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Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... DERBYSHIRE. GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE. 1 OTICE is hereby Given, that the next General N5 Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Derby, will be held at DERBY, on Tuesday the 28th day of June, 1831, at twelve o'clock at noon, for the transaction of business relative to the accounts, income and expenditure of the County; bridges, prisons, sand other private concerns of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE BROWN EYE SALVE, Fmor Diseases of t1e Bye-lids, 4-. Prepared by C. and G. JOHNSON, Mlarusfacturing Chemists, Gert Iolhais, Essex, 1'HIS Incomparable Saive has ltig been employed with .L unfaiiing success, in a very extensive neighbourhood in the West ot Englasd, anid such lias been its local reputa. ian, that the original preparers only lhave been induced it) part witb the recipe for a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MH. TI'r'rER'FoN. Desirable FREEHOLD3 PROPERTY, IN BURTON-UPON-TRENT. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mfr. TITTERTOX, At the Roe Buck Inn, in Burton.upon-Trent, in the county of Stafford, on Thursday, the Sixteenth day of June, 1831, at six o'clock in the evening, subject to such conditions as shall be then produced, A LL those Four FnEEtIOLD MESSUAGES or A TENEM ENTS, with the appurtenances, one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILL and STEArd POWERL '1'0 LET', And may be entered upoee imnmediately, Either together forming a complete Mill, or in separate Rooms with proportionate Power, at the Saint Mlary's Gate M1ill, in Derby, and well situate for hands, H REE lROOIMS over each other twelve yards Tby seven, well lighted, with a good counting-house, and six-horse power from an excellent Steatm Engine. Two of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CON VOCATION. ficed Clergy of the Areitfeaonry of llt'Bee uested to rneet in the PaRflSh Church of rC|, petby 5 relon 0'londay the Sixth day of June next ., tDerb 'cclock in the forenoon, to choose two ,6t twe h Cto lergy ol the said Arehrleaconry 0 as~f to sproctorsi to reprsent, the whole Clerey of .be7Cttsf °hfield rnd Coventry in the ensuing Con- Pese ot to Hjis ajesLy's Writ for that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cromford and High Peak Railway. (OTICE is lierehy Given, that the General N Annual Meeting of he Conmpany of Proprletors of tile Cromford and High Peak Railway, will be held at the AngelInn, in Buxtotr,'in the county of Derby, on Wednesday the Fifteenth day of June instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon.-Dated this lst day of June, 1831. By Order of the Committee of Management, BRITTLEBANK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I8 JB'IS.PRODUlCTION.f |lesyiine and- (halybeate a tters. |,ieY T, W17ATER is strongly iecom- I t , L s of habitual costiveness, heartburn, |Pleeded in 5oa scerbutic complaints, and surpasses Dchey r offered before to the public for a dis- ici h ardis a never failing remedy for that pre. ,.4t e 0c I Y, and that dreadful malady the ,4 bO Cer Ioe of this Water will effect a perfect cure I,~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNPIKE SURVEYOR. IFTANT ED a steady, active and intelligent Person, W capable of undertaking the care and management of the Turnpike Road from Duffield, in the county of Derby, through Chesterfield, to Sheffield, in the county of York, and who has had experience in the making and repairing Tnrnpike Roads upon the best and most improved princi. ples, and also on calling in the Statute Duty, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Es, - U.- V. T.,.,tr.ITTERT0N., ,t~si~fe PEtIg5D PROPEIVF, _TO. BEi goLD BY ACTION, an - .Bp.Mj., TI T.TS .T9.t r At the Roe Buck Inn, in Burton~upontiTreilt, in the coutit' -of'ttffl'ord, on Thursday,.the Sixteenth day of June, 1831, tit six o'clock in the evening, subject to such conditions as shall be then produced; e LL those Four FREBaoLlD MESSUAGES or :A T NEM ENTSR with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUALE, FAMILY AlVDICINI>S, Sulil by tile Principl),l loeirrors soil II li-hers it) everv, G Townvi tliroirgi'i: (le Klingdlom Dicey and Co's Tinze Dafl!j's Erixir, F' H E Ertpericeice of lilrre liarr M0 Yeatrs Ili's ilricrritelilible Ji'poved (lie supierior lfedcytit~ ib is Miedhicine oser all other Preparations suld1 undrie the nmie OfDI I Fr'S '5LrI'cTi, iii relievinig Graveile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dydon and Woodside Farms, MAYFIELD. NTERY Prime Growing Crops of GRASS and V CORN, AFTERMATH, PASTURAGE, &c. until Michaelmas, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY Wrn. SMLLERS, (By order of the Assignees of Air. J. D. COOPER, a Bankrupt,) Upon the Farms called Dydon and Woodside, Mayfield, near Ashbourn, on Monday the 27th day of June, 1831, subject to such conditions as will then be produced DYRDON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BARCL4AY, PERKINS and Co.s. d LONDON PORTER. HE acknowledged superiority of the above n T. PORTER having induced Porter Dealers to use the 'j name of that firm in the sale of Porter,. it has been deemed I necessary to state, that it is to be procured in Derby,, only 'at Mr. J. :lJUSTON'S, No. 18, Queen Street; as in con. n sdquence of an agreement existing between him and Messrs. Barblaty ...