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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... PRESERVING SUGARS, At unprecedented Low Prices . J. & J. GOLDSMITH, NO. 27, STEPHEN'S GREEN, NoItTa, OPrER FOR SALE, VERYextensive supply of Raw and Retined I ARS, , particularly chosen torthe above purpose. ?? Stock of OLD W1NES, MALT W1s5rvEs TEAs, &&J will be found, an inspection, to muerit a decided preference. Carriage free four miles round the City. June 27. 1831. 1RISII INLAND STEAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;EHh~ATREOAt. L e ening ! Fridl.v, the Theatre ill be closed. is 'eCtfrepe 1 informed that Mrs. WOOD, Late 1he , ltie MI. 0), are elinged for a few nights, -liixtnleerlirat appeaalnce To-morrow, SATURDAY, ,lr ' S3S ,mlr. POWER will alsomsake their second Ql,,otIA°' ST U IltIDAY, JULY 2, 1831, thee w ll comflhi'uce With the Opera of l OWg 1X A VILLAGE. Wood. heis first appearance this season), ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T AT E- ROYAL.- io isrespectfully informed that Mrs. WOOD, .late lie pi° isd ir.l WOOD, are engaged for a fews ts, Pkr. i-e their frst appearance This dvening, SATIURD)AY, lr 2- l1g. and Mr. POWER will also make their second ,93, thiu occasi on. ?? SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1831, the perform-. ' lS prrielnl omence with the Opera of iiiu*05WiLO YoyE IN A VILLAGE. ?? ~.r Wood, (his first appearance this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICE OF IRISH STOCKS ON FRIDAY. c30v rfrst1nt )fl~Ois, 3 per tent ?? ?? Bit e op -Stook,SI per Cent,.8. op - - - Dma, St per Cuxut. - 90i Bank Stack ?? Grand C anal I)-b. 6 per tent, red. to 4 stert. per ?? 82 Alinz~slg ConipawiV of, Ireland., ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jjj.AT1EROYAI. bf the etargement of jirs. WOOD, late 3Jiss PA- iltrane of Manj AiJR.A and Mr. POWER. T0d 8P1t ]IONDA.' JULY 4, 1831, the perform- ,illi preS ] ninetie w~ithl the glrlnd Opera of ,a HEIV M 11,IAID OF JUDAH~. flie ,whole of tile MNusic by Rossini. (t,(ile the disguise of a Pilgrim) Mir. Wood;. Isaac *,i. Ct ' l R; Rebecca, his daughter (the Maid of ra the !a iij Afti r tbe. °t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICE OF IRISH STOCKS ON SATURDAY dovernmenut Consols, 3 per Cent ?? Stock, 3S per Cent .89 op DItlo, 3 per Cent. (new).9, ?? 89i 90 Debentures, 3S ?? ?? 86i Grand Canal Stock (of d92 6s. ?? Q4, Grand Curial Deb. 6 per cent, red. to 4 sterni. per ?? 82 Cityof Dublin Steam Companv ?? 6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRESERVING SUGARS, At unprecedented Lo w Prices. J. and J. GOLDSMITH, I I INo. 27, STl.'IIEN'S-G EEN, NORTM OFEFER FOlR SAIX,R , 4 VERY extensivesuppl of Raaw and Refined ARS, A pardcularlv chosen for tbe above purpose 'I' Stomk ot OLD WINES, MIALT WHISKEY, EAS, &c.,-will be found, en inspeclion, to merit a deci d pre ference._- Carriage free four mileq round the City. June 27, 181.. : -: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0N7 THE FEINAIGLIAN .SYSTEN7. oE3 -~ 2r-I IOMAS FiNN, A.i's L.L.D. T~xC:l7 utqB'icIF jfarly E.xaiflinatilo of the Pupils;,of tbis tbe 3' held on the v28th, 29th, aird 30th ult., and 1st ot SIrm'n o) oore asdidged by ?? lan ioers. to t1~e foioorwn Youn;, Gentlemen:- liR,-gers, sen. Zenophon.-WtH, sen, Pwyer, ?4-jlhy t ,eS, .n. Iqrrltv mliis. .-D ,tifltrr t Walsh, MKenna, sen., O'BSi imus. I ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TA1~E-ROYAL. 0^ the engagerient of Airs, WOOD, late Miss PA- pd T~ TON. an r. WOOD. arance of ,Ii,,sTARMAN and Mr. POWER. ?? WTEDNESDAY,JULY 6,1831, the-perfor ,tiilS l pi5SS1 m.ence with the grand Operaof J 0sceSvw O CINDERELLA. od Cinderella, Mrs. Wood. will be produced Mr. Yt, the °P', I A edv of 1JAR1 IED LOVERS, *th great success throughout the Season, at thle I 5 perfI, ed Trheatre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOOD LUMP SUGAR, EIGHT PENCE PER POUND. J. C. EGAN, 10B. STEPHEN'S GIELN, NEAR HARCOUR!'-ST T, AS on Sale a quantityof:theabovesugu-r, with l ge supply of the finer descripticn, and an assortment v ngars. equally reasonable. His'Stock ot Old Wines, Old Malt Whiskey, Teas, &C w ill, be is confident, (on trial), give genersrl satisfaction. 5!b July, 18SI. rz~lt Ur Oiit l; 0.;o,k\0 ViJ T'1lE- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... de, the Patronage of his Excellency the LORD ne~jee A- ini bo has sigrified his intention of being pre- eni.emenht nof Mrs. W OOD, late Miss PA- ON t~fth and Mr. WOOD. If' iII r. POWER. Ffit ISDAY, . J ULY 7, 1831, the perim- ii ,ateie j11 co ence vi itl (being most positively tk only I ?? repeated) the grsnd 'Opera of -bib It CJ MAID OF JUDAH. ?? gS U ood, Isaac of York, Mr. Calcraft; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEZESERM VNG SUGARS, At utprqceden ted Low Prices. J. andl J1. GOLDSMITH, No. 27, STEPilIEN'S-Gl REN, NORTHr OtFrI.t 01tO1 SALE, VEl Y extensive supply of 'Raw and Refined SUGARS, A pnrriculdrly clioseni for the above purpose. Ih-r Stock oi t)li WINES AMALT WHISKEY, EAS &A . will be found ,en i1spection, to merit a decided pre- lcrcn~4e. Crriage free four miles round the City. S r(}i3 LUMP SU ...