Advertisements & Notices

... SAIXS BY AUCTION.. nerfumery and Fcy Warelaousq Stock, Shawls, Muslin', Bomba- zines, li~ery, ilove, WVorked Pillorines and Collar, Fo- retign ''oys,-slack, lule, and Medley Clhs, &c. @ . GEN l'lRAL MART', tv:3, SACiiELtiat S-WAI,S, (By order of the Adsinnistraltix of tle late ll'illi Il 'IiI' F~iDY, 1th Mlay, 16331, 7 E sball Sell by AuIction, tbe entire Stock of die eas d con- VT sisting of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i autt by, alueftn. g! . ?? -~ szqrnxn'U4Ua'. CV2'7!Rt's STOCKo . .. F BV'MESaRS. BnANcH & SONCa rite 1ith. and Wednesda=-, rR18 In.itp, at (0 lt,'l 'celt eah day, ant the Rlad - aerRuon, -HOW ?? New and e~oly!d,.halsd OSRtou~s ,LtLp FVRVTri E- of every desrtlflkt, together With1 l( a CU ilIth, wvhich inclldlrees very superlur Talble Rr ith pilated F ,rks Fruit and Deasrt Knives, Olz*. ^ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B ;AK ONF U$ZtRPOOL. %3OTTCR IS HEREBY GIVEN. ihat thi5 BANK will Lv be OPENED for Public Uusrllesi on jldndav, the iath instant. WMI. J5tiOWt , Chairman. 34, arsvawick.street, aoy5, 2.1831. -ItRRPOOL. INFIR5AI4V. N SUNDAY ItODNING nexpgA sth intant.aSEll. MON will he rrenebed in C InUT CHUR(N5. by the Rev. THOAIXS LLOYD PAYNE, M.A., for the benefit of the abov 'nutitutiqon. N SUNDAY MORNING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A CARD. ^jR-SNIYLIE, Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, I begs leave to return thanks to hisaFriends, anrdpartl- cularly to the, Medical Gentlemen of Belfa3t, for ther kind patronage since his commencement In the above line of his profession, and hopes, by strict , and being always at home. to merit acotitmna~ta ir saport. Artifcial or Natural TEETHI suppll n -ato terms. Every operation belonging ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,GEN1TMAL VLE.CTION. IMPORTANT DECILARATION'. UT NDERSTANDING that it has been reported, that smy Brother, Mr. W. E. REILLY, and I, are desi- rous that the Tenantry of LOIR EDO lVNSHIRE should support LORD CASWLERE AtE RI COnjunction with LORD ARTHUR HILL,- ;ons alf of my brother and myself, declare, that we have not 'ed, nor will ask, a single Tenant on the Downshire Estate to Vote for Lord ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G N xAmL E C Z 3:ECTION,. TO TIHE MAYOR, 'ALDERMEN, BURGESSES, FREE- HOLDERS, AND FREEMEN, OF THE COUN- TY OF THE TOWN OF CARRiCKFERGUS. INT retiring from a contest at the approaching Elec- tion, I hope I may not be considered as treating with disrespect those friends who had Eo kindly promised me their support. The canvass which I have mado as been most gra- tifying to me, from the promises ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ~~CONCERT Kt yjTON repesitctlfly irtltrtO ?? Feiende and .the tP thi (JCU wl tk lseteha tg a . ti INONDAY EVENING nest, Mal 16, IBM* or, 7oCAL. PaftfVOltNasit tha MRS. BAY MONO. )gn. CAIRO;j mit ENTWISTLE..Aud On, FnASC. Iyjjs the addlitirti of a ?? ?? oat STJKA WitLL aE mnoi pt114* c Flute twi ocro . r~N~ second Violin ?? Mr.-DA T Vilonello ?? L ?? ?? Solo Violin) ?? T~ P ~StlItof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~Th~4~I~6YA L ECJNCE -N ESPSENTI'AL PUBLI1,1C (GOOD, positively ivithujit Dpvepiitmlot..0~'Cie IHEAO-ACtIE Nttri'd In less thitin Three I Mittutetl, by MANNING'S AIAtTA EXO0TIC. NothlrlylitVan be ((11)1 deoervi Ill. of pu bile clulldertee ii tidI pittromn~ge thou, thle yyl fiaet of the Propr'ietrlr'sotenerlbg t o cure the ((Bile ted grat-is ristra. liitlntit roijuir ing themt to purcbsee even ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Old Man's Leys Fa'rn, Tackley, Oxon. TO be LET,-The above capital STOC K FARM; T consisting of upwards of 340 Acres of excellent Turnip Soil. Poissession of the Turnip Fallows, &c. may be im- mediately had, Application to be made to Mr. Folker, on the premises. r 0o be LET, and entered upon immediately, for XTthree, five, or seven years, NETHERCOT HOUSE, and MANOR of Lewicnor, with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... esifredupniunedotely I A ost esirable, elegant~, and newly-finished MO, Brealkfas 3t Rooms, five capital Bed Rooms, all newly Papirld and painted, wsith two Kitchens, Pantry, Wine, and Coal Cel- lars, a Yard, with two Pumrrps, and a Stable behind the sanle- The above is a very eligible Situation for it genteel pri IFamlily, and well adapted for a Professional Gentleman, bel1g in a central ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMRAY NDW1 ON, JXURSHRY ?? SEEDSMAX, 0 ESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the R1A Public, that he has ready for Sale, at his Shop, No. 60, Ptilgrim Street, the following transplanted Turnip Seeds, &c. of the best Quality, viz:- SWEDISH TURNIP TANKARD TURNIP IMPERIAL ditto WHITE STONE ditto YELLOW BULLOcK ditto STUBBLE ditto WHITE GLOBE ditto MANGEL WURZEL GREEN Top ditto, ditto LARGE FIELD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n /t/RALPH DEWHURST, )f /AUCTIONIEER, JOHfN STREET, PRESTON, H AS just received a ficslh Consignmentof FANCY ;t X r PAPFRS & BORDEIS, of the newest and moist prevailing Patterns, anti printedl on the new improved 3, Patent Paper, without the least seam or joint, which is a great improvement to any room when papered, andI eqially as cbeap as those in the old style of work. The higlifst e price ...