Advertisements & Notices

... Ns A I C' \)A \ on et House.-Hihe LXf1-jj Hi'NiIY PiOXXItt), f A. Sec. R1{yi'i?i INSTIT'UTION, pall AlaI.-.'I'he GAL- all itY ,e0,h tMioloo i vli0ltrt, I a.~t 'tmo Dutchl. French riA(1;dhlti.,~11 I'. CtallN 'AlLY,trn nt iI, ir g till Six to the I ItS'. Ailo111,ttWldii AM fIARNAilli). Kc~por. r1 E THAIMkS TUNNLL, rear Rotlierhithe Church, 1CAnd Oppotite the evd Of' Old Grateel-la ic, on t~le ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V0t dlay qf June, 11131. til UIjni't s.5jiget l reni'tors of At. If WN ANv, illm j VX7 gt'm il (Jarutoittih, lies intti that ain ismuderstaudting' I- is likiult to tal plw, t it the Trustee olsalid Estate, i i I ur', Oft jIC pliretno-el', of' thel ?? inl May Last, wthicl I'if isot 'V ~o pit iti stilp to tfiny lenid into a1 loil,' ,, Ii cation '-is if WYII tli''(ftrioreIder, a full IIMefetiii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To J. B. SIMPSON, Esq. :SIR, I have been inforxhieljffft y'otr have statet openly, JLthat I amn Put forbivadyb' tf Duke of Devonshire and othr of the VInh'ijlia, `dbi'ithe Tory interest, in the oeie~ of' An t heli9n fbo itnetbuirtyof i)erby rekir2ude t a nidiately' and unequiv'callyW d tbis 'dre't if ibe iortrrue.~ liekf'it:be-true, thatyuwwilliurivi m'eby iyihat aiidrority.; 7ogmhive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f9. EETTIM a& SO1N, Laus1P Saloon, 1.01, Union Street, gre nnl tanknto l ir umer us ntoiners ftn the coutiutiid favours thley have experienced shincc rem11,ovig tot Ilthir ilow Prl'iqttS5, woulil ?? attention to their present 0extits; () Assortment of Jovaellery, 9vilver ?Wiiio, ol'd Sile-TEeld Fiated. Waive, OYNSSTiaN( OF G'OLD-ChabtiS., Watclies, Seals, Rings, Ear-ritigs, Bcooe0hes', ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lhis dfly is pbelishcd, A HTELP TO FAMInY WORSI'P. By tile ltev. NVBI. MALCOLM, MNhinster of Locliell CllsliS. S'reolni Efition.-Pt'Ie is. Sold by A. BRtoWN & Co. Aberdeen. One Frbtijay Jirst will be plfoished, TI1E Afl DEEN WGA2uNIG . No. VII. PriCe One Shlillinltt CONTENTS. I. Thle tniversities.-ll iiloi.I I haria ew lliiCiICtV No I.-fF. Oil the Study ;ft :alt'illi Phil lospily.- V. So el ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TPARTICULAT R L .NC . 30HN LFILED T1; M osr respectfully informs the ?? ?? that thq SALIgby JuLy AUCIION advertised for MONDAY net, thq 4th July, at Gralgecon, Coun'tv Wicklow, will NOT t6ke'plce. 11, Upper Ormond quay, Jute Y9, 1831. 7 Mar, ?? CHAMFNCERY. Mrare Anne Blichfoadi wQidlow, ppURSUANT to the Decree Wlaintiff; P made in this Cause, bear- William Blachfordl nd otners, ing date the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. BiREAREY. TWILr6RD, near DUWPELD1E 4. IN TI{E COUNTY OF DERBY. TO BE SOLD- BY AUCTION, - By Mr. BREAREY, At the KXhg's Head, in Derby, in the counity of Derby, on Fridsy the First day of July, 1831, at six o'clock In the evening, subject to conditions' sale' then to Be produced; A LL those Sixteen Stone built DWELLING St HOUSES, adjoining together and in good pepairj with Gardens to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE BROWN EYE SALVE, Forl Diseases of the Ege-lids, d-c. Prepared by C. and G. JOHNSON, Mlanufacturing.Cliemists, GreatI'uthoatu, Essex, FIHIS Incimparable Salve has long been employed with untlailing success, in a very extertsive neighbouilutod in tie West of England, and sucb has beetn its local reputa tioll, that the original preparers only have beels iuiduced to part with the recipe fur a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l~RE-ROYAL.- f1I5 veniui 1'edlnesday, the Theatre will be closed. J public is ?? informed that Aliss JARMAN aid ~.ERs (of tile hlleatre Royal, Covent Garden) ore 5 r few ns( ts, and will make their first appearance WoR ,fj' THURSDAY, JUNE S0, 1831, on 0 whi~h ?? the performances will commence with the WI~llCI (nOt aeted these nine years) of 7i Iv vES AS THEY WERE, AND GIA[DS AS THEY AnE. IMr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To MERCHANTS, TRADERS, - OTHERS. N OTICE is hereby Given, that the EREWASH N CANAL and the SOAR and LEICESTEn NAVIGA- TIONS will be stopt on Sunday the 24th July next, and during the fourteen following Days, for the purpose of re. pairing the Works. 23d June, 1831. RICHARD MADELEY'S ZDMPA0VMED Warranted superior to tie best Quills. M R. MADELEY finding his METALLIC ..i. PENS So much in demand, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Weot Income of got. per Annuml for Sevesteen Teara and' HalIaf, arising fromt Premlses In Cornduit-street, Hlanover-square.-By hi.-, STANLEY, at ijarra. waTHI DA.June 29. atTwtlve. l5JiE: L E 'SE oi an excellent HOUSE, situate in Con- 8 fllt-tree, lanover-sqnare. held for un unexpired termi! of Soveatrfll -Yeanrs an a hlllf, at a1w r,nt, andiet for thie *heleof theterm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D.ISTR :SSE D IRISH, , tb July,. at half-past Nine. b TCKETS, 12s. et sc will be prlibished of Par nie rt;Ieck. e badlO Messrs. Drewry, Pike, and -Aei May . llr Roberts, Chesterfield; Mr. Hoon, illerby; * t & Tomkinson, Burton-on-Trent. aressrs received at the Banks of' Messrs. tepil g Co. Alessrs. IV. V. & S. Evans, 'P'lu i~hEsq* & Co. D)erby; Mllessrs. Cronmpton, vel Cbut 'and ...