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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... UNITED UNIVERSITY CLUB. f HE Annual General Meeting of the Members of T1 the United University Club wvill be held at the Club House, on Saturday the 21st of May instant. The Chair to be taken at One o'clock precisely. By order of the Committee, WL. BOYS, Secretary. Pall Afall East, May 4, 1831. IT INNESS'S superior DUBLIN PORTER, in G Hogsheads, Barrels, Kildlerkins, and in Bottle, may be had ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKDOWNS FARM, a, Freehold, Tithe ffree, & Land Tax redeemed. e, nl BE SOLD BY AUCTION, In To By Mr. INSALL, le At the Bell Inn, in Shipston-on Stour, on Saturday the 21st mn day of May, 1831, at Five o'clock, subject to such conditions o as will be then and there produced,_A very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, Tithe free and Land Tax re- v deemed. situate in the parishes of Ebrington and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' Cou itteeftrniedf'r the purpowse jof promtg ting A, thie Interests of the twxo ?? w11o have )f pledged themselues to support the rneaswere of Reform, ne sanctioned by His M'jesly, and brought foruar*- by c His MJ inisters, is noov sitting at Mr. 'l1unday's, in the Hig-h Street,-; to aid wloich, personal co-operation g and lwritten communications are earnestly solicited. May 6, 1831. TH01MAS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,hi sri hi~ VI tot hi 0' Vt. Itf .1l ato Ir Cs. Fot hr. rd ed A,, red Crl hce rd 'rs lit ?? th I. lir t PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. TOTICE is hereby given, That the Partnership between SARAH HAYNES and JAMES WOOD. WARD, of Oxford, Plumbers and Glaziers, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. It is requested that all claims and demands on the late partnership Le sent forthwith to Air. Cecil, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKDOWNS FARM, Freehold, Tithe free, & Land Tax redeemed. 11'O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, IL By Mfr. INSALL, At the Bell Inn, in Shipston-on-Stour, on Saturday the 21st day of May, 1831, at Five o'clock, subject to such conditions as will he then and there produced,-A very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, Tithe free and land Tax re. deemed:situate in the parishes of Ebrington and Stretton-on- the-Fosse, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Old Man's Leys Fa'rn, Tackley, Oxon. TO be LET,-The above capital STOC K FARM; T consisting of upwards of 340 Acres of excellent Turnip Soil. Poissession of the Turnip Fallows, &c. may be im- mediately had, Application to be made to Mr. Folker, on the premises. r 0o be LET, and entered upon immediately, for XTthree, five, or seven years, NETHERCOT HOUSE, and MANOR of Lewicnor, with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r iO be LET, Bud may be entered uon tinrnediately, ~L~Fta If o'usE, rtear the Tneatre, in Broad- J A conold calculatea for the resid-uce of 3genteel fanlily. the ?? proper is Freebold, aed may be purehassed it refedted.ApplY to Mr. T. Mallam, auctioneer, High. pect_ t * hereby given, that alJ persons who are 1dO rlC ~to the Estaste of the late Mr. JO H N od f ii~lywcl, Oxford, machine-maker, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORDSHIRE ELECTION. 'SUBSCI3IPTIONS for defraying the expences of M Major WVHEYLAND'S ELECTION will continue to be received at the Bank of Alessrs. Thos. Walker and Co. Oxford, until Saturday-the 28th. of May, inst. By order of the Committee, GEORGE CECIL. 5 A. FMOGLEY, Hatter, Ilosier, &c. having retired from business, requests that those Gentlemen of the University who stand indebted to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ible Ten Githwoeio, P'arflr n3 e $TOLEi:N or STRAYED, from a Field at; lev. m th occupation of Mr. .lohn tieager lis, lald Sir Mc ?? ?? o ckh11n e morning, the l4th instant,_A DSRl; B ?? 5 old, about 15 hands eigh, has a stre the face, both hield and the off f'ore fet ulckfit'lite ope sand-crack in the front of eals fore foot, a s 'ub- on the inside of the off fore leg, a little abo telttli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0jJ offa Leys Farm, tackley, Oxon. Oe Ld J -aa he above capital STOCK FARI,; 0I° bel ofpwards of 340 Acrces of excellent Turnip J eovsthon of the rurnip Faliows, &c, may be im Hien 'to be made to Mr. Foler, on the premises. AN-RD ?? 0Uc'r-AoR ~V ppRETI t> GIUN SMlITH, &c._App]y tt Jori i- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S. WINITT&SE1 ERY respectf'ully announces to her friends, the i Ladies oi Deddingtont. and its vicinity, her returl I from London, where she has been selecting the newest FASHIONS in MILLINERY, DRESSES, STRAWS, and a variety of FANCY ARTICLES, suitable for the I sCasoni, which she trusts they will do her the favour to inspect. l S. ?? gratefully acknowledges their kind patronage since I she ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A T a Meetin- Iteldl at OSxfordr on Thursday UbO r AL 12th Of AlIv, 1831,- I. Al as ?esoluevtd that though Lord'.Nurieys IIas not been rte-elcted as one of the Representatives of this County in Par- I liament, it is matter of just congratulation- ?? 1310 free- I holders have been found to support his cause; and that 100t l of that number, by their undivided votes in his favour, have ...