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Advertisements & Notices

... ,TlEH ADE.LPH[ HEAT , EDINBURGH.- LAST WEEK, BUT ONE OF THE SEASOX. THURSDAY. Sptember 1. 1831, The Evenirig's Entertainments WMi commence.wiph -the. IF vntterie There vi? 'FAMILY 3RI E. To wrhich will beaed&ibfi n etinl-r y Nie v Domestic SButleuta of Itresr; in - jure. Aseft, ca'kd THE HEART OF. LQNDO; THE SHAI PKKS' ItRO ISS. I The Chevalier Eithnaz-ird ?? YA.TES. U iltosn by 13 HE1MINTGS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADELPHI THEATRE. ?? IEIATIlOteACEl Or THE CONMANflING oretFeltrt, ANOD OFFT~iRS OF- TI1tS 4TH1 RJOYAtL IRJ1311 DlIhAGOnOSGtJARDS. M ~5 GARNER bagsto inlinmate, that his N FlT aks piace onil (iN0 DA xet, Sep- - 0 hich oc~caicii.rr A~r MlUR[RAY %till zircca~ i-l hrteM:'-isn, trIL Haiti, oftihi. 4th It toyat in-I Dr~C~iiGuars writ perform several popular Over'- tiii. ?? Nest Flares. MrASTEP'9 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GAWA1N & CO'S PATENT TnisSym, WITHIIou'r STEEL SPRINGS. 200, rleet.Stiet, 'Temple Bar, London. . IS' Majesty's Sugeons, Sir A. Coo'ln, Thiat, and Mr 1 . B1;0DItE, strongly recommnend Ladies and Gentlemen, as tJ %vell as Children , to lisa theser Titssrs, as being the most easy nc nid seittes. They will hot suddtiily brea;, veen fwhen Geitle- O ?? iare'lidizg and Huaitilvi, nor when the Poor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - - - - -- =- lilaldea i sEEITING or 11ri. rE 5IoA . TRUSTEESI ' ' grhlls A Meeting of the 'lricistces ?? itttiiibileri tdoht Th'idge over A Dovern at 'Eatside, and on the Forgllglen !'T1rifiltpo 1idd i The D will be hold vithin tihe Court Rodnm of Banff, upon Saturday n Ilic 17lh day of Qeptember cdrt; at eleveef o'clock forenoon, for tirpose af atiditiiig ali. tett~inri tlie Acpints of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fl* -road Stilet' re~pectfu~lv hfthuantes, tliat hiavinig, bn --mrith bis Brother WMLIAN, ipueeth06t ~the ~iv'hola Stoal T reewiul. of the Bdtiins of bisi late ein1plover, they intnit ,imrOy itdli in ffuttre, ote Their ?? ac6ouut, 'under 6he F1liti of 0 * '..Itwill ai as lebav ,oi nul~in l a hrge aiid choice as- T other tll&:oixS, Plain alnd Fan1cy STA-. to TIOE~t; We~~aDES~ ~B ?? Cnlttes ~Tl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -'INTNEL WANTET . AGENTLEA1AN- -havitn-_hae comiltiiind of from I WOne, ThotusanidI to Fifteen -liundred iPonatts, may J enter infto a genteel arid profiatile business already estas. h; blisied, in % hich tile above capital -alonc i- necessary. to in- fi sure compleiC success, amd wbere lie might or might not a take en actie sborecnt1be management. - I. I ett-rs, pos t vaidl, 2. al'essril !n X ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'nare ?? openl a nit a 'View (neverleit -- Z~~htl~A~l) I e~~~ Tljeviewol Cass- ?? is uca)PveTp-aly. acknowledlged to be, the~ most wttorderful ?? orerpai e avr accompliheid, It alo ?? the higeltst order in colour- iog end design', ?? illusionts of. the Gr`Erisn pencil, anti tiris cstiishsed for splenidour. an3 beauty o efet( loether uneqttalled, in thelhistory ofl art. O~ptii from ti~ii till- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE zo -j*S SPECIAL AND EX4tRAORDINARY CONsrAIItES OF ED.INBU, G- - illS LORD PROVOST and MAGISTRATES' L htaee to request tha:t those. Gentlemlnen aho.may have ted aS t 0NSI At El ES. either as Special or. Extraordi- nary aedholing JATOS, ill avethe goodness toure-: turn tile sainn to tihe CcstelncI tiamber without delay, so- ill-at ti~e whole may be cheploted aml n tumbeied for re-dis- ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day iS ' ~i~i1, d, (lvo. price 38. AND RELAIUs 'JOUR1%51,jL. RitchiesLcue nii ?? o the FHoly Spirit. Hebe's HmnsChritian'a o, &c &c.M 1i'li1l on1 EstabNish- ?? on h Dignity of' ChIn'st.-lDishop ci' 'oChester's 'Epsto'o ?? St. syilnons ,E\1positi ?? n1 il1wt nrdticto'y, Esa,- by thj~..4tli&t j of~ Natin'1HsdrlfEtiiisn .-ThOlmacOter an li ?? yti Rev. .WilieS'mnt, -Aioteh rsettohr igter.- E4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0- . - DW of TVAmES 1'DB, Gga itie nickCATTE Sl'AVEft, EJ.GII, 'all a J lvill ?? nt Mill If Bovndio and neighbourhood on Saturday tho 17tl euft. ons Ilsslv bi tbe'a 21st curt.-at tch anI Bridge of Alfi~rd on the 23d curt. Tlipise 'vhs6 Wish to enslply w htiml will ?? il~lesAlfcIe.M aI Wood, Ellster Belelsia;Mr Cameron, Stationer, Intly;Mr elt til Bruicre, Burdcrilach ; MrC icon, Muir of hynie; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v ./ds Is P b la6led, T!MB FAM LY i3RARY, - 5 Noa XXXIV. Containing the LIFE f Slit ISAAC NEWT6N. Ti By DTAIn BRet iE LL.D. F.R.S. \/ TsJoh M~-otn'i'v, lioin Stxreet.;oi :r -Z 0wall Ith Sclio, Otl t I lecnl System, was oplned yestor- in Court, U t onn Streelt. EaaGJt GxIAa rCo~rotLCra6z, hrc t aughiit en ls 'Woons hiat; atl Boys and Vi6Siii iat;ses, friim tbe age of or aul uptrartls, call, at ...