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Liverpool Mercury


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Liverpool Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR ta rc , TTA, 4iurthen 531 tons, Is-of averysup u s -abs, S fitteel up with Patent Air Prrts, and ever,enlenee ?? Ne dueive to the comfort of passengers. Carries an experienced JO Surgcon.-For terms of freight or passagerpply to d Bll CROPPER BENSON -C to I fur - - ntteb ~tatR'%. for ent THE OLD LINE OF PACKETS FOR NEW YORK, _ A L; g ?? onfhelstand l6thofeerpyMonth.Vts. NEW YORK, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A.iTlFICIAL PALATES, 4nithc TOOTH-ACHE eqfecvteelyardpermeansily CURED, tulthout exlractint' the T'ooM?,. I Rf R. DE LOUDE, SURG13ON DENTIST, and ME- 1 JLDICAL ELECTRtICIAN, begs leave to acqualint those un- Is fortuiately afrlicted with the loss or defeets of that organ, th,'t he has Invented an ARTIFICIAL PALATE. whieh, by its simplielty x of vonstruetlon eleanbillesS, and qohlfort to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aubie ?? nt fi _R~~ ~ ~ _ Is THEATRE-ROYAL, LIVERPOOL. iewgrand Opera of CINDERELLA having been received witb reiterated plaudlts on eachxeesentation, will be repeated this Everning for the c BENEFIT OF MR. WOOD. rrfh t pernace of Jils. II'sond lati! 1115sr Petoa, tand Aft. Ifond. ef the .1jse~cretOasI, Cootad arlea., rmho re rstajed fpr 2'eaNights. frijilS pres~ent EVENING. (VRIDAY) the SPd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... time must ~~1ecttou ?? altere I, ?? ~, ~~T~,FUBLICMEETING of thle Burgesses and Inhabi. and m~ oiLiverpool, cecivened by public notice, for the pur to res posbofideterminingli upon a fit and prsoper person to be put in To ~7 nsnintinut tie esuing Election, as ?? iof this isnhci Bolrough In-Pibrfliment, held in the great roo e~ntofte g'srs thiele Hotel, on alsy. Hay,27, 1831 le t :17icit,,b M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EGGLRSTON'S piACTORA OXYMEL OF HOREHOUND, eI,VF8RATED for ite speedy aild effectual Cure of COLDS~ &e. - Lj rI)IF is a Herb too well known, nnd itsvirtues IB), 'reciatedi in il ptilmonarY affections. t' need a long reca. t, i ' PP orlaboured enomium; but 1iitSsett aetife dnd salubrious not, by the common mode of preparationrsbeent V, *Fri .,iuae -ted. the Propi etor offers the Public this ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iTS UCTIOIY5 ?- vu ~ipt'~O~4i stef pd-av in-couse- squenice of an advertisenent In the last Mlleary, willt~b ,best answered by a wefeir'ne to a letter onthesul~fect which appeeed in the last ?? yweehin every ?? toachea 7p~n by Goon W7;RS.-Oar correspondeat Uxor's sentiment, in which we cordially. syjnpathtee] reminds us of the following sentence; which we mhet with in a Frenich work writtedbya ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - : * ?? Attefton. -1 A4T .1a' THMAZYOPVEn ROOMS. BY MESSRS. BRiANCH & SON, on Isoladay next, the 6th inastant, at Eleven o'clock. A N Assortmsent of New and Second-hand HOUSEHOLD ti.FURiNITURE, Including Foiur-Ponst and Cai-ip Bedsteads, Tiibevieed'J'meees (atuda) ?? maybe had SALN IN BFc hR Y-R7c?RlF T. D3Y MESSRS. BRANCH & SN/ on Tuesdaky neat, the 7th instnatEeenqlc. (in the Pre- mises, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (M. - - e - I =I FOR CALCUTTA, ?? 9eaviet*Q ccall sat.MAohin. The COLU5T ,1IIIA. . 1 LleuLieut.C. Kiagwoori, Commander; Bnrrtben 50 'tons, is of a very superior clg4s, hasspauloos Cabins, N ft'ttd op with Pat e t Air Ports,and evady other convenience coa- It 4=1' .. to the comfort or pasengersv Co-rries an experienced i1 ?? oaf irfreilht or ?? apply to S CROPPER, DENSON, nnd ote Yft FoR RO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E. VERY County, Town, and Borough thsoughout entirw sl 52l4igdom, however they may differ In sotne paintare u a1 mous in the decided preference which they give RIC SCARD s MADELY'S CALIGRAPUIC THRE-SLIT FENS ver the cern- n on Qunilt ad atsoover.every otheal:invention o sliilar kind. h The immense quantity which hasbeen sold I ngiand,a'nd the. . Itestimqniais which are daily arriving from- e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T i,,;A'rE:E.ROYAL. etre, ?? r IVENE IT of' MNrs WOOD, late Mist I'aton. tind Scho. te T.ojst Night 'If the ptnusgement of 2Me. and Ices. ?? N *, vr col om Terdt.'his present EVENING, or o1 le lth bet tiihpeeforttd. the Grand Operatof MRt ?? ?? rz Q~tEUf A2,9 GLASS SLIPPEL. T l Ii~ f Slj')r Wood, No.I ?? Mr.Wood, strel Ai Drigk-7y p~rfortned by them) in London.- A CONCERtT 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iiett, the 13th, and Tuesdate1t bElerenOtitclockt, at the Hantiover Rooms, - ai A1sbritilientsot'modern HOUSEHIOLD FURNIT.URE -~t~feocry deicripti III, I Idlt'i Irtt of the val1uable Effoetc ~ ~terttionrau eheflitr ii eitlir Orresele K~idderiliinsher, . vino cotrets; llestl~xugs, Drugrgets. ?? Lolbby, id rrce melly-e (uri, Cutiley. &e. also fifteelr p neared To morrow Saturday-) %tteti Ca ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fnITAI Y SCHIOOL .4AV1V RSxsY. S tINEI 1 ANNIVI'RSAl'Y tf -ihe CHAIITI'Y SCHOOLS T cowrtt dith the Estrrblihed Churrh. wvill talie place on, hr, wrIONMID~AY iil~t, tire I.-th irratair. ?? be prerrehedi hin in ST. ,IQl.E'S CttIJRtul-H by tihe V,,noral;je SANUEL 13VTLER,, Dl),.rdrarr..ltirf Derby. iiicr which ti COLLrcrlrONwill he adte- In; nriii f ther -lirids *f tire iiff~rerit Schirri i.- The ...