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Advertisements & Notices

... .SAL COUATRI:1fAADRD. i rp HE SALE oif FREEHOLD PRO.PEltTY, south sideoe 1 Great Crosshall-street, advertig*fg our last, by Messrs. FoR- RerS, SoN, and Fosraa, Solicitors. 'fYr this evening. at Six o'clock., at the George Inn, Lbhle-street, will NOT TAKE PLACE. -A CARD. I 'PHE 1Rev. J. B. WVINSTANLEY, A.B. begs to informn T1. bis Frlellds and the Public ea$he intends to RE-OPEV a SCHOOL in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2, fit g onthe 10th of Scpteisbcr. .FOR BMBAY With leatf toa 6Sa at MADErA,. The COLUI=A, ? Lieut.C. KlaJ;WOO,.CurIlander; ii5a~o tODS, ?? this voya as, a in all respects n of the finest ?? outoF theport; has SpaciouS cabins, Bitted up witb Patent Air Ports, and everpstbecr-onvenience con- duciv, tothuconfor of psaener-;ancsrries an experienced ?? terms of freiht ogr p~assange apply to DirDna, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ds OHNCLE1 IN S 38 se piepsred. from the original reelpes. late In the pOseesiOU of 's George PottM of Nottingham,) ?? Sons, thesole pro. 6f prletors. LEEMING'S ESSENCE for Lameness-in Hor~eas acertain cure Cs for old Strains or Swelllngs, Slips nsd StrairA of the Shoulder, 1e Stifle, Hough, WhIrlbone, Knee, Fetlock, J.astern, and Coifil h Joints, Strains of the Bek Sinews, &c. pr S. 6d per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOWtt amnusenumit ROY AL AMPHITHE-ATRE GREAT CIIARLOTTE-STRELT. TT is respectfully announced that tbe Proprietor of the ahove .L Ia~icn Estab blisment has liberally offered the GRA- T 4TS use o.f it forl an AMATEtIR PERFORMANCE INP All) OF' THU FUNDS OF rT11 FOB TOE Tiig presentV EVEIN- (FRIDA,)-3 the2def- bepteibel wivill be - . perfarmtij interesting)elodrame. called BLACK EYED SUSAN. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,talt0bianuction, .SlXC~iLLENT lflr~JiE 4c. CHV7RCD.-STRMR 1100318, DBV MR. HIM.E 2Thi! D4y (Friday) the 2d instant, ?? at ESieveil e'akeS, 3t his Rooms, Church-street. ,k Vatlible Assemblage of excellent HO5USEHOMD FUR. -: NfiTdR. riehrly-c.ut Glass, large Chhltn~ey Glasses, fashion. tion-fam e d, Ilodern, six-octave. Piano-foro. With the extra addi- .:on eys; twelve elegat solid RosewOO' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Preservation from Shipwreck. IMPORTANT TO PERSONS GOING TO SEA, AQUATIC PAR. TIES, PASSENGERS IN STEAM-BOATS, AND PERSONS LEARNING TO SWIM. IMPROVED MARINE LIFE PRESERVERS, Wakrantedl to support the Wearer in the Wa r, either Neked or with his Clot/Lee on, and withs a biderobie weight of Mfoney or other Articles in his Pock 'AGERTON SMITH and CO. h on Sale, at their Gene- EralPrinting-offie, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... w' The orders to discontinue the Advertisements for letting the Swan Inn, Burford, and the Public House, at Swer- ford, did not reach us in time. W ANTED, in a genteel Ladies' Establlishment, V _A Young LADY, as ARTICLED PUPIL. This will be' found an eligible offer to any young person, whether intended for scholastic duties or private life.-Pre. ?? (post paid) E. R. Journal Office, Oxford. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATER COMPANY. 1igjr.ING of tile Subscribers to the Preston Water \ u' Iley Wvill he held at the Castle Inn, on Monday ,,,01,,5t11of September inst., at 7 o'clock in the evening. liet, ~ GEO. NOBLE, Secretary. 2sdto oSepte7rfller, 1831. ON SALE, wo w0ell.traine(l liver-coloured POINTER DOGS. T.-.Apply to Mr. GEORGE IIM.AAND, Park Gate, lear ey; or to Mr. JAMtES BuaRRows, Gunsmith, Preston. 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTERS, SHELVES, DRAM.RS, GLASS CASES, I Capital Cotton-winding Machines, cojg,,,.Machivn, , A large STOCK of H A R 1 WA R E, WRITING AND SHOP PAPE1lY Some HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, i AND OTHER EFFECT*, 0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, e TL By Ra. JARVIS and C. ROWELL. On Tuesday next the 6th of September, 1831, and following r days, at the Printing Office, in Bridge-street, Banburv, a Oxon, (Mr. Rusher ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SELLING OFF AT REDUCED PRICES. ZMinen and Woollen Drapery Silk 2Oercery, Haber. dashery, and hosiery. WHOLBSALE- AXD RETAIL, FOl RE4Dt tUIXROS YOALS 39, MIOSLEY-STREET. C JOBLING and CO., beg most respectfully to .* inform their Fricnds and the Public, that, in Coast quence of their intended Removal to more commodious Pre. misee, No. :l, Mosley-Street, three Doors below their present ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIVIDEND. Crealiors who have proved their Debts, under a Tfi TCO.mission of Bankrupt against JOSEPH FIELD- ING and JEREMlIA H FIELDING, of Catteralil,and also of AMancliesterj in the County of Lancaster, Calico Prin- ters, may receive a first Dividend of Five Shillings in the Pound, on the amount of suchl debts, on the 9th day of Septemnber, instant, at J. MERLAND'S, in Church 'Town, near ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V ANTS a Situation as LAND STEWARD I or BAILIFF,_A middle-aged married Mlan, with- out a family, who understands the farming business in all its departments, buying and selling of Stock, &c., and can be well recommended from his last situation of eight years' ?? (post paid) addressed to A. B. at the Office of this Jourtial, will be duly attended to. BLADON RECTORY FARM, NEAR WOODSTOCLK. ralo ...