Advertisements & Notices

... Cromford and High Peak Railway. (OTICE is lierehy Given, that the General N Annual Meeting of he Conmpany of Proprletors of tile Cromford and High Peak Railway, will be held at the AngelInn, in Buxtotr,'in the county of Derby, on Wednesday the Fifteenth day of June instant, at eleven o'clock in the ?? this lst day of June, 1831. By Order of the Committee of Management, BRITTLEBANK AND SON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )r~Y\ AC kDEM Y, Sonienset HOuse..-T'Ihe EX1¶l.. 1' I, ala 1100II I RO AL At~t u- CiPlN.'.Admli.,lon ((to ~~c~r Oar g HFNIIY HOWAD. RA. Src, r~HE T~~MJ~S UNNELnear Rothinrhithe Church, *~~ upt'~tv ~reor of010(iree-lanp. oil .~- Waplor sii~. of tire 1k-- aertia err thr irePahle *OIy ~k a. airin erer., lisp a..,foo Fr' atIr te orolng a il E '~g In that'ji~eertlog * i a re 'h raiy rr rtIi. ran ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I8 JB'IS.PRODUlCTION.f |lesyiine and- (halybeate a tters. |,ieY T, W17ATER is strongly iecom- I t , L s of habitual costiveness, heartburn, |Pleeded in 5oa scerbutic complaints, and surpasses Dchey r offered before to the public for a dis- ici h ardis a never failing remedy for that pre. ,.4t e 0c I Y, and that dreadful malady the ,4 bO Cer Ioe of this Water will effect a perfect cure I,~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNPIKE SURVEYOR. IFTANT ED a steady, active and intelligent Person, W capable of undertaking the care and management of the Turnpike Road from Duffield, in the county of Derby, through Chesterfield, to Sheffield, in the county of York, and who has had experience in the making and repairing Tnrnpike Roads upon the best and most improved princi. ples, and also on calling in the Statute Duty, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARRIERS' QUAUTEUS nlEmovED. ~0NTAGGART, S'AotilEIS, Gfhslowgate-head, begs leave to it re-turn his grateful thanks to his Friends and the Public,] for the liberal Support ha0 has received Suice he (Onlinleniced bmal- e4 liess inl thle ablove line, Mill to hitillante that hle haes now EE- h N,~OVFlS to thle large and c'ommiodiousa Premises, No. (it, Giniluc I ScritrUT, wher1eV tle respectfully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Es, - U.- V. T.,.,tr.ITTERT0N., ,t~si~fe PEtIg5D PROPEIVF, _TO. BEi goLD BY ACTION, an - .Bp.Mj., TI T.TS .T9.t r At the Roe Buck Inn, in Burton~upontiTreilt, in the coutit' -of'ttffl'ord, on Thursday,.the Sixteenth day of June, 1831, tit six o'clock in the evening, subject to such conditions as shall be then produced; e LL those Four FREBaoLlD MESSUAGES or :A T NEM ENTSR with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P!OOR'S HOSPITAL, AEERDEENl T a Meeting oftthe Mtanagers of the POOR'S HOSPITAL, k inlicidttlg te eBOYS' HOSPITAL, the GIRLS' HOSPI- TAL, asd thre UNITED FUND, held onl the 26th of May, 1831, it was lResolved, that a Statement of the Income and ERpendi- ?? of these Institutions, for the year 1630, should be limd befoie tie putlic', Its ?? 1. THE BOYS' HOSPITAL. EXrENDITU IIE. Tinterest, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ' .. - ?? - - . - - . . - . - - - - in to 6f -ADVICE TO PAR'MEIS. 13 To the EDITOR of the AsEnDEEN JOURnAL. led Yo ?? your last weck's Journal, I plomised to give some Pt iCSS k presertiptiolns, together with ?? ruiles, for the manage- th n, bnent of Daivy Stock. But before I proceed, I would wish to re- the move a ?? from the nlilld, vwhich elmoitl prevails in tha 'in, siortisern ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RYiT rl:: pl; r PtMIAC AFrAlr rap , .$u li4},Vd, in It vo!~ 'Isma I8 0 price Ift Ci ti,id AZ N AL ET ltosp'~ ~~I iI i4b A 40ig:;i In ~±vois. 11FFJ o eN' b ,o-d look *in ?? fior ; hetter history f tl'lw' late tritnt IeaI Sebszt2. Printed for Lolir.toan, W eos, O(rne, Brown, einrl Grpen. 1 'A \VI'l~lY NOV .1SNIEV I DIl ION Ql, U-IME XXV. of this Work, ai hich eoulpeoteo r P Tb I' A IF, is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L1y'e c ~.IUpETG1SATNLTO H~ligS 1iieitU; the: Rou CW' A iiieg, e on Tuaa eid' .OuTHOUSE;S,. jh i1iln. Mr. Ynrioonj Bu\lder.. 3kr .WrNN~ Sch~otaaSter, di:-ra.zi;HELMNA,. .Gl- ar Iy' Tenatht'b at the I ou' i4stlik r iy-f nit iPOiUNW ,,Vz S ?? ?? idrah1y oej.) Held on Leiseeuttdir the.Rgbgt .;'oint Lord .tole ...

Advertisements & Notices

... County. of -Devon'HV iiki'g' 'Comhsu T eig tendcd to frni Jt'T tQC of this' 1in(1181ce are, reviiwelted oret~a b.RtY SUB3SC~It.1TIONW-RJMS; nFiA h 9: n: to4 ns6 i the it~vtikagew -that ptbdrv4i~:iha foemation tf aucit aComfpanyi. The~sar wllbe iakeo prerlseli at. 12.(q'dchk. Copiesi-6f thir. pI ;wlttlima lii Iail on alI~ Mr. CsixLits' ?? BotleFiCte PO T O, .EXET.ER. SALE BVY Ai UCTrIQN; ...