Advertisements & Notices

... In post 8vo., 10s. 6d. TH E T W E L V E N I G H T S. l By a Contributor to some of the principal Periodicals. Whittaker, Treacher, and Co. Ave-IMaria-lane. BOURIEN E'SNAPOLEON.-FECH EDITION.-In a vols. 8vo. with BOUKRIENNE Seventeen Plates. AFEMOIRES DE NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, par M.IDE V BoUnIENNE, Ministre d'Etat, 4 This Edition which has been reprinted from the latest Paris Edition, and t halt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE WORTHY AND INDEPENi)ENT ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF WELLS. SEIZE the earliest moment to express my gratitude for the II earnest support which I received from many of you at the late Election. Comning in anmongst you at the eleventh hour, and unassisted by any local advantages, I am well aware that that support was attributable solely to the lively enthusiasm which animated your breasts with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TnnlE MIETROPOLITAN MAGAZINE for MAY; Edited by ITHEOMS CAMPBeLi, Esq., Author of the Pleasures of Hope; Assisted by the leading Literary Characters of the Day, and by Naval and Mititary Writers of dihtinguished talent. Contents: i. Renmarks onl the Geography of the Ancients, by T. Campbell, }Fsq.-2 Literature of the Play: 'The New -Magazine--3. May Dlay-4. Fashion n Mllsic-5. Son nets-6. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BR'ITONS, STRIKE HOME! IREVENGE YOUfR COUNTRY'S WRONGS! vREEHIOLDERS of ESSEX! The time is come, not only to t talk but to act. Your Patriot King and his Patriotic Ministers hase done their S;tty. It only remains for you to perform yours, and tie victory is complete. Already a long list of enemies are publicly arrayed against you, and against your llberties; and many of which would have far ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITION OF THE 4ATIONAL REPOSITORY. PATRON, THE KING. GALLERY of the ROYAL MEWS, Cbanng-Cross.-The Exhibition for the present year is NOW OPEN daily, from Ten till ~Dusk. Admittance is. May 3, t81A. T. S. TULL, Sec. ACHE Twenty-seventh Annual Exhibition of -the SOCIETY of aL PAINTERS in WATER COLOURS is NOW OPEN, at the Gallery, Pall Mall East, every day from Nine till Dusk. Admission is. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT'RE-RE ROAL.: Jo NSON- begs respectfully to snuounce that his Jo 31 ' z B 1-.\ NEF IT Will tdle place on TkI[r IING, hAlONl)AY, MAY 9, 1831, : ~bieb ?? the Performances will commence with the n ld Opera Of 'Ntirat J) 2id O IALVINA. 0f Final, Air., Melrose; Sllirlic, a Pe~lar, Mr. Oscar, 1vir;, oscir's Ilerchinian, Mr. fRees; Malvina, bliss JehTO9fls tl, Miss Coveney; Conlath, Mr. Calcraft .; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THi INDEPENDFINT ELE.CTORS OF T H-E' COUN'TiY 01' CAILow.. GENTLIZV.EN1 3Ult Patliot King, and bris enlightened, virtuous, tad able i li`ilisters, call aloud for the vigorous sup port o' nall classesM oi bis 'ajestr's Subjects. You have summoned mie to the breach.' I obey your call.- Yoti demand ry service at thil eventful crisis. S3iotld 1 have the honour of being chosen by you, to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORD 1N-.kTONC 'TO ,O dsecond AIT'FWv.CI for' 'tIe --Gm'eral'aAisembzk!/ Jnatiution. us2 Ind'i~ 7~ ,A WILLTAN SINGLAfR MA C KAY I'.tn (ole AN 'lreqeher Of till Gosepr, having been s(elected fo md ny bv.1fientinned purpnot'. -by , the Genevral Asserilhy's Cen t it~ ?? Preishv -t~- v ofl EH nivi WI -site t6 ~;iicest i n- the~ ~e('e4c5adl of thi(1g nWENEfA nette' vil' lb careeq at o clonk Wyunns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Freehold and small part Copvh*id Farm, near Bishop Stortford, Essex, and a piece or parcel of Freehold old M1leadowr Land. Elipinw, Essec. -'Iy Mr. ADAMSON, at the iuctlovl Mart,on rVtdtresday, May 18, at Twelve, In two lots. iy direction of ihe Fecutorsof the late J. ltaenki, Esq. Valuable FREEHOLD, and about Thirty Acrea COPY- A SOLD ESTATF, situate at falalard's Greeh, In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... phi. 1 ~L '1's ~,tA N 11 A NNt).%L EXH~IBI k f (I of .tt 0 ,fto 'A IN FFlI, S it WA'IF it t:O r,t nURS Ir It o i- I lai- Aai ot. etoIlY DaY, fronm Nine tiff Dusk.-Ad. 0!.S: i.Jntli. ', tati gue Slxpe~i'e. -- C~~~~~~~~~HARLE1S WILID, Secratary. I T ~'~ ri~ mmt'tate Pl',tronagie of her Majesty the .rN.-',r. HI: ii XILi hit- tite int (til, tol annroucir Lto Tire Nobility. I ni ' ri'ttl, 'h' bi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EMIGRATION.-FOR NEIV YORK DiRJSCT. p ERSONS who have engaged to go with Air. John Y Pittis to the United States, will take notice that the Ship will be at the Alotherbank, by the 14th of this month, anti remain one or twe days, having a reserve of fifteen or twenty ?? application will be necessary to Mir. John Plittis, at Air. Richard Pittis's, NNewport, Isle of' Wight.-Letters to he post-paid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... re- ent TONNAGE OF 6lIPS. for Jus Published, Price Thirty Shillinos. ly N Explaniation or a CORRECT MEITTHOD of lot, KAD~MEASURING SHIPS for ascertaining the .ir Tonnaage, containing Scales of the Displacements or the ge, Lines of Tonnage; Scales of tbe areas of the llorizon- tal and Vertical SectiotiA; and of the External Surfaces. . for Also Tables of the dimensions and areas of the Sails, n ...