Advertisements & Notices

... To the Genlry, Clergy, and l,,refholdersof. e. -Conty of Devon. . x GITLRMrl,- , 3BlG to return you my warmest thanks .for t~ie. , bonotirivoutvoii h'avetbie day conferried on 'me In my kleatilon. as one of thie Ueroners. fr tais county', and for your ?? ?? ?? thlirorilnlg.; I regret, that; in consequenee of, thiereelgnatlin of the other Caifdiate hhlving been received ouly a feW minutes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A ~rgyfai :h after tI Sli nie ic~~ to ~ iw~iflina r, specable 11tat alishwia1t, Or. Private I wtsily ver,? cbh wouldt as dertake to teach Youngo Chilldreni 01ualenvir, G,,,a-'sPiY, Wr'itiiig. and Accounti, wvitli .laeinil, cdPoa.'a1 Drawing~.-.--Thae imut satisfactory w~rlasill be bath aiven and( required.-Apply. (if by 0 leuer pest-Pail) to -Na. 13, at the Office of this Paper. L'171 RAMS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADUVEIUCiSEAI ?? Ct0lltESIttDtCi ItETWrEN TIIlE HONOUR1ABLE DONALD OGILVYY Of CLOVA, IlC11 1NOURAI1LE FRtANCIS J.EVFdtY, LORIS) ADVO- CATE F'OR SCOTLAND. Ills lUoRARL.E D(WALD 6tottVt' To TtIMtOiTi) XT1VOCATE., 4, Atholl Crescent, 28th may rssil 1oDIhave jli~t read in ?? C~itiier of the~t i as1tont, a Cepitrt of what was sasil by von at the h, elcton (Jti mert PtI'nrif, -in referencee to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINE ARTS. 'tJE'RE IS ?0V l.XliBITtNNU ATl 4 5, SA CKVLL:. (6Cor1er of Abbsy-.street) A SplendId~l 1eliatntitlk of ta! !N C-II DUv i ry oF SAiNI' ThOMAS, Imanil kv tlie eclebrltefl Artist, F'racis Dubolit on Sixt-six S;qlnre Feet (f Cirnvass. ALh thiaextarortsi aryze-rnien of genius, teip diffitrejit em- tatte~rs vi1r:-nur :cuviotir and b;t.. Thoma St J a, St. oh1n, St. Matthew anti 8t. Peter, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEfr i i x r 3 ' o~ ear M~othe~rhithe Church, ' %pn~ he euld or 014 (Jeciel-Ilall tin Use Wappiitg sIdd of thle I-h.-reln 9b-il, that the Pubhik may vie.e th.. rtnnel every day wi l~la ss;~~tf. im Fiolit itt the Aorening until Eivht In the Eveniong, Pt .lIn -hilling to, each Per~cln The T-nnel io lighted vrith 00., Pa ,~ J!Ya.111 mart, anO tihe doletl is by a safe anid cony staras.e lot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T GEAT _rTRAcVTtON! N IGT OF THE NEW TRAGEDY. JUNLE 6, 1831, the Tbeatre will be re. jI ?? for be especlal purpose of having represented, t) et ne'. of his E]xcellency the LORD pifuTE- ~dcnzjet r r gBJ hIT of the AUTHOR, the Tragedy of ALMIANZA, b\'rit bv a Gentleman of College. *11 lr Sli'uter, Count;D'Arsstida, Mr. Mathews r r I geils ; AmannZ;I Mr. Ca craft; D~on Carlos, ,VV(stta Er Don ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iTS UCTIOIY5 ?- vu ~ipt'~O~4i stef pd-av in-couse- squenice of an advertisenent In the last Mlleary, willt~b ,best answered by a wefeir'ne to a letter onthesul~fect which appeeed in the last ?? yweehin every ?? toachea 7p~n by Goon W7;RS.-Oar correspondeat Uxor's sentiment, in which we cordially. syjnpathtee] reminds us of the following sentence; which we mhet with in a Frenich work writtedbya ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A.iTlFICIAL PALATES, 4nithc TOOTH-ACHE eqfecvteelyardpermeansily CURED, tulthout exlractint' the T'ooM?,. I Rf R. DE LOUDE, SURG13ON DENTIST, and ME- 1 JLDICAL ELECTRtICIAN, begs leave to acqualint those un- Is fortuiately afrlicted with the loss or defeets of that organ, th,'t he has Invented an ARTIFICIAL PALATE. whieh, by its simplielty x of vonstruetlon eleanbillesS, and qohlfort to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOCAL sI NG CONCERT, IN TIE LARGE ROOM, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS. THE rOUR CELEaRATEO BOHEMIAN BROTHERS, (From the Aigyll Rooms, London,) D E S P E C T F U 1. L Y informn the ?? and Gentry f Belfast. and I; Vi,-inlty, their TII I l'D CONCERT will take place ( TIllS DAL (FRIDAY. 3d June, 1831,) and every'y during the WVeek. They will appear iii the Costutm/f their Country, on which oc. casion they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... time must ~~1ecttou ?? altere I, ?? ~, ~~T~,FUBLICMEETING of thle Burgesses and Inhabi. and m~ oiLiverpool, cecivened by public notice, for the pur to res posbofideterminingli upon a fit and prsoper person to be put in To ~7 nsnintinut tie esuing Election, as ?? iof this isnhci Bolrough In-Pibrfliment, held in the great roo e~ntofte g'srs thiele Hotel, on alsy. Hay,27, 1831 le t :17icit,,b M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ()Ii oli. L) 121 Ih 1~AM 1' ~KE I .-T1he P~ublic are t JIL~L ._1f,!y 10-,rmefl 2 h. 2-INt; at the NE1'Y.IQA iS Captatl it inc. itone Ileen fl~d with aes Boilers an rproved NMachinery, F to, re-nme iher -1:ok111loetreen lonDo andrt 1-Iterdai, about tile P ,i,. p Irt; .. err -t are orihiti ftar tllliCea to run In can. F o 0irtlei KII g4r tile N,'hi-ltrrd. ot whidhtimldr 1-olce will ira Riven, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aubie ?? nt fi _R~~ ~ ~ _ Is THEATRE-ROYAL, LIVERPOOL. iewgrand Opera of CINDERELLA having been received witb reiterated plaudlts on eachxeesentation, will be repeated this Everning for the c BENEFIT OF MR. WOOD. rrfh t pernace of Jils. II'sond lati! 1115sr Petoa, tand Aft. Ifond. ef the .1jse~cretOasI, Cootad arlea., rmho re rstajed fpr 2'eaNights. frijilS pres~ent EVENING. (VRIDAY) the SPd ...