ESPA 71TERjArS,,will, Ju stM ouh lasre stntt het io nspection on Thursday TI f r . U c TON ST E~T, May 17, 1831. N1 w of ,fISSEiS GREIG recsprt'.ft/pilly i~/t f/taj. /thy /tave just CI M receivlerl fronz ?? oN, at Selection of F1'aohionaa/le 3 T/'t'A ,LGjIORNA, and STRA'W BONNETS. G A/so. PA 1TTERNS inl MIL LINE'RYI, DRESSES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ThEl CLUS WI I lEETS ini the Poitic; ibo-AYS,' owP T6'idlay the lid of June but it next. Business ait half-past foeiei IDisvres' exactly at fire for Z o'lc.Aberdceen, MeW 125, 1831. Ablers Io'clock.whoai IPAkH11-i LORD PROVOST and MAGISTRATES have usueft Try, JL ?? comigratishelug their Fellow-Citizeeti upisn tie an st'ts's'y std regutils' Conduct which prevailed fin the immnensetour ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~TRE BALIANCE or POVWER. Denoionlstrlllm flhlit the REFORM12 BILL or EIrl GREY it Fa' It Handi 15 nitist inl 1'rftwiplo, awil would prove thle 1i00N nof till' British1, Constitution1. lIM To h.Il laid of, A. BniOwlN & Co., aiid LimWIS Smunt~, Bronod rt eoet ; tint J10itN, iKlol, Untioii Streoot.TI By tile Rev.. Dr. XidCL 7MN HE C~om 111 I tA2AA of OinNVli t' t ntlflh)ouict to Alk ,th'el I111 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... who hals : S'PR th Apr il xPrS. to take 7IHE following NEWSPAPERS are to be disposed of, at As thi3s, L.. IIalf~pricc:_ ich Ita The Couitirn. The Dunisas EVENING curious The Sux. POST. isclaims The GLOBE. . The DultsiitiEs COUriER. Apply at the AT'sE u .NI. Ppear to - GIERT R n1 COllseO GILBERT sus- ad been B EGS most respectfully to intimate that he has Opened that Loon re. t SHOP, No. o, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1c,'IGF-I'T utill t'ttititlt'ii'i II C( )ITllSh( of ?? Cl CIII iii0 DISMS.NSiIS' Ni~ ( on ilB'T'A2\ s, lin itl~atchtytl Otllit ull itt ?? AtetV e Fritityi, attil'Sutitialys, till Slci bt- ?? to il'oiatotptly Site Coiitv'~t, mnty lie hadti itt Mosts A. liroslt Q., coiAri,2,1W.1 ?? iti lit' inl (Litie's tstre 1itout flena. li 'I i'ti, i'tt'ta .C iii ?? 'W'tno -it'l'it', Si . I V . liii 2. ...