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Advertisements & Notices

... - OLITTV I. ha V' liE Cheapest slhop in all 11 ampshire for the sale Erc -J. oft PAPE11 HANGIN(S, is at C. VAN- to u Dc;NItOFF'S, V5, Queen-street, P'ortsea, wholiasalso up erecivel a large assortment of the Patent Paper l-lang . togs, IL easu LiiIg 12 yarns I Ong without a Si igle join, and aju which he is ?? WilhOult aly Vxtro Lharge whatever. mu Tule ?? sill save from 20 to 30 per cent. by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i ' PORTS3O Jn ASSEMBLIES. nr' H S:SIXTH ar.d LAST BA I'L torthe Season, .1 will be held at the 1( ING'S R(Oo,3 Southsc3; ont )f Moday, the 9th DI ay, 1831. PATRONE5SES:- e Lady L. FOLEY B Sits. Colonel BUIRGOYNR Lady SrYmIOI;R I M. HyiL ICARKERt Laly WILLI.msIS ItrS. BtIDETT. Tickets as usual. CJ' The KIN;'S ROOMIIS, Southsca, will Open n for the ensuing lSeaon, on the following Morning. L. ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oble ?? 'em- oT,~ THESE are to give N~otice,- Tiat an I4'ed- tries esday, f/ia 1/i ofh n'est mont/i, atlen o'clock int7 Irice the forenoon, will he EXPOVE D to SALE, at the tr, !r of Pay Office, in his Maljesty's Yard, near Portsmouth, j Lk -Several Lots of OLD STORES, consisting of old ce ,uId Canvas, old Rope, Rope Rubbish , old Junk, all in bc at if Paper Stuff, new Rope (not marked with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .o FHE LUNATIC ASYLUM at LAINSTON rs .1 IHOUSE, near Winchester, is eminently calcu. h Inlted for the superior order of Patients, who are under 'y the Immediate careof Dr. TWYNAAI snd his LADY, constantly resident on the Establishment. The 11 ouse A is on a very extended scale, aftbrding several distinct 1- suits of apartments, with every requisite separation Iy that may be desired; it is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNITED UNIVERSITY CLUB. f HE Annual General Meeting of the Members of T1 the United University Club wvill be held at the Club House, on Saturday the 21st of May instant. The Chair to be taken at One o'clock precisely. By order of the Committee, WL. BOYS, Secretary. Pall Afall East, May 4, 1831. IT INNESS'S superior DUBLIN PORTER, in G Hogsheads, Barrels, Kildlerkins, and in Bottle, may be had ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKDOWNS FARM, a, Freehold, Tithe ffree, & Land Tax redeemed. e, nl BE SOLD BY AUCTION, In To By Mr. INSALL, le At the Bell Inn, in Shipston-on Stour, on Saturday the 21st mn day of May, 1831, at Five o'clock, subject to such conditions o as will be then and there produced,_A very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, Tithe free and Land Tax re- v deemed. situate in the parishes of Ebrington and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' Cou itteeftrniedf'r the purpowse jof promtg ting A, thie Interests of the twxo ?? w11o have )f pledged themselues to support the rneaswere of Reform, ne sanctioned by His M'jesly, and brought foruar*- by c His MJ inisters, is noov sitting at Mr. 'l1unday's, in the Hig-h Street,-; to aid wloich, personal co-operation g and lwritten communications are earnestly solicited. May 6, 1831. TH01MAS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EMIGRATION.-FOR NEIV YORK DiRJSCT. p ERSONS who have engaged to go with Air. John Y Pittis to the United States, will take notice that the Ship will be at the Alotherbank, by the 14th of this month, anti remain one or twe days, having a reserve of fifteen or twenty ?? application will be necessary to Mir. John Plittis, at Air. Richard Pittis's, NNewport, Isle of' Wight.-Letters to he post-paid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... re- ent TONNAGE OF 6lIPS. for Jus Published, Price Thirty Shillinos. ly N Explaniation or a CORRECT MEITTHOD of lot, KAD~MEASURING SHIPS for ascertaining the .ir Tonnaage, containing Scales of the Displacements or the ge, Lines of Tonnage; Scales of tbe areas of the llorizon- tal and Vertical SectiotiA; and of the External Surfaces. . for Also Tables of the dimensions and areas of the Sails, n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ig . i:homw-nein anaf nart latwur. T Ite FRENCH -I1lLINERY ROO-S. 157, Queen-street Portirea. s n 1j[ RS. BIGWVOOD most respectfulyinforms the . IA Ladies of these Totvn aindt their vicinhiea,. tbitt ig her PARISIAN and, LONDON FASHIONSwilU v bc ready for their inspcction on *Vednesday ilext, May n 11tb, 11131. n tO N.B-Tl o AP'nENTICEs rantel.d. . t1 f1! An tlegant assortment of French ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Old Man's Leys Fa'rn, Tackley, Oxon. TO be LET,-The above capital STOC K FARM; T consisting of upwards of 340 Acres of excellent Turnip Soil. Poissession of the Turnip Fallows, &c. may be im- mediately had, Application to be made to Mr. Folker, on the premises. r 0o be LET, and entered upon immediately, for XTthree, five, or seven years, NETHERCOT HOUSE, and MANOR of Lewicnor, with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,hi sri hi~ VI tot hi 0' Vt. Itf .1l ato Ir Cs. Fot hr. rd ed A,, red Crl hce rd 'rs lit ?? th I. lir t PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. TOTICE is hereby given, That the Partnership between SARAH HAYNES and JAMES WOOD. WARD, of Oxford, Plumbers and Glaziers, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. It is requested that all claims and demands on the late partnership Le sent forthwith to Air. Cecil, ...