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Lothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... DIORAMA AND ?? i - . LO HIAN IltOAAD. i ,srE Pul)lic are respectfully inf4rmetL that the 'n iicrlent LIC-TUt E, nlthe VA lIEY ?? SA.I- StTZrERLA4ND VItIII the fotta' CfrsU--rfAiA Of in Egypt, S-itz. rland, and tbePyreli-ea, wtUre-. ;rcn but a veq -limited- ties,. . Admi5i0p' OnCe -Stfl'ing. Children l1alF P'ice. An- ?? Five Shillings. Open fromr ten. Cli du'k. f sT CUTrlBE'ilS, Oil W1:ST.KIRK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .olIHP AN- H6S'L9 ' ' il ASN NLUL SERMON for the benefit or' the lo fj~fI AN H1OSPI TA L i,, to bec prtached in 9T~ cminRci, 001 lS AY tihe ?? )I 1,LUG, of Lady Gileunorohy's Chapel. - IWorship to begin: at Tw~o o'clock. * l 'dh July 18:31.ih an Iy ?? 'I'l T E 'MAGISTRATES OF C(j N ON GAT'E. pl ;MAGISTRATES of' the. BURtGH of CA- ?? ll G VI jar I'()1)1.iitice P ARI S I, ?? Baroni 13.. Ilil I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I)1OUAMA AND COSOiLA-MA, LOTiIiAN ROAD. jF H pblic are respecltfully informed, that the' mi.-rnircent I'IIC'U RL of the V A U11EY if SA I- , n r r- SITITZERTAaND v itli the four C'Mo, AMA i ft ? ?? -vt arilerri d, adite lI'rotice5, ivill rmintllf ,al r g c~y ?? tihee. (tijcri, £Jne Shilling. Childrets Hl fi Price. Aniumal Ailct i Open from teln till dusk. FINE A iurS; rii, EDIlN1tJRGII ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !.NLItTHOw, -5th1 July 1SSI. S[It J'tIES DALZEI.L, Bart. of Birns, Convener of the Courtly of Linliti1gotv Sta, J the Subscribers reqnest thtt .yotsrwill call a 1 3'enirng of the Freeholdera, Commissionero of - Jutstices or tie Peace, ?? 'lleritor-s of thr G sinty, tinder cousidieration the propoatl now aitat in- ,,.rlItt, to bring .MIolissesinto crnpe i3ion mtill Bar- Jill I In encoirage l ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ii ii it is I?f .5 r S f it 5 I 10D Tt ~O IH .rLLOViffiOTLs O-fb7El fi~aw 9R 1t brn aria~t e1- tion, bec~iuse 1 t4! t WAS.,u~ that I Mjet' Mii~ r uytjjrmg tp.sueicess o1 t eir graV easure, in ?? ssih tile sentiments so geuerally manifested throughout the £o6v~ ~iedbjiSB~I a. deprives ?? ?? ?? niken. itiibitaidts' 4eScf eofpb But the success of this ?? in -the Conalam)House *of Parliameni f's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CALEDONIAN IIUNT. - il, MiiEMBERS a'e ?? to meet at JD ,g las-s ilotel on Saturday the 23d current. 1)erierat Six O'cloek. sl'yl DAVID BAIiiI), Bart.I'rresols. WM. .sFI-A rPE, Socy. ST RONAN'S Bfl{ DEI Cl.UB. I1E AN'NUAL MiiFTING of the ST RO- , 1~s r,0 iN I hI C I. UI3. rq Ite encnria renient -f ')-naStiC Ie &,rvises a t i/ ill' YVo-irr ,r the Sestish h0rlr i j to be Ilht it INV Ft L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIFE AND FORlFA R. - 1s7'ArFEIU?17's. 71-M, ANN77A.L GENEIRAL MTrETING of.tbe T s li tJI 14.` under the A, ts of 1'arliamnelt f!¢ fin. rT - ard glatinri thI Ferrhie a :ro h e itv, r Iav, i-, ?? ](5 (,l Fife andt irfair, will he held wiihin the TIW'l; ovf Do adee. Oh itiiiaday the first day of August ltest, at twelve o-clock noon. - NEWv DHR1)G F 01 A'liL.. rTOT ICE IS 7iiEREBY (GENY. by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AfflE AsPE1iTHEAME, DRMNBURGHI. i 1cr tile. imrndi:1te ,Patronag ntI by Desire of Cap_ Ii t.ln flAY,` ?? iroop of Yeomanry CTa-; vairy' ?? YATS , rnin rin .enfir e1y ew 1bommt~itDErrrTin i, an JI inl 5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASYLUM- FOREIGN AIND WATESTIC LIFE OFFICEi, 70, CoRNTHILL, AND o, WA ltOO 1PLACE,. . LJOSDON. 79;r. ctrrrc. The Honourable WIL.L.IAsMt aArza, Chairman.' Colonel LussiliGTON, C.b , INL P., I)eputy'Chsirman. aster Ieno~ldE, Eq. i Sir Jamees Gatitner. FlSam Pratt jun. Esq. IWilliam Edinund Ferrars, Isban 1{ver, Esq. -j rh Fen. E~q ?? K ble, E-q. ?? P , Blin teo. Harris, ?? 3arren1, Is~q. ...


... E, EDINBURGH.. r YATES' Secbnid'Night of 'Performing this Season. T'lis present Evening. TIURSlD.AY, July 7, wuI hc 'perfornFeirt for tbe i 'rst l'inn in this city, aCnriediptta, j,, Ore ?? Called WTAS I'TQ BLA ME? Mlelville, a inkws ?? V TES., Jalia.M iss DAULY_ Arterrich, by trticular desni, 3lessrs GIRSON, ,1vN, snd *KING. ai~l dnrce the popiular comic SIAME',SE PAS D!. ILOIS. After ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FtINE A III S. 11E EDIN1TJoR a IDRAWINGi INTSTTTU- -jf l(ON will, be OPENEDL) afhr thae vacatton, rto iloN% DAlY tle 3a of OCTrOIBER next, ti n hedr- ;ion 0f 'ut r'E5GF. ?? eminent--artist from England, who j *el1 jlhr9tj the olld and Slve.r -Melals at the R1oyal, Aca-. dy rnJ',: ?? fist for the best riawing in Choalk p ,f nc 9; ,a mis li are, and the second for Historical C;rn C p;;, a rom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1I1GIILANI) SOCIETY OFSCOTLAND.; G17~NERAL MEETING of dtbi SOCIETY. in Ajftcrnis of the Chairter, 'sil he Iteld in oke S civtv's II,'-Jaft Iernonli, witeo it in C( rcqie-tin I Itb1 I hers a ill v ,.,tniilit pruri'el)y at tite hor I~ ?? ?? t w. iee will1 Le a 13 A! 101) for the.-indii'sion or N EW It 11ii F:I S; and it is; prewribed lit hle Cbs ,-l r, that no ]fi:jt sllcoimnllitnce until At ha ...