Advertisements & Notices

... printed at 4, every Monda Aft tnoon, whic i is best for CoantrY and: oreigi creulathin, Sold- by. G. Goodger, 1169, Snan4 where mly. be had, for Three~penceO the Wlleryvf, 140 Comicalities, engraved and. pribted on. one ,heet of 20 folio columns. Thej coiprise 20 Studies from Lavaier-9 Monkeyy a-16 Old Nick's Diversions-11 ?? Illestrations - -and 84 Fancy Sketches. Such a concentram tion of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE APPLICATIONS which the Mayor has re- 5. ceived, from many of the respectable Inhabitants of Iewcastle, induces him to request that all Housekeepers will jEFIRAIN FROM ILLUMINATING THEIR WIN- polwS on the Evening of the 8th of September, being the ay fired for H is ?? Coronation; and the Mayor begs eare to assure the Public that he has made such Arrange- rnests as .vfil secure the Peace and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T rE BROWN EYE SALVE, for DISEASES of the J EYE-LIDS, &c.-Preopred by C. and G. JOHN- SON, 1It nufaoetring Clhemnists, (4ret'Foltham, Essem.-Tlisincom- parable Solve has long beeo ernployed with/itfailiog suNcess in a very extensive neighhaourliond inl the W~estlf and. and soch has been its reputation. that the originl; prepi oh uly been induced to part with the Recipe for a very high clesidc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COBBETT-LIBRAUY. 1. ENGLISH GRAMMAR.-Ofthi work sixty thousand copies have now beeI published. This is a duodecimo volumef an the price is ,s. bound Au boards. , An FALTAA GRAMMAR, by Mgr. JAMEtS PAw~n, CO3US1 ing a-Plain. and Compendious hinrdueii4i to the Study of Ttali$., PM08e.s,. 3. COTTAGE ECONOY.-I wrote this Work, professedly for t t se of *he la- ouring and iddilng classes4oF ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WAN:ED. COLOURMACHIN-E P~RINT- > Ziedrac aV ai~ls gbera._Apply. to - orsOW PUBLIC MEDICALd D-1SPENSAR.Y' Cgf{ORL APPRENTICE WANTED. 4NTrE pf5I1PPRENTICE tO this INSTI- rnlo TIT m Omf Vifty Gulneas w3illbeiequired. plil 4FTJ n t Writing, and addressed to G. E. AUBREY, tHonorary Secretary -O W8OOLLEN CLOTH l1ANUFACTURERs, % RAPIRS, TAILORS, S .TENDERS WANT- f the pu;icc per yard at a c the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CORRESPONDENCE. We have just received an Address delivered at Manchester On the necessity of an extension of Moral and Political In- struction among the Working Classes, by R. Detrosier; pub- lished by Strange, Paternoster Row. We regret that want of room prevents our justifying our recommendation of this able book, by two or three extracts; we reserve them for another occasion. A Letter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICEF. OF IRISH STOCKQ ON FRIDAY. 6;overrnent Consd, S per ?? - Stock, 3S per Cent . ?? Ditto &S per Cent. (new) ?? Piehentures. 34 per Cent ?? ;51 Unind Canal Deb. 6 per cent red to 41 st per ann ?? I I ji'rnnian Rank ?? 194 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADELPHI THEATRE. ?? IEIATIlOteACEl Or THE CONMANflING oretFeltrt, ANOD OFFT~iRS OF- TI1tS 4TH1 RJOYAtL IRJ1311 DlIhAGOnOSGtJARDS. M ~5 GARNER bagsto inlinmate, that his N FlT aks piace onil (iN0 DA xet, Sep- - 0 hich oc~caicii.rr A~r MlUR[RAY %till zircca~ i-l hrteM:'-isn, trIL Haiti, oftihi. 4th It toyat in-I Dr~C~iiGuars writ perform several popular Over'- tiii. ?? Nest Flares. MrASTEP'9 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WRIGHT'S BUFFON'S NATURAL HISTORY. In 4 vols. most beautifully printed, and embellished with 400 Engravings on - Wood, price only 24s. in boards, Ji NATURAL HISTOY of the GLOBE, and of Man, Beasts, A1L Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, and Insects, from the writings of Buffon, Cuvier, Lacepude, and other eminent Naturalists; to which are added, Elements on Botany, by JOsHN WntOsT, Ml.Z.S. Chisw~ick: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RITISII INSTITUTON, -Pal Mail-The Gallery, with a- VENETLA LEATHE.RI_ The best article Fever inveited for sitomtmngjarkets Waistcoats, and Trousers,warratItm I Vterproof and to resist Thorns. I r II1.Ieen n alrodto An assortmtit kept ready, made also of Volveteen, and Garbroen, ditto. Supe-fine Black or Blue Dress Coats, -ado' to rneasure in the first style ?? ?? srvicof Eashin ?? ?? . 3 . b A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEDJWTUN OF DI3. HNIriY'S OCEVISThNY. -V,, ;1pe, eelMs. hen, weith 'Ter, o.?ii.a ~;and diumeroes oocus ELEMIENTS, of J-\EjERIM-ENTAL CHEMISTRY. iC Vwi. ir t,.j1fD P.iMS &c. Thte Eleventh Edition, conspieheed- 'lrnPrinted' for fa-ldwi aol Credock. Patti noster--rowt. SiseiNS'S1 flEAUTJE OF EN'GLISH POETIRY. ?? NirSew E.ditiou 'with a fine Placte, in tsrno. 1 ci o n - IU UBET ;seetd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRTCE OF IMT!H STOCK}S ON SATtjRDAY. CiO relntnuvt (.mlso ut, 3 per ( ent ?? I , . . . .. StA- c 3t pet Cenit . ?? i. . -Ditt 3t per Cent. ?? * .- ?? Dobenturec, 3ยง ?? Ce e n t. 8.5 1kyak uto.b ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Cur31 ..togk -. ?? , . 3,3 ?? Stock- (of 0 Y2 6a. 2d.) . E ?? Grand Canal Deh. 4I per cent. red, to 'Jl. 139 44i. ster. .. 5Q Pipe Water, 5 per Cent ?? 8g l4'tiousl Insutaune G nompany ?? ...