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Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... rbY Improvement Act, ihe 1reby Given, that the Annual General *(5.t c(olnfmissiofters under the Act of Par. ^ rleet'fe thle Gh year of the reign of his late Majesty hc thch, intitlled An Act for better paving 11fieOtge 2proving the Boroughi of Derby, will be lhrfert~ent at the Guild Hall, in Derby aforesaid, ire bs dWj 4th day of 1%lay instant, at eleven o'clock i >,c roreenott J. B. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. ROWLAND BREAREY. Superfine West of England Black, Blue, Brown, and Olive Broads; Black, Grey, and Drab Kerseymeres, Cotton Cords, White and Coloured Drills, Quilting and Valencia Waistcoating, &c. &c. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. ROJV'LAI D BREAIREY, AT tINS Ro00ts, 13, CoRN MARKET, DERBanY, On Wedaesday & Thursday, the I 1 th & 12th of May, 183o1, The sal. to commence at half after ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the NAYOR and BURGEsSES, Of the BOROUGH of- DERBY.. GEENT LEanI1N, I Beg to return poue my sincere thanks for the honer you have done me in eegaie electing me to the honorable station of one of your Represeuztatives in Parliament. And I assure you that my utmost eaertiones slhall be used to pro- mnote the success of the great cause ofR Reform, and that it shall be my earnest endeavour by an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. GEORGE ROBINS. CHELTENHAM. Tbirlestaine House, on the skirts of the town, and on the Bath road, the most distinguished Freehold Mansion in this admired neighbourhood, with corresponding offices of every description, and its admired grounds ; com. pleted very recently in extraordinary good taste, and an outlayof nearly 100,0001., by JamesRobert Scott, Esq.- By Air. GEORGE ROBiNS, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PELIICAN LIFE ASSURANCE. OFFICES, Lombard Street and Spring Gardens. Establsished ill 1797. DTRECTOR S. Matthinq Attword, Esq. lilY. P Jaioes A. Go rdon, Esq. M.D. J.1n Cuope,, Esq. Esq, %Viillium Caotton, Fsq. F.R.S. Jirhit Haves, Esq. William Stanley Chlolie, Esq. Wm lleygate, Esq Aldlermnar. F. R. S. J. Petty iaisprui. Esq. William I)aeis, Esq. William Sandler, Esq. Sir Ciarrles Flower, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHEREAS a Commission of Bankruptis awarded W and issued forth against JOHN WHI'TE, of Higham, in the county of Derby, chandler, dealer and chap- man, and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Coin, mission named, or the major part of them, on the 23d day of lay instant, at the King's Head Inn, Dufflield, and on the 24th day of May ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED, BDY a Young Man, a Situation as CLERK, X TRtAVELLER, or ASSISTANT in some Commercial House, where be can make himself generally ?? Advertiser is of decided respectability, can give the most undeniable references as to character, &c.; likewise security, if required. Letters addressed (post paid) to T. S. Mlercury Office, Derby. F'astening, Filling loose and decayed Teeth with Mineral ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A. S. 1A$SIJE. eopnertfully informs the Ladics of Derby it ' eighboutrhood that she is returned from slow of FASHIONS for the Sunmmuer 'I' bjerr,~esday thle 18th instanit. reteP On OasGte, Derby, May 10, 1831. -j. and 1-. LEWIS FrrLl,'t acknolvlctlge tbe numerous favors ,- : gA received. and beg leave most respectfully theY I dies of l)erby and its vicinity that their p5 o ,e ll he open To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f3Y EYREt AND { o HATS, HOSIERY, & THE SALE BY AIJCTION, BY VTW AND SON, (Without Reserve,) Upon the Premises of Mr. J. F. DAVENlPORT SOa1 Derby, el, IF the valuable&ExtensiveSTOCI>;? 1 of fHats, Hosiery, Gloves, Worste4,C a will be continued To-morrow, Thursday, tie l tlt the sale to commence each morning at half~past ° To Stone Masons, Builders, C TO BE SOLD BY AUCTIO, 3 MYR E SON, (By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONGREVE'S GOLDEN BALM. FonR CHILnPREN CUTTINO TtEIt TE0RH, &C. CONUR EVh's GOLDEN BALM.-Many thoutsand C children are atinually carried offiin fits anid cotvidstiotts, arisig utuil the acute aRd insupportable aniuishl of the ten der Gumsdariug tihe period of'Dentitiort,orCuttinigoileetli- no remedy having hiiherto been found successlully tocounter. act the ittlalntioun vi ich accorrtpanies it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cupF's FARkERS' FRHM~lv, F t fow acknowledged by thowrandii of respecinble .5.Farners, (ansossg siumierris prourls sri irs eacli Agesrt lieas a list o I Cases soft, R. Tenrets, Esq. of' l-rorrsfreld, trear Ludltow, 'ror whorns it i s as evei since Mrichsaelmas lass, horses, cowis, caives, asid laorbhss) as tire best asid roost effics- cioris Mledicinre ever discovered finr thle cure ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To be 'Sold, IHandsome modern Town.builtLANDAULET; A has been very littleused, and is in excellent condition. Application to be made to Mr. llooN. Stationer, Ash. bourn; if by letter, post paid. FREEHOLD PROPERTY AT DUFFIELD, # NE.R& DP:nUT. To be SOLD by PRI VATE CONTRACT, * Neat and commodious HOUSE in good repair, pi' pleasantly situated in the VilIfage of DuFFrELD, S0 justly celebrated for ...