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Advertisements & Notices

... ;THM_ AERWEE MA0AAZINE, No. VI. I'rice One Shilling.S f. The th-eanier, No. II.-II. Sonig.-.Ifl. Atd1da1s 0,1tholic- En ,Isn.-IV. Thle Fria' osg- Deesiac.-Vl~. lniilationis of Y tuviac, No. V.-VII. Front. the MILiAh.-VII1. Account of the B f hig 11;11oty's Shiip thc Alaunllc.-IX. The Hour for Love-X. To inwj owrn'Liov.-XI. The 111alance of Po~vr.- X11. A Tale of thea flr oaelate.-XHII. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DAVID iVOIt, (late Foreman to lllcssr&. 31uns's r ' arto n) T rljRBY intimates to his Friends and the Public, that he IL|into'xds to commence Business on his ownl accouint, On the 4th of Jluml current, as TAILOR and FURNISHER, in that House, No, 8I, ST. lNICSOLAS STIIEET, wlhere, by punctual 1 attention to stuch orders ns lie may be flvoured. wvith, he hopes to t nierit a share oftpublic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CREDITORS. MI uectixiit of the Creiditorts of ALEXANDRR wIVEt, in (4tl roil laligh, is rieqlustedl, within Mrs Cowl's inn, Mil- 't lothikllay, oil M laorji the El div of .ittle nest, at 11 o'd Ii()ck felloll; to rivo dire!CtiusilS to thea Til tre, ag ta t'c Mltl oft tilt! Parlull oft (;l'al'°.l1il-1iic forX tho~ hist a1ldl curl .01L NVearsg arldl to coaisideir othei'l liuitt's sit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADUVEIUCiSEAI ?? Ct0lltESIttDtCi ItETWrEN TIIlE HONOUR1ABLE DONALD OGILVYY Of CLOVA, IlC11 1NOURAI1LE FRtANCIS J.EVFdtY, LORIS) ADVO- CATE F'OR SCOTLAND. Ills lUoRARL.E D(WALD 6tottVt' To TtIMtOiTi) XT1VOCATE., 4, Atholl Crescent, 28th may rssil 1oDIhave jli~t read in ?? C~itiier of the~t i as1tont, a Cepitrt of what was sasil by von at the h, elcton (Jti mert PtI'nrif, -in referencee to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RS C. ?? (\AL has thc honour to an- ?? to Iler trietdsansd tile Public, that II ER BENEFIT ' for TIIS EVENING, SATURIDIAY, Jane I tI And 1ost N\gtig (if '1Vie Seaso,.' Wh lilen vwill be perforrnedi the admired Comedy of i; si'EETMIIAIRTS ANI) WIVVES. - t Eugenlia3 orthis iighit ooly, islis .ARtM AN. bh 7Laura, MSrs PET i i 1N AL. II Billy Lackarlty, Mr ATURRtAY. C Ill the ceotr5e r the Evenj ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NATIONALS BANK OF SCOTLAND. DIRECTORS of the NATIONAL BANK (?E; SCOTLAAN) hereby itimntt. thsrtie hiALtF- YEA lRLY DIVIlD ND onl this BA N K'S STOCK. fail- erg doil thle 12thJuilv next. ssill be pa? o0l andl after that tin. at tue' liead (,Iict, antI nt tbe I3ralnchesf ae that, in ,rcter to prepare -the Warriltrts tfr ti e salil Divihdtll , no Transfers of Stock call tl'k'- ?? the 20th current ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARRIERS' QUAUTEUS nlEmovED. ~0NTAGGART, S'AotilEIS, Gfhslowgate-head, begs leave to it re-turn his grateful thanks to his Friends and the Public,] for the liberal Support ha0 has received Suice he (Onlinleniced bmal- e4 liess inl thle ablove line, Mill to hitillante that hle haes now EE- h N,~OVFlS to thle large and c'ommiodiousa Premises, No. (it, Giniluc I ScritrUT, wher1eV tle respectfully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P!OOR'S HOSPITAL, AEERDEENl T a Meeting oftthe Mtanagers of the POOR'S HOSPITAL, k inlicidttlg te eBOYS' HOSPITAL, the GIRLS' HOSPI- TAL, asd thre UNITED FUND, held onl the 26th of May, 1831, it was lResolved, that a Statement of the Income and ERpendi- ?? of these Institutions, for the year 1630, should be limd befoie tie putlic', Its ?? 1. THE BOYS' HOSPITAL. EXrENDITU IIE. Tinterest, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ' .. - ?? - - . - - . . - . - - - - in to 6f -ADVICE TO PAR'MEIS. 13 To the EDITOR of the AsEnDEEN JOURnAL. led Yo ?? your last weck's Journal, I plomised to give some Pt iCSS k presertiptiolns, together with ?? ruiles, for the manage- th n, bnent of Daivy Stock. But before I proceed, I would wish to re- the move a ?? from the nlilld, vwhich elmoitl prevails in tha 'in, siortisern ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'F1lB ADELPIII- THEATRE, EDINBURGH. - 1iOUSE C1l.AM~%AV)-1U(T8l OF AP'PLAUSE ?? tat the Gient Appblaise ivtrih attendvil-the 'in I Ee',rrt~inrneI1t8 selected for- th6 O0pening otf tle Adelphi t'rnr Thei'etre, I 'Jfis Present TOUISiA Y, Ritn . IS31, Cott, * And cvor7 E--riig: Ttils' -eek, CIil Nviae performed antt]t elyiew and rrrsiginal Domreo. aj tic ltrditt, itt t't arts, o-F devot I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIOAAMIAS LOTiAN ROAD. rTnlE Public are respectfuily infhrmed, that ?? 3 M Nagnificetlt Filettreo*ft4,e VALLE dC1i: fSA IN E Ni in sizerland. with the NEW COSMOltAMA, can re- -sin open buit a ery liitited tit- '^dn;is5ioll, One Shiflimg:; e. Annuai *t Ta kets, live Shillings.. Open from ten till dusk. EDINBURGIh MIILITIA. Th *I sS GRACE the DUKE' of BUCCLEUCII atnd Jul U LQU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -? ?? SPLENDID NEW PANORAMA. ORIGINAL ROTUNDA, MOUND. r -,,r E s'iS MARSHALL mnst ?? inti- i 1bL m1ate,0that they lhae .OPENEA) R Nevv PEAZE cl S'lcl IC I'ANORA MA of ihe CITY of A1- r ;-l p ) i' 1A taken lmrn lile Silalalt 1'tn Brbi-e, dis- c tile Ii~isir Y, tie IPt, the loser of T'ie , the cl .;7i o, w 'ni i- Fat and 11' Ct it urelies. the lii itrnll, t s!.diij ist, nnd Cat holic !itoti tile ...