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Advertisements & Notices

... 1=0- ?? i-, i. i_ ^ Ad L ' - rl ~~ ' ?? 0 i111LRTRAD tweR. 'o ?? the ita eo May. 6It CALCLTTA. - - Tbe Fine Ship ALiliON, * Roamalil M'Laon. Colnmanlkf: i T .tos, wehknoin to be a reinsbly fast sailing npttd, aW a favoagite eonreyantce with pyigers. 13er cabins ms~ apa , each fitted up with a PateptAtlr Port, and other eon- Vsiiaigtes'ii4 sihe carriesatt ?? terms of to fedht or ?? with plant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KING'S ElETHDAY. PUBLIC DINNER will be given, on Mornlay net%' at the York i-itel, to celebrate the Birthday of cir t1 ?? and patriotic King Ti.!ket., Five Shillings each, to be bad at the flar Of tllo York Hotel, until Ten o'clock tu-morrow, night. Dinner to be on the Tahle at Five odc'k'ck precisely. This day is published, price Tw. Shillings, e EV~P iATIONS et VISIONS touchant ls Poticque ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZANZlRX9;UP'STOC3-,GPLEAT SAECtRZFCE- I. & C. F. MIRFIN, (TWE BEE 1T[VE) No. 21, St. ANN'S-SQUARE,. MANCHESTER, 1) ~SPEcTF UL L r.Y inforil the Public tbat they. have purchased, Of the awignees, the FasiliC, ExtenI sive and truly lWluable STOCK of ROBERT HOSKIN. No. 21, Piccadilly, Mamchestek, a Baunkrupt.-The Whole of the above Stock will be removed to No. 21, St. Ann's-square, and Sold ~ll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIE COMMITTE(E of the HOUSE&S0Kip, The O AT0Nrespectfully request their felinir.trwr,5n teFREEMEN OfLiverpool, wvill. 055!lb-devent rif Ani'th,, gie, tion, cordially and actively CO-OPERATE in therndqO, return to Parliament a Member Who will -stand PLr ?? e,O ~Lp PORT the Important and salutary BILL for PLEDFORI ?? brought Into Parliament lay his ?? Ministers. They eartiestip entreat all those ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JZ) GEORGEL P'ENNY, / ,fMECHAN IC, No.,8. Walton-street, Pts onD, TN acknowledlging with gratittude thbeencburagement he L has received since he commenaced business at the above place, begs announce to his friends and the public generally, that lie still continues to make and repair ,Ma- chines of various descriptions, such as Electrical and-other small Machines ; :Apparatus for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !DAWING,_PAINTING, &d. R. CARLYILE 1,ESPECTFULLY announces to his Friends and the R6public of Prestonl and its neighbourhood, that he has retl from his late residence, Spring Bank, to No. 109, rishergaete, vhere be continues, as heretofore, to paint Iilliatures, and to give Lessons in Drawing and Painting. II. C. further begs to inform the Public, that he purposes rpri'ig on the 30th ult., A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPLENDID ANDdiXTENSI VE SALE OF CUINAA, GLASS; EARTMHENW-ARE A6. A ihe 'Corn Ertlciange, Preston.. Messrs. JOHNI ROSE C& Co T)EG to announce tol the Vublik OMt orM vonrlay ibe B 3ojh Mlay. 1831, andfl,,ve'foliowipg d1itys' IMIr. WRIEN Will SELL, by, kt R t oIeilQck, iA c removeidhotst r sr ve, e \o va Sale,-The ornatnertal Soock; fstd Part e the above, nre lately received, and being cltite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NIS rdA.JBSTY'S nEXTE1.DAy. E 'vill be a DINNER in lionol of His M.Ijestysi iirth-DSV, at t he Mnor Court Room, Manchester, - tdav tia instant. at half- past Four o'clock. i traCIC ARD pOTTER, Essq. in the Chair. STEWARDS. F it. Atkiuson, Andrew Hall, *William i8arratt, '(eo. Heywood, 4 E dwvard~ Beater, William Hunter, Pobaert B%nneti, Chas. Jackson, Soir. 1Robert BLntItng, ..tirmrod Ths ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7/) TLOP SIN FISHRERGATE. TO0 LETI, ; E cFLL1rNT LODGINGS, at 48,.Fishergate, com- iitingo Room, Parlour, anl Four Btd Rlonms P t e e esiols 'A Stable aud Coach Hluse if re- ..I In the first impressions of the Chi onicle last week, a jefr out in giving the number of children er'utated cyplteX 'il'lc Schools of this town. Instead of 110 it should ll~ ,thee 1.1at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n /t/RALPH DEWHURST, )f /AUCTIONIEER, JOHfN STREET, PRESTON, H AS just received a ficslh Consignmentof FANCY ;t X r PAPFRS & BORDEIS, of the newest and moist prevailing Patterns, anti printedl on the new improved 3, Patent Paper, without the least seam or joint, which is a great improvement to any room when papered, andI eqially as cbeap as those in the old style of work. The higlifst e price ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jAubM, AmirnuEstntst. LIvER T II~TRt CIUC.TET. s, and under Mhe Patroaage gfsercraZ FamiliTes f dltf aetfor n ,I, BLITZ. from Morav111ia. (formerly Pupiel and As- rei T~l 'jrttntheeelebrated lpliladelphiS Professor of ?NIECHANiSM Di ,, gi td its vici~rilty, ?? to allnn 'trri ounchi inSen- &4Lo giin hisefutaien ti tonii LaAY he2t ai ,snd every evening . b theweek, an; d hopes the ueligna- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -A RaiULAl TfADlRzt. To sai on ?? Aip, 4FOR CALCUTTA, The Fine Ship ALBION, t NoRMsAP MLROD, CompRlander; fluthen 500 tons, well knowvn to be a remarkably fast sailing i'esabol, and a fav~ourite conv~eyance wi1th pasaeeos. Her esbmsn are sptacious. each ditted up wvith a P~atent Allrlbrt, and other con- Veulence4. and 3he carries an experiencei SuJheon.-.For terms oft freight or pasasge, with ...