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Liverpool Mercury


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Liverpool Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... AtS. iS, BRGHT (late ?? PYErIctl) begs to retar: [l r I Ad ?? a hi, Isledgmaents to the Ladeis of I.iverpol ;.I:di IA viviaiiry for the libsernl encouiagelltent ?? hioce she 'nis mesiecsi bishiie', ha B ld-dtrect. and hopes tis n.erit a5 co otiiu; ,se thf rbeir kind rfavors. i7, Jold strest Au lezsl 3, 1831. EDMCATION. i# RS- EGERTON SMITH and Mvrq. ICENNETII - V 1CKNy Z1E beg leave to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N71 2tR M84LS OR~ rA (?Aagj'R iiICTUR&IS., ~'cpj'c (F ay th ii intan. a Taetse o~eloek precisely, ~Neleni~~ndvababe~okcf~nof abnet PICTURES. ~ ofpleaingslibeete bythe ostetenenc Masters of the ~,'ezc an MoernSchcd5 ina dsirblestate of preservation, S)kLh.NCT LIBRARY. BY Wilt- HINIE, ?? necxt, the SthI instanct, precisely att Eleven o'clock, at hisi Rooin,. l'hirclc-strect, Seec Colketion of' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : laO Colegionbeitto. 10vias OV ATTEMUANCE AT OF'ICES,-A correspondent bXPre18e5 owme aurilse that we, who have uniformly secommended shlit- ting up shops and offices muds earlier thanas usual h re should have admitted Into the last Nercrwy theletter kf dliafi of Lieirpoot, in which it Is proposed to abolish the hi5,, the Banks at one o'clock on Friday. OureorrespForW52ght have perceived a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'T'IEATLRE.ROYAL, LIVERPOOL. - ?? te Bl.N~FITof M. SNCLIR, and hit'.last ap. p'-iti. 1rr'hn tl hS eprtue orAmerica. Trhis pie. 11110 ?? he th ltau, wll e prfored thle fav-ourite Captain Taimred ?? Mr. Sinclair. NI is Salty Sericrega-. M Ai0s Jarmian. i!!e rourse of 'the Evening, Sir. Sinclair will sing a variety of ftivourt'le Songs. re noeccle ohicb, for the first time here, a ?? TiffE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4 -sllsIi 1 -t-Wr ; -: iSOi' i'Y FOR -TliH DiFFUSION F0 USEFUL KNOWLEfDGE Mesrs. Baldrrin aud Cradeelhave ust publfshed, under the S - b.- perjntendja ?? Society, is IN OMM1RCE , Peit4 in44 No, )v2ofthe series. iJ The ?? the CHVRCH. ?art8. r i.MICHAELIANGELO. Part 1 . . $TUDV:of~the.'MATHEMiAT1[CS. ParC a.` S CREIsiS.TRY. .Purt 4 ,. s ,,ยข HISTORiY of ROME. Partp. o Of the Farmera Series The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *least ]E ?? ?? RL4LVUTTA, Wi-kaldic'to Uaflt MADEIRA, he FOR CALCUTTA, DiaECT4 Tewell-known and fast-saling Armed Pasenger ship ROYAL SAXON, D. W. PTie s, C Commander; Burthen 600 tons, has a lofty poop and 'tween decks, fitted up in tdhe most approved style, and carries a n experince Surgeon Plans 'f which, and terms of freight and passage ay be bd on application to Mr. CAALCLUTTATSR, or to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r - v : t F.tRANCH LAYNGUVAGFt, 411AR(ELLI.AN MNTIOfI, an I Mat'ar v.WAaSANrT NE1;T Doon rQTO tHE WELLWGT(ON ItoRos. an i' . AN IIAL ,mARCEI.. begs it) announce to the Lsdies re ! fi d anid Gentlemel of Liverpool and its Vicinity, that on MoN- nDAY next, the Sth instant, lie will re-upen his Cblaoba for the vi a TvstR3,S PEr. QUiARTER. PAYAOLL IN ADVANCE. tiln PlUBLIC CLASSI:S :. S. d. at One ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -~ ~ ~ Dr ?? - o Ca 1st i D~5 it-*e'J J itendet io re-publish from Li d ll^'8 ?? se soose intefesting verses of a correspondent, the o1ieet of iihih ii2 t promote the sueess of the, approaching ' I afi~enid for~the~betiefit of these invaluable charities. dil however, Icuding the Asslze Report, rhis aeprlv us' of tbe requisite' space for tbe ?? of S~rizmliauiredl ~to our 'Poet~eorner this: week ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-AL17A41LR HOUSNIVOLD FURANIrtIRf. By SIPF-SRS. BtRANCH ft SON', On TLICStay next, the 115th. and Wedue~sday, the 17th Instant, ait Cieven o'cak eachi dt'. ait the H-aninver Rooms, ~NAoinnt ?? HIOUSEH-OLD FU RNITURIE. ~iANAltzoia Grand Piano-forte, by' ffautoo ; and numerous it: e~r El~ict, conetcn.-d for Sale. The: Fuiniture includes Four-pont Find Ca AMP11edsteads. with C pr.*otriaze ...

Advertisements & Notices

... East ?? To ait about the 14 of SePteesber. FOR BOM BAY - 'EithtnecSte editd iMAUKIRA, The COLUM8iA. Lieul. C. Kiasewoous, Coinoandnart Bdkthen S30 tons, ?? csppered this voyagetnd i In all respects ose of the tinest ships owl, of thepor ethe has spacious catilaS, fitted up with Patent Air P',rts, and es ry other convenience con- digeive to the confort .,f passengers; and e rries an experienced ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d. ARTsIFItiAL e- On Ihe united Principrkq ?? ,and - - A'telopheric Pressure. n M4R. GRAY, Member of'the Royal Co0legeoF Surgeons in IV London, has been advised by hit Friends who have eY. perlenced ?? eupplfn AxtificiaI Teetb, and who arA gyerse ta expose thelr own case*-by personal recorn. S .ntndations, to adopt occasionally this mud of -making' t mre generally known, that he continue6 to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIEAThE.ROYAL, LIVERPOOL. pO'0R VIlE R1RNEFIT OFP MR. -POWER, Andhr.A L~ast Appearance ithis Seflsin. FIFTtl API'PAU..NCE OF MRt. DO WTON. 'iiilS Present FI~UD.Y, the 12th instant, will he performed ecte C'cintty ol OR. Till: EteGLISITM414;srFIESlBE. flu;o ?? Mr. Dowroni J DcrZs'ruigrrddery- M.%r. Power bli~)' 'hornberrv' *. . Siss Jarroijn. Tocolielude with. the NoyFreo h ?? laut.;,ason. at ...