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Advertisements & Notices

... w' The orders to discontinue the Advertisements for letting the Swan Inn, Burford, and the Public House, at Swer- ford, did not reach us in time. W ANTED, in a genteel Ladies' Establlishment, V _A Young LADY, as ARTICLED PUPIL. This will be' found an eligible offer to any young person, whether intended for scholastic duties or private life.-Pre. ?? (post paid) E. R. Journal Office, Oxford. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTERS, SHELVES, DRAM.RS, GLASS CASES, I Capital Cotton-winding Machines, cojg,,,.Machivn, , A large STOCK of H A R 1 WA R E, WRITING AND SHOP PAPE1lY Some HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, i AND OTHER EFFECT*, 0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, e TL By Ra. JARVIS and C. ROWELL. On Tuesday next the 6th of September, 1831, and following r days, at the Printing Office, in Bridge-street, Banburv, a Oxon, (Mr. Rusher ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V ANTS a Situation as LAND STEWARD I or BAILIFF,_A middle-aged married Mlan, with- out a family, who understands the farming business in all its departments, buying and selling of Stock, &c., and can be well recommended from his last situation of eight years' ?? (post paid) addressed to A. B. at the Office of this Jourtial, will be duly attended to. BLADON RECTORY FARM, NEAR WOODSTOCLK. ralo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iOtE ITONi FAIRS, a OR the Sale of CATTLE, HORSES, SHEEP, g J and MERCHANDISE, will be held, as usual, on TUESDAY NEXT the Gth instant, being the first Tuesday , in September, and the Anniversary of the Railway opening. Mometon, Sept. 1,1831. Scott's Delineation of the Horse and Dog. This Day is published, Part I. & II. Price 5s. each, of 3 rF9HE SPORTSMAN'S REPOSITORY; com- I prising a Series ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTHS A. A T a numerous and i respectable 1 EETING of the PROPRIETORS, OCCUPIERS, and Others interested in the Suburb of SOUTIISEA, convened by public advertisement, held at the Hall of the Equitabje Society, Southsea, on the 30th Au- gust, 1831,- ERtAS ItrS JAcltSOx. Esq. in the Chair,- Itrtasunanionously ?? it is tbe opinion of this Meeting, that Southsact, from its locali- ties, as well as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... us SOUTHAMPTON STEAM PACKETS F_ arr TO I1AVR1-DE-R-tAC1E, GUERtNSEY, JERSEY, AND lie ST. MALOES.`6 HA- arepowerful ,and elegantly fitted STEAM %at Ed wThPACKaET, the AICIADNE, Captain BAziNi, ID ),-wt het- usual correctness of starting, commenced run- 'E . fling on TUESDAYV, the 5th of' April, at six o'clock 11 uir in thie Evening, and will leave SouTHA1%srioN every. t of 7'esday Evenciing, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNVERSITY O1 DUBLIN. [ClE IEDtAL 8l SSION ),ill commenes the rC frshondtty in November. FortheCousesol'natmyPlilsiology, and Sur. k g1er, th ?? with the use of' rael the Dissecting Room, four Guineas. ditt For the Lectures onl Aorbid Anavonwy alsd Pacho. IllH logy, two-gunineas. froll stndents pay for suy~eots the cost. of procurin tliern Lar Those who attend adl the above bourses lhave the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CLARENCE VICTVrALLING YARD, Ci NOTICE GOSPORT, 27th Aug., 1831. NOTIE is 1ereby. ?? on THults- DAY the th Sept. nw~st, 1 shalt be ready to receive e ?? ina writing, sealed rep, and treatforfilll quarters an ofWH Ato weigh 60pudprbseoverweightW OTto bie paid for ; to be delivered into ?? this Yard, one half in ajfortnight from the day of Con- in~ tract, and the remainder in a ftrtniglss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T. BETTi1E:11SI EGS to inforrn the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the University and City of Oxford that he has removed his BILLIARD TABLES from New College Lane to his spacious Billiard Booms at the end of the Corn Market, Opposite Broad-street, and solicits a continuance of that pa. Ironage he has always experienced.. ROCIERY ay 'EA WAR7E{OUSE, 50, CORN-4MARI7T, WA' EER W1NI. wATT -0'oser ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTS a Situation as HOUSEKEEPER to a li/W single gentleman,-A middle-aged person, who can I give satisfactory reference as to ?? to A. B. at the Office of this Journal; if by letter, post paid. Th 1'A \ENrT and G UARDIAN S. ' 7TANTED immLdiatelv,-A Youth of respecta- W ' bility, about 16 years of age, as an APPRENTICE to a BAKER, in London, (at the West end of the Town), for two ?? may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B.LADON RECTORY FARM, NEAR WOODSTOCK. If a TO be LET, from the 29th of September,-The T | above eligible FARAM, Inclosed and Tithe-free, not ; exceeding 200 Acres, consisting of Arable and Pasture, lying verv convenient for occupation, and furnished with every re- quisite building appendage for comfort or use. For particulars apply to Mr. John Dale, land surveyor and e, agent Wolvercott, near ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'IN coils equenlcc 6f. NVycllwood foresl Pair being, discontinued, the publi~c are respectfully informed that there will be a PLEASURE FAIR held at CIA1ILBUaY, on WEDNEsDAY and THIURSPAY NEXT' the 14th 'on WEDNSA n Cliaributry Septa. 8. 1831. and 15th instant. Ca R, 1 COUNTY OP DXFOBI GAME RAL.LsT1 IST of Persons wh av btained GENERA ][J CERTIFICATES, (D) at th aeof Three Pounds Thirteen ...