Advertisements & Notices

... : laO Colegionbeitto. 10vias OV ATTEMUANCE AT OF'ICES,-A correspondent bXPre18e5 owme aurilse that we, who have uniformly secommended shlit- ting up shops and offices muds earlier thanas usual h re should have admitted Into the last Nercrwy theletter kf dliafi of Lieirpoot, in which it Is proposed to abolish the hi5,, the Banks at one o'clock on Friday. OureorrespForW52ght have perceived a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N71 2tR M84LS OR~ rA (?Aagj'R iiICTUR&IS., ~'cpj'c (F ay th ii intan. a Taetse o~eloek precisely, ~Neleni~~ndvababe~okcf~nof abnet PICTURES. ~ ofpleaingslibeete bythe ostetenenc Masters of the ~,'ezc an MoernSchcd5 ina dsirblestate of preservation, S)kLh.NCT LIBRARY. BY Wilt- HINIE, ?? necxt, the SthI instanct, precisely att Eleven o'clock, at hisi Rooin,. l'hirclc-strect, Seec Colketion of' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE- THE COMMISSIONERS of SPRING WATER hereby inform the Inlabitantq, that the APPLOT- MENT on the different Houses and Tenements in the Town of Belfast for WATER TAX will lie open for In- spection in the COMMISSIONER'S ROOM, Co-mtmm- CIAL-BaIrniNGs, every dav (Sunda excepted) from the 6th to the 16th instant, inclusive, frog LEVEN till THREE o'Clock. All persons consider .s themselves ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . X >~l vt.-,j,9 Tzz & mTA UX Ayr 25 coRi CENT. L.OWER TITAN ANY LVER OFFERED BEFORE TO THE PUBLIl AT 5, High-street, near Corn-WEarket. I STURT & CO. having, at considerable expens, 'Pestablished the Manufacturing of LACE in Belfast, ar succeeded in completing it in all its branches, and being cot vinced that the molderate eharges for labour on this side t0 water will reduce the article t Lae ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AtS. iS, BRGHT (late ?? PYErIctl) begs to retar: [l r I Ad ?? a hi, Isledgmaents to the Ladeis of I.iverpol ;.I:di IA viviaiiry for the libsernl encouiagelltent ?? hioce she 'nis mesiecsi bishiie', ha B ld-dtrect. and hopes tis n.erit a5 co otiiu; ,se thf rbeir kind rfavors. i7, Jold strest Au lezsl 3, 1831. EDMCATION. i# RS- EGERTON SMITH and Mvrq. ICENNETII - V 1CKNy Z1E beg leave to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j~IliG MSE AND IYE'NIOLME G~ A ITE Bf 'rm UN D ?? ( izo . NO'i'lCE is hereby cIi, lithath 'llL orliio lt the evrl .TeD Gawes cpyili 'the ;i:foresiiil ?? olne, ellii ir iilniow by the secersi Namtes e f thle ?? lis' I leila 11ar, thle sweldi noiiscar Diai',nd the ltricelhi Tlii liar. ivi D thle Welith jg iLrigirie, Lindlseveral Side otoliid Chi, si, erciated rin the Sidec of alii'I avre,'c (lie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HISTORY and TRBA TMENT of the HORSE. e Under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion n - of Useful Knowledge. d Just published, in a handsome 8vo. volume, price &s. Gd. bound in cloth, and lettered, , HE HORSE; wvith a Treatise on Draught, aid a T copious Index. Illustrated and embellished with more - than 100 engravings on wood. Printed for Baldwin and Cradockc Paternoster-roW. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P,.-n;kr15Cn FOUII S55OLiflxc5., H EV~ LLA GE B! .L- A C K S 1 J~t1~;, iff H rIY :iDM USEFULNESS ExExm'pmFoar, in a Me. J or. te iif of SAMUE 1MICK late of Micklefield, n:oirko t Byv JMES EvEaE.r.-Second Edition. n.orbshirr. pnblikhled by I1AMILTON, ADAMS, and Co. I~ovnOi^5 oS 66, Paternoster Row. ,Also obe had o Stil JI S- LLS in town ald ccountry. , a o_ ,jt othe ,B0oKSE~tR a .AGSS PSS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i,-.,oRDA N AN) ?? i' . -\ ~~Itilt ! 1 l0ii thn Othe t I . .. t iti t i i t ii. Va r t it ti ni eit I LL 'itt- rQ n ,a e f cti - - i ioctii l t. i-lirteittt !KenI Vt1 tteiittti~i. itve ?? 11811. u ti--l it is r~ic OtvtilreAii li- - .-3 .\etitil tt iii Qtitys~,Ii ii' tait Itt14Isilti * ei Ite it-tts iitiit le-, I OC ii it 3 I l it 1 o11 i pC itt-i' Vt , t Seld lie the I lift:- I 1 ?? I El ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2 YOUNG MAN, of highly respectable Connec- A X tions, whose Time is not fully occupied, wishes to be employed as a Land Agent, or in a respectable Commercial House, in Newcastle, Shields, or Sunderlaud. Salary is no object. Apply to Messrs Carr and Co., Broad Chare, Necnvastle.-July 28th, 1831. JOB. *any, WINE DIERCHANT, So. 25, ozosley Street, Newcasue, BEGS respectfully to acquaint his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE to DEBTORS. Ak LL persons Who stand indebted to the late Mr. A JOHN HAY NES, macbine maker, Holywell, arc requested to pay the amount, immediately, to Alr. James Giles, auctioneer, Oxford, who is duly authorised to receive the same. ANTED,-A steady active LAD, as an AP- W PRENTICE to a WOOLLEN and LINEN DRAPER; a moderate premium required. Apply to Mr. James Milsuin, Wantage. GENUINE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUDIT. THE Duke of Northumberland's AUDIT will Tcommence at Alnwick on Monday the 12th of Scpteln- ber, and be holden there for two Days; on Thursday the 15th, it will be resumed at Newcastle, and be closed there the next Day. The Bailiffl will receive the Rents from the Tenants as usual, on fixed Days, before the Audit, as no Quietus will be given to them after the Monday and Thursday ...