Advertisements & Notices

... VENIRE. TOWN)\5rST OF KINGSTON-UPON-HULL, A A County of the saine Town. SOI; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That a S/j R V15 \'ENIRE for tre TRIAL of CAUSES in His Majesty's Court of Record, for the Town of Kingstonupotn-lull, and County s t i 'of 4be same Town, will be held at the GytlIwD)-HALL, in the same Town, oar SATUr.- A D.4Y the Tweenty-Second Day of OcTonan. of next, at Ten o'Clock in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sp. p NE I8YO1RK LINK OF PACKETS. The fie A, I Coppered Brig FREAK, 201 Tons Register. M JAMES BOUCN, Master; r Succeeds the Dapper, and will sail (wind and weather n permitting) on the 7th Septembet. , Cabin and Steerage fitted up purposely for Passengers. 9 Apply to JOHN HOLLINGWORTH, I! Opposite the Pilot-Office, Queen-Street. h Ju/l A~gest 15, 1831. e STEA M TUGS. ti To be SOLD by PRIVATE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / RUPTURES. IMON ST the various improvements in the Con'struction of Trusses for thc rclief and (tire of Rupture, there are none which have so deservedly mat the approbation of Surgeons, as those invented by WIL- - 1AM COIEs, Truss Maker to his Milajesty's Forces, No. 3, Charing Cross, London.-WVc recommeod those who retlire the aid of a Truss, to pCrusc COiEs's Gazette of' icalth, on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOST - t t Fine,13ull and Terrier DOG,,vIhtie, and part' or the head black, well trimmed..called WAL! LACE.'.He *vas seen at Carnarvon and Bangor a sfewdaysZback. Whoever will bring bim to lr. I JOHN JO'NES, Wareh6use, Town's End, Beaumaris, . ill beharndsorcely. rewarded; and ;shoeier de-. ntains bia after this Notice, will be Prosecuted.l ::.Beicaltaris,.5thl Sept. 183]i:-' ?? PWLt9ELI 1CR . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - - - - -- =- lilaldea i sEEITING or 11ri. rE 5IoA . TRUSTEESI ' ' grhlls A Meeting of the 'lricistces ?? itttiiibileri tdoht Th'idge over A Dovern at 'Eatside, and on the Forgllglen !'T1rifiltpo 1idd i The D will be hold vithin tihe Court Rodnm of Banff, upon Saturday n Ilic 17lh day of Qeptember cdrt; at eleveef o'clock forenoon, for tirpose af atiditiiig ali. tett~inri tlie Acpints of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GAWA1N & CO'S PATENT TnisSym, WITHIIou'r STEEL SPRINGS. 200, rleet.Stiet, 'Temple Bar, London. . IS' Majesty's Sugeons, Sir A. Coo'ln, Thiat, and Mr 1 . B1;0DItE, strongly recommnend Ladies and Gentlemen, as tJ %vell as Children , to lisa theser Titssrs, as being the most easy nc nid seittes. They will hot suddtiily brea;, veen fwhen Geitle- O ?? iare'lidizg and Huaitilvi, nor when the Poor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tt; oration of the Iistitutlon of 0le. SUXDA i' SCHOOLS. next, (the (lay of their Majes. Lt N tl\ heSUNSDAVS SCHOOL JUBIL.EE ' ral CTna thER y, under the Patronage of the ,V,, telebIaltsHpFl~l'llthleMAY0\7R. ge1 3nd ;cholars of the different Schools will The yserhe' Place at half past Ten o'clock in the will %,.ill thCncegProceed to Divine Worship. The PIgthevy i thle Established Church, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXCELLENT FAMILY RESIDENCE. LITCHURCH LODGE. TO be Sold by Private Contract, or Let for a term X of not fewer than three, or more than fourteen years, determinable at the end of the first three or seven, An Excellent FA-MILY RESIDENCE called LlITCHrURCH LO)DGE, with, stable, and other out offices, garden and pleasure grounds, containing about two Acres, situate in the Liberty of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION ADJOURNED SALE BY AUCTION, AT THE LITTLE FOREST, NEAR SWORJsS, By Order of the Administrator, E On THIS DAY (WEDNESDAY,) 7th September, 1, Tihe Property of the late Gilbert Plummer, Es ., C-ONSISTING of a large Quautity of the best save AY ' Jof this year's growth, in Field Cooks; alse the Prod e of Ten Acres of Oats, &c. &c. ; together with several capital H rses. Milch Cows, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ~~WIDOW WELLCH's PILLS. 11IS Mledicine is justly celelirsted fir all Female Coot' ri plelitti. Nervous D)isuiider, lWeiliess -f thl, Si)i!15, lhuss (if Appetile, InltiniritY of Bloosd, lielaxreiiott by intense ii eat in warnin ClPimates, Sick I- ead -Ache, I iid evstot, Debii- lit s, Consumoptiont Io wntes of Spirits, stid pattieularly fur all Obsiroctititta i t ilie Ferill System. Altas. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fl* -road Stilet' re~pectfu~lv hfthuantes, tliat hiavinig, bn --mrith bis Brother WMLIAN, ipueeth06t ~the ~iv'hola Stoal T reewiul. of the Bdtiins of bisi late ein1plover, they intnit ,imrOy itdli in ffuttre, ote Their ?? ac6ouut, 'under 6he F1liti of 0 * '..Itwill ai as lebav ,oi nul~in l a hrge aiid choice as- T other tll&:oixS, Plain alnd Fan1cy STA-. to TIOE~t; We~~aDES~ ~B ?? Cnlttes ~Tl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... \,!heat Sheaf Inn, S toke-upon -Trelnt. TO BE LET, and entered upon rrt C(iristmaessnexot, ΒΆ7 FJl 1above old and Nvell-accustomed INN. Con- sisIrable alterations and improvements will be made in the premises, and an eligible tenant would find it worth his attention. For terms, &c. apply to Mr. Brnait, Surgeon, Stoke; or to Mr. LLEs, Newton Solney, near Burton-on-Trent. S TAINS of RED PlORT ...