Advertisements & Notices

... ,TlEH ADE.LPH[ HEAT , EDINBURGH.- LAST WEEK, BUT ONE OF THE SEASOX. THURSDAY. Sptember 1. 1831, The Evenirig's Entertainments WMi commence.wiph -the. IF vntterie There vi? 'FAMILY 3RI E. To wrhich will beaed&ibfi n etinl-r y Nie v Domestic SButleuta of Itresr; in - jure. Aseft, ca'kd THE HEART OF. LQNDO; THE SHAI PKKS' ItRO ISS. I The Chevalier Eithnaz-ird ?? YA.TES. U iltosn by 13 HE1MINTGS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ISIAN' ;CRAP-B!iOKS> ' ' ? UB JISH BAZAAR.: GRAFTON STREET. AS justsereied, airectfroin.'aris,'e r'coluecton of the first rate PRINTS, which he will dispose of on mo- deriittermLEN~l1SC ll P-BOOK to be seen for ise. - J NI who advertised in our paper of HTuSDi last, h7 l hebadourd a GOLDWATiCH,, is 'eoquestedp i at i Oflce. Applications have been made by Two PRR, . at If It prove to be the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .SAL COUATRI:1fAADRD. i rp HE SALE oif FREEHOLD PRO.PEltTY, south sideoe 1 Great Crosshall-street, advertig*fg our last, by Messrs. FoR- RerS, SoN, and Fosraa, Solicitors. 'fYr this evening. at Six o'clock., at the George Inn, Lbhle-street, will NOT TAKE PLACE. -A CARD. I 'PHE 1Rev. J. B. WVINSTANLEY, A.B. begs to informn T1. bis Frlellds and the Public ea$he intends to RE-OPEV a SCHOOL in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICE OF MiISH 'STOCKS ON' THVRSDAY-. &dvernimeut COniols, 3 pqr Cent 81* Stuck, Sj per Cent . .. 88. Ditto Red d. . 88. Ditto 3S per Cent. (re) 89). Debentures, 3' per Cent. 851 mRoii Canal Stock . Grand Canal Stock (ofd92 65. 2d.) .. ;23 '(rand Canal Deb. 6. per cent ied to 41st per ann . 8 Bsalst Office Deben tures, 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2, fit g onthe 10th of Scpteisbcr. .FOR BMBAY With leatf toa 6Sa at MADErA,. The COLUI=A, ? Lieut.C. KlaJ;WOO,.CurIlander; ii5a~o tODS, ?? this voya as, a in all respects n of the finest ?? outoF theport; has SpaciouS cabins, Bitted up witb Patent Air Ports, and everpstbecr-onvenience con- duciv, tothuconfor of psaener-;ancsrries an experienced ?? terms of freiht ogr p~assange apply to DirDna, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S-ALES: BY AUCTIO COUNTY OF MEATH. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On the Premises, On MONDAY, September 5,- at Onu o'Clock, pf lIE Fee of the GROVE-HOUSE JAND DEMES'E, ior fore Lease of Lives renewable for ever, subjectto aa .rly relt of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ds OHNCLE1 IN S 38 se piepsred. from the original reelpes. late In the pOseesiOU of 's George PottM of Nottingham,) ?? Sons, thesole pro. 6f prletors. LEEMING'S ESSENCE for Lameness-in Hor~eas acertain cure Cs for old Strains or Swelllngs, Slips nsd StrairA of the Shoulder, 1e Stifle, Hough, WhIrlbone, Knee, Fetlock, J.astern, and Coifil h Joints, Strains of the Bek Sinews, &c. pr S. 6d per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... northern Banking Company. THE GENERAL YEARLY MEETING of the PROPRIETORS of the STOCK of the NORTH- ERN BANKING COMPANY, will be held at the e BANK BUILDINGS, in Belfast, on THURSDAY, the r 29th September next, at TWEL R-o'Clock Noon, to e transaet the usual Business. K eJ NFM3CANCE, Chairman of the Committee. NoRTHrYN BANK. Belfast, S0th Aug. 1831. The D)IVI DENDS ti the lst Sept. will be paid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOWtt amnusenumit ROY AL AMPHITHE-ATRE GREAT CIIARLOTTE-STRELT. TT is respectfully announced that tbe Proprietor of the ahove .L Ia~icn Estab blisment has liberally offered the GRA- T 4TS use o.f it forl an AMATEtIR PERFORMANCE INP All) OF' THU FUNDS OF rT11 FOB TOE Tiig presentV EVEIN- (FRIDA,)-3 the2def- bepteibel wivill be - . perfarmtij interesting)elodrame. called BLACK EYED SUSAN. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,talt0bianuction, .SlXC~iLLENT lflr~JiE 4c. CHV7RCD.-STRMR 1100318, DBV MR. HIM.E 2Thi! D4y (Friday) the 2d instant, ?? at ESieveil e'akeS, 3t his Rooms, Church-street. ,k Vatlible Assemblage of excellent HO5USEHOMD FUR. -: NfiTdR. riehrly-c.ut Glass, large Chhltn~ey Glasses, fashion. tion-fam e d, Ilodern, six-octave. Piano-foro. With the extra addi- .:on eys; twelve elegat solid RosewOO' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Preservation from Shipwreck. IMPORTANT TO PERSONS GOING TO SEA, AQUATIC PAR. TIES, PASSENGERS IN STEAM-BOATS, AND PERSONS LEARNING TO SWIM. IMPROVED MARINE LIFE PRESERVERS, Wakrantedl to support the Wearer in the Wa r, either Neked or with his Clot/Lee on, and withs a biderobie weight of Mfoney or other Articles in his Pock 'AGERTON SMITH and CO. h on Sale, at their Gene- EralPrinting-offie, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BE L FAST 330nTRGU1.TUnA.A SOCIFTY. HE AUTUMT.N SHOW of the SOCIETY will take place, at the ASSEMBLY-ROOMS, (which hav( been kindly granted by the Marchioness of DONc3GALL foi the occasion) on TUESDAY next, the 6th instant. Th( Committee desire that all articles for competition he in thf Rooms at ELEVEN o clol,; nothing will be received afterwards. Members who have paid their Sulsrriptions. ...