Advertisements & Notices

... THE WEEKLY TIMES has the following explanation, no Af less satisfactory than amusing, of the origin of perhaps the most essen- tial part of our domestic architecture. Advance from Windows to Chimneys. As eamong numerous savage nations of the present day, so in the early times, as well of tiis co ntry as of others, the smoke was left toescape by the door. Of course this would frequently be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G' ALLERY of the BRITISH INSTITUTION, PALL MALL.- 4 The present Exhibition %yill CLOSE on WEDNESDAY NEXT thee0sth inst., and will be re-opened early in JUNE, with a Selection of the KVrks of the Old Masters. Admission ?? ias 'A IL7LIAM BARNARD, Keeper. EXHIBITION OF THE NATIONAL REPOSITORY. PATRON, THE KING. ALLERY of the ROYAL MEWS, Charng-Cross.-The G Exhibition for the present year is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE BIBLE. WAR. MARTIN begs to announce that the First Part of the above JV1. Work is now published. ?? proofs, four guineas; lettered ditto, two guineas; prints, one guinea-May6, 1831. 0o, Allsop Terrace, Newv-road. Just Published, flUSTS IN BRONZE, of his Majesty, WILLIAM IV., and the i.3 Lord Chancellor BROUGHAM, at f'l. is. each. These Busts are of dimensions, and of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTHAMIPT6N.REF'ORM DINNER. r HE FRIENDS Oil REFORM intend-to DINE I Tat thle Loig-Rooms, onl Thursday thle 26th ANay, to celebrate the resurt) to Parliament of ARtTHUR I ie ATHERLEY aild JOHN SrostRY PENLEAZE; Esqrs. It. 5TEVAiIIDst Air. Thn K~ing Alr. John W. Drew I r.Nichole Mir. WVilt Ai r, Rubi 'Ar. Will. liamer, jun. Id Altr. Roe Mr. ?? he Ar. Josep~h lIIill, jo n. 111r.sJohn Wren Mir. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P. KING'S BIRTHfl DAY. T He HE Nobility and Gentry arerespeetfully informnedI, ie. that the BA LL, in honour of his Majesty's Birth to Day, will be held at the King'gs Rooms, Southsea, on tb ,7onday, Mlay 30. .r. :PATRONrSSP'S. to Lady L. Foer Ltrs. Col. BRE.o0aYN Lady CAelrneLL IS. HVDn: PARKER L Lady Ssvnijou v BIrs. ?? lih Lady WILLJ.AM be X, Tickets as usual. to TANTED,-A small PUBIjC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - u ' PUBLC, iS rbg c I1l informe, that rj? iTH3 ,E CAED*hIJ TIE-i'h . j'ilj Open for the Sumrnmer Season on \IONDAY. Jne. Ist, 'i with . N EWA ESE - ' .- NEWY \IANAGI1'H9,-: * . NrEW ?? aoI~t'iEtt-Ne:W SiCENERY, -- NEWV DRESSES-NFW PI-ECEbS, a tnd OSD i'IICES. e. and 'all All afwl'ich will be orie *yarttcd1nrly entlnmeratei rn fbttir B advrtisementtt. _BI ,,isr Ar-IS & MUMLAY. the New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iq., RAAMSDEAN, YEAR TO P1 E I- )rt, O )R SALE by AUCTION, by SIr. WELiiR a 1at thle Red Lion Inn, Petefelo ld thle 13th of Jue131bewnthh y and one o'clock, by order ofthe De isours otwele. call the late Joseph Smith, Eeq.,-A trul s in rustoi desirable ESTATE, called valuable end De- coosisting of 93 Acres (more or lesR ris- acre of' Arable and Meadow LAND, a 5 ol arty IlFreehold and partly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (ADVERTISEMENT.) ,e TO THEE EDITOR OF' THE CALEDONIAN StEICURY. od. SIR-1 MepN to the advertisement of Colonel M , vne and Mr B~rodie in.-your paper of this-day, by simoply refer- 51' ring td my former cormuniration.: I- 0. ?? Sir,, Your most obediejat servant. th ?? MACALLAN. at. Edinburgbh 21st May 1831. ad ADVERTISEMENT. at The Lord Provost having declined to accede to auy pro- ret iposalof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ii~B' ICATIOATS S a :r PAIILIA IENT. let -r diog and useful Work of reference c. ?? is l'ubli~iae, by JOHN CUMc'dlNG LowerOr end. ' 'in nile neat xohtlutie, SvO. post, bound, and emb lished ! IN no lnll ?? tS or CorzaioNts. Price I0 fd. ~';yh' c'l' ll' I OF PARLIAMENT (for Ireland); con-: r ong much useful information, A BIOGRA- .. T p~i~CTIONARY of the ONE HUNDRED IR'SH 1jv F. B. HALM1LTON. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUNIM MER FASH lON9.T -- te 1/IS. MAIATON begs to thank the Ladies of Port. tet tl~ea, Portsmouthtt, Ciosporr. and their vicinities, I sirthe many favours conferred, and to inform thitrs ho0 sh sreturned from London, and hla- selected the Ai newest Shapes in STRAWI TrSUJA NY, & FANCY BONNET'S, which will be ready for tltcir inspection co oli Tu eday next, Illay 24. l 37, QTErN-STsItrrT, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALtES BY AUCTION. SELE(C I' SALE Of Miedern Ilonsehoald Fsurniture, Plated Yaie, ChinaGlarss&c. TO BTFIE SOLD1 BY AUcTlo4Nr,' On WEDNESDAY, the v5th MIAY instat, In the Grand Saloon of the Royal Ci~ :c 11, B3ACllF;L.01,'$-`iVALii, rVIIE entire Furniture of a sniall House, whicb h Gen I only a few months in use, and comprises a gen j lolt- ment, as particularised in haind-bills, which may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -a ~ JTI'H INS I''IJIO , 1'ali Mall.-.2 he GAL- a D EXbloit ON nd ALE. of the WORKS of BRITISH Opec Daly. ~la ~ Ia the Monn till ivie ina the Evening. tiil ~ tdl~it~ita.WILLIA51 fARNARD, ee. rpHI? EXHIPOTI0N of LODGE'S PoRIRl-AITS oit te ct I i~trtH tt ilttON FEr.of GREAT BRI'TA1iN fr.m the a, ;.-.a ~ata ti Neeie. ced rai politic Collections, is OEr4 Ha ' .~~ 1 DITI~,4, PailIVtail Filrt. ...