Advertisements & Notices

... Ji Catst Pauling Ltri14 Fxiwere Exel M~. A HBlmsp OttTiqsltday 'd iurd~w the 9th anid l0tl.diiys of te ~a~t~a i6KCk each awnig a teA01ulArs ~ l~n~t'eet, 11aichste. In consequecec'o r ~oon~4'deelininlte pubic ~businessO ~:) i;~' goq an ition, comisprising ~eopperIbrew pan toe10barel, nadAtub, working square, lined witbleiit * ston dndebcck.Ilt hopper, coipper pumip,. C~tpi&Il ai~' ~ siU~s~ e'ws ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o.J-EAT-RE-RQYAL GREAT ATTRACT1ON! ~sT NIGhIT OF THE '-NEW TRAGEDY. )ONPAY, JUNE 6. 1831, the Theatre 'Will be re. N g D for ghe especali purpose of hasving represented, ?? atenoe, Excellency the LORD Ll JjUTE- tjenrthe VaBrENEFIT of the AUTHOR, the Tredy of ALMATNZA- Written bv a Gentleman of College. e fii' ain. Sbuter; C uutD'Armeida, Mr. MIatiewvs; sifptllo i> Almoinza, Alr.Calcrafl; Don ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l CHARLES BROWN, PEA DEALER AND GROCER, E9pNCTFULLY announces to his Friends and the hlic generally, that he has commenced the above ,s in the Shop lately ?? by Mr. John Kitchen, i a0il .riargose; an(I he trusts from the experience he t ,,a for the last sixteen years, in one of the most res- MO, Shops in thie town, and his determination to keep i seit supply of the best articles, to ensure a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'WINES, TEAS, SPIRITS, &c. &c. &c. TO PRIVATE FAMILIES AND EcoNOM1STS, .JAMES MANLY IF I4. QUEEN-STREETJ' DUBLIN, JNVITI'S the ERC07101ist Ca Mrake trial of his Wtines, Teas, and Groceries, as Rigid Economy has beromeso, necessaers to all ranks. The public will finat it theb- Intereqt in purchasing, their Wianes, Teas and Spirits'at this stablishment. PORT WINES., Per Doi. Per Bottlo. Xs. d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOLLY BRIDGE TRUST. . NO.TICE is hereby given, That an a djourned Meetin g of the Trustees appointed by and acting in pursuance of an Act, lately passed, for taking down a nd 1- rebuilding the:Bridge, called Folly Bridge, in or near tite City tyf of~lxt-d, , wll bc held at the Audit Ron,`Towm Z Hall, Ofor, on' ?? the 10th day of June instant,'at Twldi'e 'cloooL at noon, on special affairs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MOUS ,0 EIETING, held Ibis day at the Ta inn, Oxford, it was 501a n1 olasly Resolved to 1 Ang g statement before'the ffi th ; ltJ oXFORDSITIIRR . Fblished by the Mhjarquis of BLAxDFOftD ThefAddress 1denstood to conv4' an. ihtimttion that Mr. hog bee aS to be elevated to the Peerage, the friends pse111rs of Lord NoititEYs considered it incumbent 04 ?? cal1 a 51Ieeting to determine what steps it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --OYAL, ACADIEM'Nl, Sornerselt House.-The EXi'14- B I NOIC oftII It UOY A J, AC AD F %K 'i,, ilw (3 F'IdN.-AdrtAsio II (from EJgr tt%%1 .r li ti s~e VCH Ooec SbiII g.I& Cjtj-9~IILI One 'tlIillor. 1 HFjI `0V X,o 1), R A. Sec C R L IN'_5TI UTJION of GL{EA RT INI.. RTHN 1`tJI'LNLE Y. F'1I., VH.or ' P. L. S. Prof, of ltottiti1 ill ihe, 13n Toor-li' of Lor!,tot Ceit l .Aol. 5,-c. Hill. 0c.wivll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sed ess ENSHAM. led Notice to Debtors and Creditors. in- A LL persons who have any claim or demand on ice 1A the Estate and Effects of the late Mr. ROBERT the DAY, of Ensham, are required to transmit the same to Mr. ian Samuel Druce, or the Rev. Thomas SVmonds, of Enshamn nd aforesaid, Executors; and all persons who stand indebted to ch.the said Estate are requested to pay the same forthwith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WII. XRANKLIN .- .c.~jiet7 f~lttllizonteeliii/ his: ?? of ldiverling A GENERAL LECTURE : N' 101iAh l1ie trill tat otn the inost interesting sul5jects 7z iintiodit ll1 in his ?? ('0otrse of 'I'liref' 'eet tLres, 00o MJONDAY ELNt;XING, .IUNEx (itl, at the Theatre-Royal, PIrcntt. A I -Siou-flexes, 2s, Gd. Pit, is. t(l; Gallerv, Is.- Ci'il0rcln Th'tXs, Is. td., 1Pit, is. 'I'o commence at S o i'clk ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RS C. ?? (\AL has thc honour to an- ?? to Iler trietdsansd tile Public, that II ER BENEFIT ' for TIIS EVENING, SATURIDIAY, Jane I tI And 1ost N\gtig (if '1Vie Seaso,.' Wh lilen vwill be perforrnedi the admired Comedy of i; si'EETMIIAIRTS ANI) WIVVES. - t Eugenlia3 orthis iighit ooly, islis .ARtM AN. bh 7Laura, MSrs PET i i 1N AL. II Billy Lackarlty, Mr ATURRtAY. C Ill the ceotr5e r the Evenj ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Vo I'M Iiti:iuue (~/iirSeisipriiiee), didLI g ilillild ii h'mlou ultiollfre Lull, :lif1d f-dlt~,llki iell cosilti Ti, I8/lirho/i' lT111-I ?? ' 1 0 I Ie Is fth / V G ilt-liU I S vt lI IJ ) )CIu ulc pu I iIPS lI ri it ,I o lu d y 1111tl ite 83 kv,; A ico lihe3 It' vct12.. %uliil r tili nlitivi'illS'(1 jw JI-i ?? 1) lvl~ic in Ills I elli, ll Bit'I)) A lil if IviId 1 1 i ?? Is . ?? iS . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * To CORatlEP(NDV.NrS. T'te cominadvailien On the Estabilhirienit oif a l echanls' COr- (allating* Librar, at Gotnersa~l, i aT dprrpewlwl memorial (.f thc trIUM 1h nf liberali principlac n} Yo1rksi~ire,` shall nre~epve due f atrentioll next week,. The tinet on Spring would be out (if soason. Mr. WalnEwrigliis Loette r inl tolot r to Mr. It. M. l. eiveh3) can ?? be ?? Di an Adi erfisonoit, ...