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Advertisements & Notices

... A RTIF~ICIA$ _TE£E, T. MR. ROSE, !500GsoN DEN'TIST, 41, SMOUNT PLEASANT, LIVERPOOL, ESPECTFULLY intimates to the Nobility and Gen- try of Pieston anti its Vicinity, that he intends being Cr COFT'8, Red Lion Inn, Preston, on Friday the w9th, alnd Saturday the 20th of August, to wait on those Ladie antI Gentlemen who may be in want of professional 0ssistaace. INDES TUCTIBLE TEETH. >, fjR. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 74PARTM EXTS . AT NO. 25, FISHEROATE, T'o LET, WITH IMMUEDIATE POSSESSION, 10\SISTlNG of one large Dining-room, one Sitting- (y ern, and three Bed-roomiss Kitchen, and two Cellars. ,,,Ie taker may have the joint privilege of a large Garden Ipleasre Ground behind the same. Application for sad Pleahtrplilar to be mad e at the premises. Zlf~ 19 831. ~~ TO BlJi LET, t ~BY PRO;POSAL, ,l lire 11omse ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / DISPENSARY. fIE Governors will meet at the Dispensary, on Mon- da a e st, at eleve 'clocinc i the forenoon, to A Ha 1OUSE SURGEON, agreeably to a no- tireadY given, in the place of Mr. Dixon, who has re- ie? electtofl will be conducted in conformity with the id tlli(l rules of the institution. Mr. SMITH'S riS MITH respecttully irrrerns- the- Laties and ~Jj ,CilCmen of Preston and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AtS. iS, BRGHT (late ?? PYErIctl) begs to retar: [l r I Ad ?? a hi, Isledgmaents to the Ladeis of I.iverpol ;.I:di IA viviaiiry for the libsernl encouiagelltent ?? hioce she 'nis mesiecsi bishiie', ha B ld-dtrect. and hopes tis n.erit a5 co otiiu; ,se thf rbeir kind rfavors. i7, Jold strest Au lezsl 3, 1831. EDMCATION. i# RS- EGERTON SMITH and Mvrq. ICENNETII - V 1CKNy Z1E beg leave to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P,.-n;kr15Cn FOUII S55OLiflxc5., H EV~ LLA GE B! .L- A C K S 1 J~t1~;, iff H rIY :iDM USEFULNESS ExExm'pmFoar, in a Me. J or. te iif of SAMUE 1MICK late of Micklefield, n:oirko t Byv JMES EvEaE.r.-Second Edition. n.orbshirr. pnblikhled by I1AMILTON, ADAMS, and Co. I~ovnOi^5 oS 66, Paternoster Row. ,Also obe had o Stil JI S- LLS in town ald ccountry. , a o_ ,jt othe ,B0oKSE~tR a .AGSS PSS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LI TUDOLMW*N5Swa~I SIIPOTERLDEALER, n LU * Baoa-sraar,(opis~elpfiehapiJhas constantly J~ Fine old'og~naiBRANIW~isiltUltLAND)S,3s. perG Glon. L Jamaica RUM.-12s. 13s. and l.Is. per Gallonl. t.British GIN9S., lb. and 14s. perGallon. Seotch and irish 'Malt W1tISKBY. 123. 148.and Itis.j~er Gallon- 091P1R0WINEBattle. .Doene. rl P(I~~t-T WINE ?? 3d. ?? 0 Dit~n l ~.14s. 6O;B4 .16 0., 3 0 ?? 0 I5 ?? . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... puiRa'ftSR, PIA4NO-FORTES, GUNS, 4~C. IBY MESSRS. BRANCH & SON, 0i Tuesday next, the 30th Instant, and following days, at Eleven O'6ClOk each day, at the Hlanover Roonni~ ~Nextensive Assortsnent ot New and SecnK-hand FUR XCL NITUR, 'of every description; a fin nited Six-octave Miliuase Piano-foirte, Horliontal Grand Ditto, n Soer Bath, twoI very handsome India. Cabinets. Brussels ?? .~nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -~ ~ ~ Dr ?? - o Ca 1st i D~5 it-*e'J J itendet io re-publish from Li d ll^'8 ?? se soose intefesting verses of a correspondent, the o1ieet of iihih ii2 t promote the sueess of the, approaching ' I afi~enid for~the~betiefit of these invaluable charities. dil however, Icuding the Asslze Report, rhis aeprlv us' of tbe requisite' space for tbe ?? of S~rizmliauiredl ~to our 'Poet~eorner this: week ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. FORFEITED PLEDGES. B'Y Mr.s MriL5s, On Monday the 15th day of August, 1884, at the SaleRooni corner of Swari-street, New Cross, Manchester, QUANTITY of FORFEITED PLEDGES, the pro A perty of JAMEs 3 BuTTERlOwiTH, (lld continues bu'. ness as usual) consisting of Silver Watches, men and no. mess's Wearing Apparel, Bed and table Linen, &c. TILt goods were pledged prior to August, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANNT~ kRRARY of thre~BAPTS HPI ANNS'i-51R'EET' and OPItNING or 'llre N W NV ALi ~wi e p1'friched in Geor'geeretCrpl qjTahe Selfionou in- the morning, by -the Reve. ,j~'1i t'ii ll the afteetioott bIr~the Re6. Thomas 'th Jir f7~irao ightial the siermon~ 'iii tIWe evening bWUie Rev trie nrorn to, contineace h ~lidf-rast tell t * e rvre tire ~aftcrit tat threc.-anri in the 'evrelirr at i~l 0iii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N71 2tR M84LS OR~ rA (?Aagj'R iiICTUR&IS., ~'cpj'c (F ay th ii intan. a Taetse o~eloek precisely, ~Neleni~~ndvababe~okcf~nof abnet PICTURES. ~ ofpleaingslibeete bythe ostetenenc Masters of the ~,'ezc an MoernSchcd5 ina dsirblestate of preservation, S)kLh.NCT LIBRARY. BY Wilt- HINIE, ?? necxt, the SthI instanct, precisely att Eleven o'clock, at hisi Rooin,. l'hirclc-strect, Seec Colketion of' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED. --TTD, a StOut, active, healthy MAN, from 5 b ty to forte, veers or ae is MESSENGER at the ys~lthssortY, X LWritten applicatirns. vith testimonials rdet'er to be left vwith Mr. GARDINER, at the Church. . to cl Vra(tOeCr' Fountain street. on or before Monday, the 5th ;a Security for £100 will be riqulred4/ Au. 131., ! pD, \VANTTED.-WANTED, a-PERSON *1r1 thte~ situationof BEADLE, for the ...