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London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. Several of our Readers complain of the great troub'e which the hesitation and fear of theTRAe r, to expose to sale our paper, occasion them, whereby theyface compelled to come for it, consi- derrably out of their way, to otr-slop: in consequence of this, upon . the principle that its jo etter io tatn a little aside to avoid beil Xobbed, we have determined upon: the dxpedlient of If ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1. ENGLISH GRAN ?? t4i ,work ;sixy thousai copiest ban wr been published, This is a duodedlito volumme, and the prce is 3g. bound in boards. ?? Ai ITALIAN, GRAMMAR, by Mr. JAME35 PAUL COODETIT-Being a Pan and Compendious Introduction ti the Study of Italian. Price 6s. .3. COTTAGEECONOMY.-i wroft this Work professedly for the use of the ta. bouring and middling classes of the, Eiglsh nation. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UI RITISHi INSTITUTION, Pall Mai.The Gallery, with a _B! selecion of PICTURES by A:N.CENT MA$TR ofte various Schools of Painting, IS OPEN diily, from en ID the Morning ?? in the Evening. Admission Is. L WILLIA BARNARD, Keeper. P 0 L L 0 N I C O N, a Grand Musical Instrument (under the A immediate patronage of his Majesty) invented and constructed by Flght ?? Oran-uii~eS~i nw O Nto EXHIBITION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GW ePARL n~ENT Meb and Country Gentlemen re- N quirin SUMMER CLOTHING will find it very advantageous tobe sup- plied from FETCRER'S, 33, New B ,hly celibrated for his moderate charges and production fGetmalCos,&c. &6. The obvi- ous effect is, that a gentleman who befr set50.ayar in his blntibing, cans there be supplied for little more than 301.e s.d Dress Coats, Blue or Black - _ - _ 3 A6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. In Hants, adjoining Hitclered the splendid seat and domain of * od arnavn THE fine ESTATE of CRUXEASTON and WOODCOT, alto- gether 2118 acres of FREEHOLD LAND, a great portion tithe free, the eoor rates very moderate, and the land-tax redeemed, in the occupation of ighly respectable ten~ants of long standing, and at exceedingly moderate rent, with the manor and manorial rights ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COBBETT-IJBRAUY'. L -ENGLISH GRAMMARk-Of d t work sixty thousand copies have now beenf published. This is a dnodeciwo voltyue, and the priee is 3s. bound iu boards. 2. An ITALIAN GRAMMAR, by I Mrr Js& s PAuiL CoaBETT.-Being, a PlIia ?? Introduction to the StudF of Italian. Price6 .. - 3. COTTAGE ECONOMY.-I wrote this Work professedly for the use of the. 1- bouring. and middling classes of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. We thank our Birmingham correspondent, and shall make use of his letter. We were prevented from doing so this week by thle late arrival of his communication, which did not come to hand till our number was realdy to go to press. We will enquire itto the subject on which a Constant reader at Bury St. Edmunds addresses us. TO THE UNtRERllESENTED. -t-%N Saturday next, August *21 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jus published, price 5s. 6d. US or r- PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS on PROLAPSUS ?? trusion of the Lower Bowel. With Cases and Plates. By FREDERICK SsALMON, F.R.C.S. Author of A Practical Essay on Contraction of the Rectum, Piles, &C. By this work it is slhown that the disease may be cured without any opera- tion, and that the latter is rendered expeditious and safe, wlea its peorance is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A P 2 L Lh2 NI C P N, a Grand Musical Instrument (under the ?? and constructed by Flight and Robson,- Organ~h~ilq~rS~ now OPENto EXHIBITION daily, from- Oue til Furpeforin, btt sef-ctig ?? Idomeneo and Weber's Grand O'verture to Oberon, which is executes with a grandeur and brilliancy of efibet superior to any instrumentin Eurtope, at the Rooms, to0, St. Martin's-lane. Amtace 12. UGGIN'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -SALES BY AUCTION. In Dorsetsbire, near to Blandford.-A Sporting Residence, adapted to a large Familyand not yielding in its attraction to any SpgortingVillain the Country with corresponding Offices, and Eleven Acres of Wrass and and Plantations, with a Manor to be rented if required, the River Stour pursuing its irregular course in the Vale ?? be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. GFORrE RoBINs, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POLITICAL BIBLE. Thris, Diay is Publisbed. Price 2s. 6d. G AINES' RI6WIS. OF XMAN complete, which is achnow- I ledgf Iby ;Nlip:oliticians to be the Bmlu.. Op GO (;0VERNc- T. No man should, be without readiig it,. which will renovate their minds,.knAgive them just ideas of a VIRTUG'TS ADOMt-NiSTRA- TIoN. i30IHN BROOKS, 4i2l, Oxford Street. TAX ON KN0WLEDGE. UBSCRIPTIONS are receivedi at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t *. 3L1S7I GRAMMAR.-O thts wk vrs xt3y. thuand ei. 1ate ew beec Tpuiblished. This is ?? vojulow, a-OI thee price is 3s, bound. in liards. an C mpnious int., l Actiof ?? Stepngly ofu-talian. +Pne*. P d.j 3. COTTAGE -ECONQM3Y.-4wrte this Worl( ?? 1ort she-use'ofR tbe'1i. houing abd ?? clashes n f. the^ El nationg I made myseif'acquainted dathnthe: best. and:simplest modes of making 'beer aud ...