Advertisements & Notices

... i autt by, alueftn. g! . ?? -~ szqrnxn'U4Ua'. CV2'7!Rt's STOCKo . .. F BV'MESaRS. BnANcH & SONCa rite 1ith. and Wednesda=-, rR18 In.itp, at (0 lt,'l 'celt eah day, ant the Rlad - aerRuon, -HOW ?? New and e~oly!d,.halsd OSRtou~s ,LtLp FVRVTri E- of every desrtlflkt, together With1 l( a CU ilIth, wvhich inclldlrees very superlur Talble Rr ith pilated F ,rks Fruit and Deasrt Knives, Olz*. ^ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SON Sioil ;~~~~~~~~~ RItCHARDSON, SUAGEOk-DENTIsT, acquaints 2 Ifjiis Friends and the Public, that be continues to i Profession at his Residence, No.,4, Worship. i 'Ii~ orr of Christ Church, Hull, where those who ,'ed 'Cr professional Assistance to supply the loss J GtlirdS, &c. can have them supplied-swithnut Mes 'e$ or rny inconti5ience tlC lhtefler, on very mode. BAI tor. It. 1:v1,ey ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iq., RAAMSDEAN, YEAR TO P1 E I- )rt, O )R SALE by AUCTION, by SIr. WELiiR a 1at thle Red Lion Inn, Petefelo ld thle 13th of Jue131bewnthh y and one o'clock, by order ofthe De isours otwele. call the late Joseph Smith, Eeq.,-A trul s in rustoi desirable ESTATE, called valuable end De- coosisting of 93 Acres (more or lesR ris- acre of' Arable and Meadow LAND, a 5 ol arty IlFreehold and partly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (ADVERTISEMENT.) ,e TO THEE EDITOR OF' THE CALEDONIAN StEICURY. od. SIR-1 MepN to the advertisement of Colonel M , vne and Mr B~rodie in.-your paper of this-day, by simoply refer- 51' ring td my former cormuniration.: I- 0. ?? Sir,, Your most obediejat servant. th ?? MACALLAN. at. Edinburgbh 21st May 1831. ad ADVERTISEMENT. at The Lord Provost having declined to accede to auy pro- ret iposalof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORD 1N-.kTONC 'TO ,O dsecond AIT'FWv.CI for' 'tIe --Gm'eral'aAisembzk!/ Jnatiution. us2 Ind'i~ 7~ ,A WILLTAN SINGLAfR MA C KAY I'.tn (ole AN 'lreqeher Of till Gosepr, having been s(elected fo md ny bv.1fientinned purpnot'. -by , the Genevral Asserilhy's Cen t it~ ?? Preishv -t~- v ofl EH nivi WI -site t6 ~;iicest i n- the~ ~e('e4c5adl of thi(1g nWENEfA nette' vil' lb careeq at o clonk Wyunns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -MMPSTRAND '' SHAKSPEARINA.-MACBETH. LurINOUS INCANTATION. Ist Witch. Now in the caldron items throw, Combined, that shall effhulgent grow; 2d Witch. Like light from ebon 3bade unfurl'd To splendidly ili'me :he vorla; Sd TFitch. Reflecting, as a mirror true, Whatever A BT or NATURE drew. 4th Witch. Now rising from time caldron, lo! Of a'dril feorns a mighty flow! Choras qf Wfitc rea. Ilail! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SUCCEED THE CLARKSONs FOR Q UEBEC, (WITH GOODS & PASSENcSERS,) -00 The fine fast-sailing Ship FrT MANCHIFSTER, At 300 Tons Register,, pa WILLIAM WALLEit, Master, ml Has good Accommodation for Cabin' and Steerage Pas- by sengers, and will sail about the 25th May. is Apply to the Master on board, in the Old Dock, or to ca HOLDERNESS & WARD, dr Hall, lfaAy 5,1831. Exchange Buildings. th - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tbe. .respectf~i~lv infdrmed. chatz tc . M St KqNS. . - r Who is eiaesgei lbr l ?? tsal,. Nvill ruake his Third Appearance here these'it4frgyC s, Thispresent EveninT ' H U ItSDOYr,.May .1.2. S31 When will be perlimreed Ihe FTra'ed3 of . MACBETH Mrcbeth - - - EAN - 31acitufl - --kit PTIt S C'H A Ii'i Lady P SI ANt-EY.- After which, by particular de-ire. the aims4 1mnaa catrjd.: T ilHE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIR. BROUQHI, ?? respectfully to announce to his Friends and the Fapblic that ls BENEFIT, NVILL TAKE PLAC&. I sF.NT 1:VENING, (I\Ionday), 'Bay ed, 1t, 11 ion nvwill be performed the Opera in Acts, on Ji~cj otccsl BRlITISHt TARS; Or, for England ho S addle, Mr. Browne; Captain Laurel, Mr.' Bed- Sitrji Altie?, Ir. Melrose; Guillaume, Mr. Cooke fd; Di0 .lr. 13 rough; MissEleanor Arruidel, Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1c,'IGF-I'T utill t'ttititlt'ii'i II C( )ITllSh( of ?? Cl CIII iii0 DISMS.NSiIS' Ni~ ( on ilB'T'A2\ s, lin itl~atchtytl Otllit ull itt ?? AtetV e Fritityi, attil'Sutitialys, till Slci bt- ?? to il'oiatotptly Site Coiitv'~t, mnty lie hadti itt Mosts A. liroslt Q., coiAri,2,1W.1 ?? iti lit' inl (Litie's tstre 1itout flena. li 'I i'ti, i'tt'ta .C iii ?? 'W'tno -it'l'it', Si . I V . liii 2. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ill a fem, daas teill be1 pubtished, A Letter to the Freeholders of Abordeenshire, F Regarding the propriety of electing, a Representative who mill not be the instrument of a factious, seditious, and disloyal party. r By a FRl'EHOLDI;R. Printed for Joml RETTIE, Union Street. it This day is published, . Price Is., THE BOTTLE: Containing an Original Poeom-an Essay on the Solar Svsteme -together ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNITED UNIVERSITY CLUB. f HE Annual General Meeting of the Members of T1 the United University Club wvill be held at the Club House, on Saturday the 21st of May instant. The Chair to be taken at One o'clock precisely. By order of the Committee, WL. BOYS, Secretary. Pall Afall East, May 4, 1831. IT INNESS'S superior DUBLIN PORTER, in G Hogsheads, Barrels, Kildlerkins, and in Bottle, may be had ...