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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... GZNXSW.AL ELECT1ON. TO THrg GENTLE;MEN, CLERGY, AND FREEHOLDERS OF THE COUNTY OF ANTRIM. GENTLEM5EN, benpe]dt HIIS Majesty.,havirg been graciously pleased to prorogue the Parliament with a view to its immedliate Pas Dltssolution,' 1 take the eatliest opportunity of again !| ny 9ffiing moyself as ,$Ca~ndid~ate for the ?? of frepre- I in Piarliamrent. :.of - ' Ilhope I hiave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE - C:-FNTLEMEN, CLERGY, A ND FlIEEHOlLDERS, -OF THE COUNT} OF ANTRIMl, G E 2;T LE'M N T-HE expeditionnwith which 1 have 'travi41cd from London, as far-as'tbis place, in anxiety to have the honor of paying' yon my persor-al restects at ihe earliest possihlc. mometn aftecrthe Dissnlinion Of fParliamenit,J has brough.4 onnan ililesA, 'Which at present covfiles me to my room, and ?? my ...

TO SirStephen IMay,

... Sovereign of eliast. WE, the undersignetl inhabitants.-of Belfasti' deply W. impressed by the firmness displayed, by our Patriot King, and deeply grateful for the promptitude witl which His Majesty has Dissolved a Parliament determined to main- tain the Corruptions of the Constitution, do request you to Convene, on an earlv dav, a MEETING of the INHA- BITANTS of rhis TO WN, to take into ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY 'OF Ai4TRII'l TO WIT. vY virtue of flis Majesty's writ of 'Election 'to ize direaed, I wi,- on SA4TURDA} the TWENTY rIRST dey of Mey instant, at thzc County evO UrsT-HO USE ro CAIRICR F RG ., the r- of ELEVENV6 'loch forenoon, proreed to h for TWO -KAXIGHTSof the SA J Idd Coauty,:of ur~idcall Persons concerned are to iuhe notice. GEO. MACARTNE1'; Sheriff Dated 4h May, IS31o (262 COUNTY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETING TO ADDRESS THE KING. O N WVEDNESDAY the 4th inStant, a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Belfast was held, In the Court- House, Sir STREPHEN MAY, Chief Magistrate, in the Chair, for the purpose of preparing a Loyal Address to his, Ma- jesty, expressive of gratitude for his Majesty's prompt and patriotic conduct in dissolving a corrupt Parliament, and appealing to thp. judgment of his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,OMNMERAXL ELECTXON.' -TO THE 'GENTLEMEN, CLERGY,, AND FREEHOLDERS OF THE COIJNTY OF ANTRIM, . GENTLEMEN, -. S Majesty having been graciously pleased to prorogue the Parliament with a view to its immediate ,IDissolution, I take the earliest opportunity of aganil offqring myself as a Candidate for the honor of ,repre- .senting you in Parliament. I I hope-l have fulfilled the assurance giveti, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENEEtAL e r.MiCTIDN. TO THS GENTLEMEN. CLERGY, AND FREEHOLDERS OF THE COUNTY OF ANTRIM. * GENILEMEN,I .HIS Majesty having been graciously pleased to, prorogue the Parliament with a view to its immediate Dissalution, I take the earliest opportunity of agpii offering myself as a Candidate for the honor of repre- senting you in Parliament. I hope I have fulfilled the assvfance given, on my ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GoW~Ei.AL SS:E9CTxON. DOWN £TECTION LAt1C gSTLEREAGI{. Minte; OF Dloews, ORD CASTLE1{1KAGH has been heldforth to you. L hr a factious P~iptr,'the org.n of - arp trt sansll, but aictive, who wish to subvert the Contiqtittion, and found on its ruins a r-eauidi:-aS a DESPEllATE BOROUGH- ?? is the fact? Neither Lord';Castlevleagh, nor any of his failv, has or ever had, any connection with, ,r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST GLASS WA7ORKS, P E P R 'S-J I l,. r ^HE PROPRIETORS of the BELFAST GLASS rr WORKS having lately e riterable Improve- ments in their Manufacture, for SALE, GLASS of a very superior quality, a t tfesms as any other Ilouse in the Kingdom. The present 'Stock of CUT GLASS will be Soild consl. derably under thle usual Prices. 9th May, 1831. (.271 Millinery and Dress- 'iAaking ESTABLISHMENT, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A CARD. ^jR-SNIYLIE, Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, I begs leave to return thanks to hisaFriends, anrdpartl- cularly to the, Medical Gentlemen of Belfa3t, for ther kind patronage since his commencement In the above line of his profession, and hopes, by strict , and being always at home. to merit acotitmna~ta ir saport. Artifcial or Natural TEETHI suppll n -ato terms. Every operation belonging ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,GEN1TMAL VLE.CTION. IMPORTANT DECILARATION'. UT NDERSTANDING that it has been reported, that smy Brother, Mr. W. E. REILLY, and I, are desi- rous that the Tenantry of LOIR EDO lVNSHIRE should support LORD CASWLERE AtE RI COnjunction with LORD ARTHUR HILL,- ;ons alf of my brother and myself, declare, that we have not 'ed, nor will ask, a single Tenant on the Downshire Estate to Vote for Lord ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G N xAmL E C Z 3:ECTION,. TO TIHE MAYOR, 'ALDERMEN, BURGESSES, FREE- HOLDERS, AND FREEMEN, OF THE COUN- TY OF THE TOWN OF CARRiCKFERGUS. INT retiring from a contest at the approaching Elec- tion, I hope I may not be considered as treating with disrespect those friends who had Eo kindly promised me their support. The canvass which I have mado as been most gra- tifying to me, from the promises ...