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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ISIAN' ;CRAP-B!iOKS> ' ' ? UB JISH BAZAAR.: GRAFTON STREET. AS justsereied, airectfroin.'aris,'e r'coluecton of the first rate PRINTS, which he will dispose of on mo- deriittermLEN~l1SC ll P-BOOK to be seen for ise. - J NI who advertised in our paper of HTuSDi last, h7 l hebadourd a GOLDWATiCH,, is 'eoquestedp i at i Oflce. Applications have been made by Two PRR, . at If It prove to be the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... northern Banking Company. THE GENERAL YEARLY MEETING of the PROPRIETORS of the STOCK of the NORTH- ERN BANKING COMPANY, will be held at the e BANK BUILDINGS, in Belfast, on THURSDAY, the r 29th September next, at TWEL R-o'Clock Noon, to e transaet the usual Business. K eJ NFM3CANCE, Chairman of the Committee. NoRTHrYN BANK. Belfast, S0th Aug. 1831. The D)IVI DENDS ti the lst Sept. will be paid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICE OF MiISH 'STOCKS ON' THVRSDAY-. &dvernimeut COniols, 3 pqr Cent 81* Stuck, Sj per Cent . .. 88. Ditto Red d. . 88. Ditto 3S per Cent. (re) 89). Debentures, 3' per Cent. 851 mRoii Canal Stock . Grand Canal Stock (ofd92 65. 2d.) .. ;23 '(rand Canal Deb. 6. per cent ied to 41st per ann . 8 Bsalst Office Deben tures, 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S-ALES: BY AUCTIO COUNTY OF MEATH. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On the Premises, On MONDAY, September 5,- at Onu o'Clock, pf lIE Fee of the GROVE-HOUSE JAND DEMES'E, ior fore Lease of Lives renewable for ever, subjectto aa .rly relt of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BE L FAST 330nTRGU1.TUnA.A SOCIFTY. HE AUTUMT.N SHOW of the SOCIETY will take place, at the ASSEMBLY-ROOMS, (which hav( been kindly granted by the Marchioness of DONc3GALL foi the occasion) on TUESDAY next, the 6th instant. Th( Committee desire that all articles for competition he in thf Rooms at ELEVEN o clol,; nothing will be received afterwards. Members who have paid their Sulsrriptions. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICEF. OF IRISH STOCKQ ON FRIDAY. 6;overrnent Consd, S per ?? - Stock, 3S per Cent . ?? Ditto &S per Cent. (new) ?? Piehentures. 34 per Cent ?? ;51 Unind Canal Deb. 6 per cent red to 41 st per ann ?? I I ji'rnnian Rank ?? 194 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUGTION.-- COUNTY OF, IMPIATH TO BE SOLD BY AVCTION,' On tsie Premises, : On 10NDAY, SeptemberS, at One.o'.Clock . E l'eo the GRO'VE-HOUSE AND DE IESNt, o fo ?? ?? 1 fi91 le fos evie'rsubject-tio a yearrl 'Illst) lesidettce isdverd Fe'f'5 Gentleman'siFaril'a se s ,ortig Couatry. and good' igibo tirhood'; 'sithate V ilcfrom Dublin, three from Maynooth and DuaboyS, and two from Carton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTkON COUNTY OF M;EAT.- TO' BE SOLD BY AVCTION,. On the Premises, On THIS DAY, MONDAY, September 5; at One-o'Clocli,. THE Fee of the GROVE-HOUSE AND' DEMESNE, or for a Lease of Lives renewable for ever, subject to a yearly res~tef Xi3O. ,rbis Residence is very desirable for a Gentlemtanils Family, in a flne Sporting Country, and good neighbourhood; situate twelve- niles from Dublin, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRTCE OF IMT!H STOCK}S ON SATtjRDAY. CiO relntnuvt (.mlso ut, 3 per ( ent ?? I , . . . .. StA- c 3t pet Cenit . ?? i. . -Ditt 3t per Cent. ?? * .- ?? Dobenturec, 3§ ?? Ce e n t. 8.5 1kyak uto.b ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Cur31 ..togk -. ?? , . 3,3 ?? Stock- (of 0 Y2 6a. 2d.) . E ?? Grand Canal Deh. 4I per cent. red, to 'Jl. 139 44i. ster. .. 5Q Pipe Water, 5 per Cent ?? 8g l4'tiousl Insutaune G nompany ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRT,! ' F l i SOOF S ox' 'i)l)X (iuserviwput Co sopif, per (ent ,. .. . - Stock, per Cent . . . 894X Bank Stock ?? -. - .; q GrVnd ('anal Stock (of f 9' 6s. d.) . 2.ij 6 per Cent rediced to ,X4 3terl. per Ann ?? - 4 per Cent. reducod, to f2 13s. 4d ster. per an , r 1Iihernian Bank ..92 A inilo (Cnmpnnv {to Ireland ?? ?? 2 ?? .3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rASHUONABLE. DANqC1TG. M ADAME.KENNEDY has the honour of inform ling tbe Nobility, Gentry, and her Friends of th North of Ireland, that she has lately returned from Londoi and Dabllin, vwhere she bas, during Vacation, been mnadinj herself acqukinted with the newest and most FASHION ABLE DANCING, Rs taught in Paris London, unt Dublin, particularly the.ery eleg st Polish 1Vazurkas Q~d¶rilles so ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. SIGNOR PA GA NINI, A- r AS the honour to announce' that in complizarw with many applications be will give a CONCERT,. IN THE THEATRE ROYAL, Whichf be bas taken for that purpose, ON 'lHIS PRESENT TUESDAY EVENING, - ON 'vms SEPTEMBER 6, / On which occasion he will be assisted by SIGNOR PIETRALIA, IM!. P10 CIANCHETTINI, UTISS HAIMILTON, MR. BEDFORD, AND AIR. BROUGH. 'Ihe ...