Advertisements & Notices

... AI, ACAxDEMY, Somerset House.-'J he PAIi- 1 V' O iY A . !AUA DI Va ,is ntt- Oi'FN.-Adrillssion (from Catatecg. V C ,shlilling '~~t-, Utte I, i~to 'jy F4( tlit B, A. se ph1H~H INSTIiTUTION, Pall 1Aiall.-'Ihe GAL. X H t ! [ P,- dITION tOOf sJAtZ of tile wottiCs of BRI~rSH 'tp-a i:I .,- f tri Tv.. t,L the Mtornling till Fiee i, theo Fve sg. i ,t, ~~~,. is. Wlt11t,tAIJ IAAKNA 01) Kep. G It -ITI [, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To W/c (credhora Qf (hle df .t',wri ?? G.2ES flosS. Creditors of MI,:S 3tOSs itr requeisted to ?? .. Me ii, it) lie. hil iti li ouster's Hotel liere, (il AfuiiiaN the 300 AfLv ii xt, for examining, Cte general dispotinee5 hit ii` Iliimsuimiwi ilthe ?? ~'dcail proparlatorv tII a d(listirili offthe' II tils bohriti wdtte. Its tht,! at itc otitni, it is r ~iwtcd.i tiat siuch of tli tireditos it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~TRE BALIANCE or POVWER. Denoionlstrlllm flhlit the REFORM12 BILL or EIrl GREY it Fa' It Handi 15 nitist inl 1'rftwiplo, awil would prove thle 1i00N nof till' British1, Constitution1. lIM To h.Il laid of, A. BniOwlN & Co., aiid LimWIS Smunt~, Bronod rt eoet ; tint J10itN, iKlol, Untioii Streoot.TI By tile Rev.. Dr. XidCL 7MN HE C~om 111 I tA2AA of OinNVli t' t ntlflh)ouict to Alk ,th'el I111 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1c,'IGF-I'T utill t'ttititlt'ii'i II C( )ITllSh( of ?? Cl CIII iii0 DISMS.NSiIS' Ni~ ( on ilB'T'A2\ s, lin itl~atchtytl Otllit ull itt ?? AtetV e Fritityi, attil'Sutitialys, till Slci bt- ?? to il'oiatotptly Site Coiitv'~t, mnty lie hadti itt Mosts A. liroslt Q., coiAri,2,1W.1 ?? iti lit' inl (Litie's tstre 1itout flena. li 'I i'ti, i'tt'ta .C iii ?? 'W'tno -it'l'it', Si . I V . liii 2. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rbY Improvement Act, ihe 1reby Given, that the Annual General *(5.t c(olnfmissiofters under the Act of Par. ^ rleet'fe thle Gh year of the reign of his late Majesty hc thch, intitlled An Act for better paving 11fieOtge 2proving the Boroughi of Derby, will be lhrfert~ent at the Guild Hall, in Derby aforesaid, ire bs ?? 4th day of 1%lay instant, at eleven o'clock i >,c roreenott J. B. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | A ._RE-ROYAL. 7'l . -py 'if F OF MIISS FIANMILTON AND AIr. lmsPRESliNT WEDNESDAY, Mlay 4, 1831, will as th pera of 113 Og oY MACGTREGOR , i j .,derick \'li1, MsIr. Wells ; Usilie Nicol Jarvie - i 1ei Mcgregor ~Campbell, Mr. Calcraft; Fr 0 t8 lsb tols I ^°i. B3edf'6ord Rasbley Osbaldistone, DIr. 7 tii)tlstnp 3X1fD, ian Vernor,, liiss Harnilton. uor avliich the Comic Interlude of BO01III ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IR~LI~D.Her 1~IANUFA.CTURERS or MERCHANTS who are ?? Nilkof formsing Branches of their Establislunents in Dublini, can be accomsmodated with. Ware-Roomls Or Storage for Goods, 6 of sufficient extent, for anly description -of Merchandise. Thli situation is the bcst in the city for a Wholesale Trade, being jut- meditel adoinng oi~x'sH~tL, here almost every country Mercantresdes whie prchsisg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the NAYOR and BURGEsSES, Of the BOROUGH of- DERBY.. GEENT LEanI1N, I Beg to return poue my sincere thanks for the honer you have done me in eegaie electing me to the honorable station of one of your Represeuztatives in Parliament. And I assure you that my utmost eaertiones slhall be used to pro- mnote the success of the great cause ofR Reform, and that it shall be my earnest endeavour by an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. ROWLAND BREAREY. Superfine West of England Black, Blue, Brown, and Olive Broads; Black, Grey, and Drab Kerseymeres, Cotton Cords, White and Coloured Drills, Quilting and Valencia Waistcoating, &c. &c. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. ROJV'LAI D BREAIREY, AT tINS Ro00ts, 13, CoRN MARKET, DERBanY, On Wedaesday & Thursday, the I 1 th & 12th of May, 183o1, The sal. to commence at half after ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. GEORGE ROBINS. CHELTENHAM. Tbirlestaine House, on the skirts of the town, and on the Bath road, the most distinguished Freehold Mansion in this admired neighbourhood, with corresponding offices of every description, and its admired grounds ; com. pleted very recently in extraordinary good taste, and an outlayof nearly 100,0001., by JamesRobert Scott, Esq.- By Air. GEORGE ROBiNS, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PELIICAN LIFE ASSURANCE. OFFICES, Lombard Street and Spring Gardens. Establsished ill 1797. DTRECTOR S. Matthinq Attword, Esq. lilY. P Jaioes A. Go rdon, Esq. M.D. J.1n Cuope,, Esq. Esq, %Viillium Caotton, Fsq. F.R.S. Jirhit Haves, Esq. William Stanley Chlolie, Esq. Wm lleygate, Esq Aldlermnar. F. R. S. J. Petty iaisprui. Esq. William I)aeis, Esq. William Sandler, Esq. Sir Ciarrles Flower, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL ELECTION. TO THE ELECTORtS OF TPIE COUNTY DUBL1N. Hg Dissolution of Parliamneut has agaiit placed in' yoir F I baends thle trust which you did me the honour of couliddingf to me last August. I feel that I returu it unsullied. It gratifies c me to find thbt my vote on the important questionri ?? is e Sinctionud by thls declared approbation of m t, o 4ituents. Should I be so fortunate ...