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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... CANITILE SALE. ..IXD POR T IFINE BY AUCTION. 1'F SUT1) BY AUCTION, at 1tilARD FaAoxrilN s ComOerrl Buildintgs, 1i ,Yl , 1VEDINUSDA Y, Ist JUNE,> 01i A'T TiWO O'CLOtK, of Lafitte Claret, Vintage of 1825 ;.e ,;f do. do. each containing Six Dozen >. of verv Superior Red Port. aoY are of the very first qudlity, they are we, l A- 7;le ,tenoLi thoao vwho are poaticulur in the cboice of air Vr i'u. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEWV FAS3IIONNABLE LONDON HTAT tS, WN ESIlM(RLAND.SI P'ELT. JNU! ' C E0VP EN. 1 'CURWEN, W1N retirintg from his late Busirness of Mu~sic-seller, tL s most grateful thanks to tbose who have so con t t ho vonred him wi a prefiorence, and respectiully solc s th e o- terest and influence for his now unidertakinog TIME HAI' BUSINJSS, in which (irt ooaiuneti~jo with, his Virother-in-h hIr. JAN55 Ba ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINE ARTS. 'tJE'RE IS ?0V l.XliBITtNNU ATl 4 5, SA CKVLL:. (6Cor1er of Abbsy-.street) A SplendId~l 1eliatntitlk of ta! !N C-II DUv i ry oF SAiNI' ThOMAS, Imanil kv tlie eclebrltefl Artist, F'racis Dubolit on Sixt-six S;qlnre Feet (f Cirnvass. ALh thiaextarortsi aryze-rnien of genius, teip diffitrejit em- tatte~rs vi1r:-nur :cuviotir and b;t.. Thoma St J a, St. oh1n, St. Matthew anti 8t. Peter, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T GEAT _rTRAcVTtON! N IGT OF THE NEW TRAGEDY. JUNLE 6, 1831, the Tbeatre will be re. jI ?? for be especlal purpose of having represented, t) et ne'. of his E]xcellency the LORD pifuTE- ~dcnzjet r r gBJ hIT of the AUTHOR, the Tragedy of ALMIANZA, b\'rit bv a Gentleman of College. *11 lr Sli'uter, Count;D'Arsstida, Mr. Mathews r r I geils ; AmannZ;I Mr. Ca craft; D~on Carlos, ,VV(stta Er Don ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i3,DAM.S v. sDUNVD4vI. Thzib D~iy wilt be PuTblistjetd, AiY . (CLARK-,- 50, GREAT BltI'i',ti-bk 1 A taken in Short.-bad by a borristeL ?? she frade lil the City are requested to 6rnd td ir ders Parly, as those recelvee fri.Y11 the Coiintry Bo keells are nu- LLG'I'UpE'S ONV MID;wFEIh'y, Wc. DR. SIIlON, MEML4BER OF THE ROYAL COILLEOE t)F SURGEONS, ACCOUCJiEUR & SIA'rE CUPIPER, &c. BEGS to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? - /11 0lINhi) ON fiE FIRST INST. =MPORIANT. Me alteeting of. tbe Committee of 3S1 h svcl ki Goa-il d 5pl ?? and 1hlr. Perrin's Committees, wtyoa :t -,l j ir DAY 3d June. at Three ?? *? oiiA.11lL, on business of the utmost impoite e. ; i' ?? f g lenbers is most anxiously solicited. ?? ?? Signed by Order, J. D. MULLEN, Secretary. I pR1OMENADE' It 3 Ilour o'C3ock, and from Six till Dus 01[th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o.J-EAT-RE-RQYAL GREAT ATTRACT1ON! ~sT NIGhIT OF THE '-NEW TRAGEDY. )ONPAY, JUNE 6. 1831, the Theatre 'Will be re. N g D for ghe especali purpose of hasving represented, ?? atenoe, Excellency the LORD Ll JjUTE- tjenrthe VaBrENEFIT of the AUTHOR, the Tredy of ALMATNZA- Written bv a Gentleman of College. e fii' ain. Sbuter; C uutD'Armeida, Mr. MIatiewvs; sifptllo i> Almoinza, Alr.Calcrafl; Don ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'WINES, TEAS, SPIRITS, &c. &c. &c. TO PRIVATE FAMILIES AND EcoNOM1STS, .JAMES MANLY IF I4. QUEEN-STREETJ' DUBLIN, JNVITI'S the ERC07101ist Ca Mrake trial of his Wtines, Teas, and Groceries, as Rigid Economy has beromeso, necessaers to all ranks. The public will finat it theb- Intereqt in purchasing, their Wianes, Teas and Spirits'at this stablishment. PORT WINES., Per Doi. Per Bottlo. Xs. d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT A'TTRACTION I FI IS GH~T OF TTI1- ?IEW TRAGEDY. r ~ EVN1~G, UNE 6.1831,the Theotre will bo re. £ en-l, fo tho ~pecil pur Ofeot iraiving represented, ,l]letl5 'sro1~~othi Ecelecythe LOuiD bLEUJTE- ~AN, fr tle 3FJ~FI o di ATHOR, the Trugedy of, W~rittenl by a Gentfleman of College. KRvig f nail, M~r. Shlutel'; Collntl)'Ar,.ieida, htr. Makthnwis; Vostorin, .N\Wels Almanzi, Mr. Caicraft; D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. NN TO-MOfI W, U J 7 831, there wi!] be at the Side Booms, ROiUNDO, a most extensive Auction of Furniture and Plated XVare, &c. 'MR. GIB-OI\ . tN, 1. nnuouicing the above Auction, respectfullv states, ; t fA ri tle great extent of this Sale, in an Advertistment he pot devIxl the aimost numberless articles, as it includes e rpbs .6ile description oG Goons a'it is manul etured. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALS BY AUCTION. AUC'l'ld'N'Ut' lO'OhS 4 ?? MAGUIRE, AC.lOllOiNEER. 23, SUVEOLK-STrIE5T, ,131rlsARY~r to -inounce to the Nobility and Gentry, tlle0 Fi~lzlS D1A. Y, the 7th Instant, lh %till continue jf 1i. baita ni iat 2,249 in the Catalogue, AN D EXTENSIVE L1BRARY 'nIL~g ?? Of the late D1'DVWARD WOODS, ESQ. .sle wil commence With lwisau LiTma'TURE, Tuii 1), S be foulld, Wtire's Antiquities, S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TWFNYEN GUINEAS `.S IW, f ' D TO SHOPKEEPER&iNnOTHERS 'IU7 HIERIM, an I4junction his beei obtained in the Court V r of Chancery, to restrain EDWARD BILLit;, 'Printer- Be'- piondsey-street Borough, under tbe penaltv of £Iooq, froI prinring or vending Labels, being Copies or eoloufble d iitions of those affixed to the Bottles conta~inig., real J~-B~kii prepared by LAY and M\lARTIN, 97, High ...