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Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... And altmerd uport at olfidsnrmamer ncit, t GOOD MALT OFFICE.-Apply to GEORGE £L 0or TTose, Sirarkestone, near Derby. DERBY RACES, 1831. First Day5-Tuesday, AUguSt 2. SIXTY GUINEAS given by his Grace the Duke .of Devonshire, for maiden horses, &c. that never won £o5 at one time. Three years old to carry 7st 21b ; four, list 51i,; five, est 101b; six and aged, 8st 121b. Slarme and geidings ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rTo Parents and Guardians. 1T ANN'T'ED by a SUiSGEON in extensive practice, W a well educated V'oothl about 16 years of age, as an ArrnEfNrnre:. He will enjoy many adrantages both Professional and Domeotic, For ('Crtls of address apply (post.paid) to ftWEAvEn R and IANDLEB, Chemists, Wolverltampton. 4 CLFRGY MAN, Graduate of Cambridge, resi- detit int a plhasilt. village oin the borders of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BA.LL # halt pat mine. C ' U1ZONS, ., ,i ,iU sR F WS111UR1. I- oZ8jt' (II I2,iFJDIEJA). ,~~~o Cfll`,,l TEAMELD. I (Av JNL)ISHf. - n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR. JAMES's POWDER. p HIS celciuratel MI. dicine is invariably adopted by phy- T ici ajins1 andr o- the-e n ho cannot *obtain titi ical advice, with encb pocket are enclosed full directions for its use. Its affieAcV is nmost ceTtail ii iredly given on the attack of FEVER, MEASLES, SORE THROAT', rcent Cold with Cough, and other Inflammatoly Disorders. In RHEUMA- 'IISM and Chronic Complaints it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROUGH OF DERBY. THE Price and Assize (f Bread, set by the Rev. J CHARLES8TEAD HOPE, Clerk, Mayor nf the said Borough, upon the 5th day of July, 1831.-To take place the 8th of July, 1831, and to be in force seven days: T11E PRICE BREAD: lb.oz.dr , d The Peck Loafwbeateon, i to weigh.. 17 6 6 3 t The Household ditto .17 6 0 3 i 3 The Htif-peck Loaf wheaten, ditto, .. 8 1: 0 I 10 The Household ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET, And entered upon at jlfichaaelsnas next, Good MALT OFFICE.-A PPIY to Mrr. GEO. A WOOTTON, Swarkestone, near Derby. ASHB3OURN. To be disposed of at a fair Valuation, A N Old Established IRONMONGERY CONCEISN, which has been carried on nearly half a century by the present occupier, who, from ill health, wishes to decline business. Letters (post-paid) addressed to Mr. Hoov, Bookseller, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a EXTEMPORE 'LECTURES on On EXPE RIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY a Illutstated lby a most extensive and Splendid Apparatus, at which occupies a Table 30 feet in length. ef T R. CLARKE, whose Lectures have afforded ed M the highest gratification to Audiences of the first res- ed pectability at BEriI'ER, most respectfully announces to the ed Inhabitants of DERBy and its vicinity, that his Course of ir Three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Weaels J~rw'sDrops, mnd Speeffic' Remrwdg. II E GENUIJNLE JESUIr1s ])iRops have bieet Yung known -Oldtesictitiw ai stile, chioap, (ffictrrtr, Hair oftion ;iii timoi~itlet citre fur Strtiiiteii v. Uctlvis, Weaknetiss it tile Kidlieys or Boladder and when talclon on tIre first ottrwk~ ci' Vetici oil Iiit'ctlinii, tfiv~ wvill iikiliblhy arccomtplish tile deosiredl (ffi t. Shouslid t ie cominpoit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... as 1(BY MR, KNIGHT. C- ,0e Extensive SALE at BRANSTONE. ad THE Sale of the very Valuable LIVE STOCK, d. Farming Implements, Old and New flay, Corn, l, Growing Crops, Grass Keeping, Wool, Cheese, Dairy and id Brewing lessels, Joiner's Tools, Household Furniture, if Linen, Books, Organ, Violins, and all effects of the late of Afr. IIUMPHREY IIIGGOTT, White Hart Inn, Branstone, near Burton-upon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I D1RBY RACERS, 1831. I SIFirst Day.-Tuesday, August 2. IXTY GUINEAS given by his Grace the Dli&e of Devonshire, for maiden horses, &c. that never won £s50 at one time. Three years old to carry 7st 21b; four, 88st 51b; five, 8st 101h; six and aged, 8st 121b. Ilares and geldirlgs allowed 21h. Two mile heats; * Same Day.-The Gold Cup, value 100 Guineas, a Sweep- stakes of Ten Guineas each, for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Notice to the CREDITORS of Mr. Joseph GRUNDY. _ HE Creditors of Mr. JosEPH GRiUNDY, late of T Syerscote, in the county of Stafrbrd, may on applica- 7 tion to Alessrs. DEWES and FISHER, Solicitors, Asbby-de- la-Zonch, Leicestershire, receive a Dividend of Ninepence r in the pound upon the amount of their respective debts; and e such of the Creditors who shall not signify their assent to receive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT- - A . PUBLIC MVLETIXCA- Of the FREEHOLDERS of lUELBOURN, held on :Wednesday, J.ulyI~, 1831,; Mr. Wm. HAIMES, in he Chair; 7fIIE, following RESOLUTIONS were ifJani- 2L modily adopted. 1st.-THAST in consequence of the Honotirable 0; 3. VERNON's having come forwird at a Candidate for the Representation of the County of Derby, when his services were so essential to Iti interests, and bavingIne ...