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Oxfordshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... HISTORY and TRBA TMENT of the HORSE. e Under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion n - of Useful Knowledge. d Just published, in a handsome 8vo. volume, price &s. Gd. bound in cloth, and lettered, , HE HORSE; wvith a Treatise on Draught, aid a T copious Index. Illustrated and embellished with more - than 100 engravings on wood. Printed for Baldwin and Cradockc Paternoster-roW. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE to DEBTORS. Ak LL persons Who stand indebted to the late Mr. A JOHN HAY NES, macbine maker, Holywell, arc requested to pay the amount, immediately, to Alr. James Giles, auctioneer, Oxford, who is duly authorised to receive the same. ANTED,-A steady active LAD, as an AP- W PRENTICE to a WOOLLEN and LINEN DRAPER; a moderate premium required. Apply to Mr. James Milsuin, Wantage. GENUINE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To JOINERS. \XTED ,-wo or three good 1oiki-en.- IV ApplY at the Office of this .ournal. yt of ?? Parish.~ Obe LET, Witil immediate possession,-TWO neay new built TENEMENTS, with good yard in *Rtqusite COnso froe, f~lle a~elr pl to Due. G. IRackstTow, s0o OtfeAx ...

Advertisements & Notices

... er HUNTING BOX, ld A nl comfortable Family Residence, ole , AND THE lads onA~e3| AudiPlt,;(lt1 lleyo as MAN~OR of StrafttnAI1Y IIN T'11E COUNTY OF OXFORD, It Late the Residence of Sir EDW. P. LLOYD, Bart. dl. T O be LET, for two or three years, with immediate 1' possession. The HOUSE consists of entrance hall, is staircase, dining room, 24 feet by 18, drawing room, 22 feet Od by 15, with a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cdhaddleworti House and .Manor, Near NEWBURY, BThrts, tf1O be LET, and immediate possession delivered, if XL required. The Mansian has been erected within a few years, and is in all respects in complete repair, and a very eligible Residence, with excellent gardens and ice house. Tte Manor and extensive WVoodsabaundwivith game. Hounds are kept in the neighboutboad. Twanty Acres of Land, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tao Parish Officers and others. HEREAS THOMAS PERRY and JAMES V CLEMENT have absconded and left their families chargeable to the parish of St. Clement, any person who will give such information to the officers of the said parish as may enable them to apprehend either of the above persons, will be rewarded, and have all reasonable expences paid. Thomas Perry is about 5 feet 7 inches high, dark ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO MOTHERS AND NURSES. RS. JOHNSON'S AMERICAN SOOTHING l SYRUP.-This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds of children, when thought past recovery from con- vulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gums the child will be relieved. It is as innocent as efficacious; and so pleasant that no child will refuse to let its gums be rubbed with it. When infants are at the age of four months, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... imCdiately,-A Youth, respectably edsaq ARR 'ItCE to a LINLN lette, poSR piidi t6 -E-3Bartlett anil'Son, D jimmediately, ifl a School, HA Laay, )lIs ?? (a W~esleyan w1dbe pre- of -nttructne in- French, Illusic, Geo- so(post paid) X. A. Post Offices Chipping- 0naUy to Mrs. Thompson, Hool-Norton, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HONEkYBOURNE, GLOCESTERSHIRE. W OSEPH ARKELL respectfullyinformns the public OP that he has received instructions from the Executors of the late Mr. COTTEIRELL COBSETTr, of Honeybourne aforesaid, to SELL by AUCTION, without reserve, on Tuesday the 30th instant, all the very superior WAGGON and CA1RRIAGE HORSES, HUNTERS, COLTS and FILLIES, pure-bred Long-horned and other COWS, Fat and Store ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oxfordshire Mlilitia. N OTICE is hereby given, that a General Meeting of his .ajesty's Lieutenancy for the County of Oxford will be holden, by adjournment, at the Star Inn, in the City of Oxford, on Saturday the 27th day of August instant, at One o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of transacting such business as may be necessary for carrying into execution the general laws relating to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J lTNOTICE is hereby given, That a Dividend of i1 Four Shillings and Sixpence in the Pound of the Estate of JOHN DRING, of the City of Oxford, mercer and draper, dealer and chapman, a Bankrupt, was, on the 10th day ?? instant, ordered to be paid to all the said Bankrupt's Creditors who had proved their debts and that such dividend may be received (on application) of i1r. Win. Cook, (of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAPITAL RESIDENCS, able DEDDINGTON, Oxon. 'he ]r0 be LET, from year to year, or for a short term, Esq. with possession at Michaelmas ?? excellent t DW VELLING HOUSE, eligibly situated in the New-street, dert Deddington, fit for the residence of a respectable family, or St. for any business requiring room; comprising good cellaring, bel, hall, two parlours, large drawing room, four bed rooms, ...