Advertisements & Notices

... GIENF11E.RAL EILECTION. '0O TIlE ELECToRS OF TilE ClIY OF DUBLIN. jY the recent dissolution of Parliament the King has sp* ?? pealed to his people onl a question deeply interesting to Us all. Warmly and stedfastly attacrbod to the principles of thle British CVUnSistiton I feel most anxious for its stability, which l am persuaded will be' most effectuaily secured by correcting its abuses. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Y 1 1it-i-l:. i ANNIJitL i';XA-ILbI- ~ it tiN '.I) I Y II I lIS In WVATERt C0L0 IJ,15 Is. N(%jr 00 1.. nihF~r-t eeeV Day, from LNine till Dusk.-Adl- l'ltF ILD Srelarv rpTi-,E THAMI~ FS TUNNi , near Roth-erhtthe Church E -l j,,deit Ie Of Old rae- C on Lile Wappille itld.. 01 the ~~~ . N~ 1 ,,,v le- th:At lIw' Pa11,tio my view the, fadevery, day .aav, eoerte W 1Cm t It th 'Moninx until Eig~ht ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (F~iERSI., ?? 711E, CARNARIVo.SllIRE S. GF NTLEMNEN-, : -. ,L LCWrv mc Co tfianhk vo most Cordially, fori IA the Suppoult I have received upon. my Can vaes, for the Representation of y.ur oro'JIhBs. Trhe eithusivictic'nuelr in which t have been Aveleomed' is hight gratif' in tb lay own idiat f nelidgs, ad afford.s t meet eccring prosp et of *Stircess, in the furtheranve of ?? lt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GZNXSW.AL ELECT1ON. TO THrg GENTLE;MEN, CLERGY, AND FREEHOLDERS OF THE COUNTY OF ANTRIM. GENTLEM5EN, benpe]dt HIIS Majesty.,havirg been graciously pleased to prorogue the Parliament with a view to its immedliate Pas Dltssolution,' 1 take the eatliest opportunity of again !| ny 9ffiing moyself as ,$Ca~ndid~ate for the ?? of frepre- I in Piarliamrent. :.of - ' Ilhope I hiave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SON Sioil ;~~~~~~~~~ RItCHARDSON, SUAGEOk-DENTIsT, acquaints 2 Ifjiis Friends and the Public, that be continues to i Profession at his Residence, No.,4, Worship. i 'Ii~ orr of Christ Church, Hull, where those who ,'ed 'Cr professional Assistance to supply the loss J GtlirdS, &c. can have them supplied-swithnut Mes 'e$ or rny inconti5ience tlC lhtefler, on very mode. BAI tor. It. 1:v1,ey ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I!. .QUEBEC, - The Ine fast-sailing Ship JOHN, (5 f Toils Rcgister) Vi Josif BulDs1ERt Master; an -ed the MLonleal ; is, from her great size and V Il ' I siftness, the most eligible Ship for Pas- 71 sail siothe 10th May. 01 to tile imaster n board, in the Old Dock; or to ,OHN IIOLLINGWORTH, opposte the Pilot-Offlce, Qaeen-Street. s 1011 OS TB N D,: r I iThe fine A. Brig CHOICE, Capain TIniOTHY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N~r tea TDecree of the Hig cottrt ?? L CaIse Of ;oitr ik dna, (who died in the.mot QIyro~l, ~( r l orbefore thell0th ayo 0.1ob 'o,1'i I 111d prove ?? Ilyfj, W1t' ) one of NV 3suls t thet -1 P i Soltei,.. . .ot freI - tJ119 t ' I _ Ill aW a C11lflrerv Lane, OlIre IIIO.rII. to oi etk'lt' l Flint ,for the sale of WVODI, Sh llit F. tall y I I,.ow eit snerchymedd ond L an. e ?? tll tr tbisytir be t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .i SElNERAE LLECTU()N. 'TO TIlE ELECTORS OF 'I'E CITY OF OUBLIN. the recent dissolution oif Parliament the King as ap. pealed to his people on a qlnestion deeply Interesting to rll. Warmly aul stedfistly' mtttauled to the priaciples of the British Constitution, I feel most an:ious for its stability, which .t a. persuaed v.ill be most efibctuaflly seured by -correcting its abuses. I abhor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROY~ROYAL. ?? ?? '!)1§ G RBOIrS S AND MR. MAED`ER -- '-«dfl tol annoutle to tbe Nobility,.Geantry, and 'czt6ROM- ' the Public,. that their BENEFIT ThUS EVEN ,IN, May 3rdf 1831', when will be wpll,00tt ph erformed the favourite Opera -of PTHK DFEVI'S BRIDOE. f t Ba~elino, E ?? in which, character he av' sitg, Conn . is 3ll soft expressive fac3 ; -*Though Lovrd vr , 13etl intere a heart that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE - C:-FNTLEMEN, CLERGY, A ND FlIEEHOlLDERS, -OF THE COUNT} OF ANTRIMl, G E 2;T LE'M N T-HE expeditionnwith which 1 have 'travi41cd from London, as far-as'tbis place, in anxiety to have the honor of paying' yon my persor-al restects at ihe earliest possihlc. mometn aftecrthe Dissnlinion Of fParliamenit,J has brough.4 onnan ililesA, 'Which at present covfiles me to my room, and ?? my ...

TO SirStephen IMay,

... Sovereign of eliast. WE, the undersignetl inhabitants.-of Belfasti' deply W. impressed by the firmness displayed, by our Patriot King, and deeply grateful for the promptitude witl which His Majesty has Dissolved a Parliament determined to main- tain the Corruptions of the Constitution, do request you to Convene, on an earlv dav, a MEETING of the INHA- BITANTS of rhis TO WN, to take into ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - -NOTICE. U3OSE Persons wvho have Claims against the deceased Mr .L R. J. STRANACI, late Lithogrphlic Painlter uil Aber- E 'deent arc rcquested to lodge the sanse, Iproperly touched, within fionth from this date, with John Fleming, advocate, 1, Maris- 'Sfreet; aal thoss persons lwho ate due accosunts, are re.- ' oieste4 to Pa y the sanme to IL' Flemoing, Within said period. Ae'i~esdeen, ...