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London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... I ENLGLISH GRAMIIARr-Of this work sixty thousand copies have now, been published. 'This is a duodecimo-volurme, ad& the price is 3s. bound inboards. 2; An ITALIAN GRAMMAR, by Mr. JAMES PAUL Co0rBETT.-Being a Plait and Compendious. Introduction to the Study of Italian. Price 6s. 3. COTTAGE ECONOMY.-I wrote this Work professedly for the use of the la- bouringand middling classes of the English ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTICE.-The EHIBITION ofthe NATIONAL: REPOSI- OTC .TOR heLLR EXHfBTh Ioya Mc5harm -cosPatron, the Ring. hteoarwis t - NW, OPEN dik ThIe Fourth Annuai Ehibitib~on Of ?? Ctaltges 1,daly Admittance Is.-Catalogues T. S. TULL,. Sec. J~RITISLI INSIU ION? Pl a.-h Galery, ngitha B selection of tic Italian Sp Dt nh Shoos IS OPEN dlfo en in t n tS the Evening. Admission Catalogue Is. W LiM. BARNARD, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just published, with Notes by the Editor, Sir Walter Scott, Lord Stowel, Sir James Mackintosh, &c., ith several Original Portraits, 5 vols. 8vo. 31. P.OSWELL'S LIFE OF JOHNSON, a new Edition, incorporat- -L ig HAWKINS, Mrs. PIOZZI, TOUR to the HEBRIDES, TOUR ill WALES, &c. By the Rigist Hon. JOHN WL SON CROKER. John Murray, Albemarle-street. C ]UY HEART IS TIIINE-the New Ballad that has made ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROSCOE'S NOVELIST'S LIBRARY, with illustatonsby GInEn CIisusa. SHANC, publishing in Monthly Volumes, ?? Shillin.'s. UNIFORM WITH VHE WVERLE NOV ELS. On the 1st July was published C8 MO L LE TT'S H UMP HI EY CL INK ER, ;,,Il COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME, Illustrated by George Cruikshank ; with a Life of the'Author, written ex- pressly for this Edition, by Thomas Roscoe, Esy. And an Elegant Portrait, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A' PUBl.IC -MEETING of Ithe Useful Classes of t e Metre. * polis, wiilb6 held (by pernission1) in Portmap Market, New Street, Liason Grqve, on Monday-next, ,at[Twelfe for One o'clock, for the purpose 5f in' nto cousidelitioP the proprietl' of peti- tioning the oous'a of Co6n6ons, agsinst the iniquiitous attack of the 'Vhig Administrationupon'tle th'Lis vyv oF TifPitrss,; and for a full ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A cGEOGRAPHICAL ])ICTIG'AR'Y 0 OF ENGLAND AND. WALES.-Tbns Work, which has been so long in hand, is now in -the Press. It will contain the Name, Situta- tiou, &c., af every Pansh, and eyeD of every Haalet; it will contain a descript4tof, and an Account of-the Cntry; also of each .aunty; and will, I trust, convey 2tpre use- ficl inforsnetipn os, t~il snuject, than.-has ever been conveyed in all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1. ENGLISH GRAMMAR.-Ofthis work sixty thousand copies have now been published. This is a duorlecimo volume, and the price is 3s. bound in boards. 2. An ITALIAN GRAMMAR, by Mr. JAMES PAUL COBUeTT.-Being a Plain and Compendious Introduction to the Study of Italian. Price 6s. 3. CSOTTAGE; ECDONOMY.-I wrote this Work professedly for the use of the la- bouring and middling classes of the English ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1E N ER AL CE MET R Y CO M PAN Y.- G ' Shares tI?. each. The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the PROPRIETORS, to which the Public are invited, will be held on Tuesday, the 12th of July, at Exeter Hall, Strand, at Twelve o'Clock. Viscount MILTON in the Chair; to receive the Report of the Committee, and to take measures for carrying into immediate effect this most important undertaking, rendered daily ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRYER'S IMPROVED, PATENiT, SINGLE, DOUBLE, AND TREBLE WASHING MACHINES. A NEW INVENTION most important to every private family, A as supereding the necessity of hiring char-women, and at the same time making the Line~n a far better Colour without half the injury or wear, and in one-third of the time that is necessary, when washed by the hands; they are-tumred in amanner similar to a man- ge], ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1LENGLISH GRAMMAR.-Oif ?? work sixty tbousand copies have now bee. published. This is a duodecimo volume, a the price is 3s. bound in boards. 2. An ITALIAN GRa4MMAR, by Mr. JAMXPPAUL COBBaTT.a.Beiing a Plait and Compendious Introduction to the Study ! of Italian. Price'6s. 3. COTTAGE ECONOMY.-I wrote this Work professedly for the use of the la- bouming and middling classes of the English ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QOCIETY for the DISCHARGE and RELIEF of PERSONS a IMPRISONED for SMALL DEBTS, throughout England and Wales, established 0772. PRESIDENT-The Earl of Romney. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Lord De Denstanville Sir Francis Burdett, Bart, M.P. Lord Kenyon Charles Edward Pigou, Esq. The Rt. Hon. Sir R. Peel, Bart. M.P. TREasuRER-Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. AuDIToas-John Pepys; Esq. and Colin Mackenzie, Esq. At a ...