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Advertisements & Notices

... xll-s>.ent Evenigi 1 Lit zSo)'c, Obber6 OB31;. =NVill be perfoir-vi e5' 'hd * e .,ri's Cdiincdy 9of AS, YOU L X F. ?? *squvz by 1r lTE.RtNAq. Orlavido by ?? P 11T It tI A t ?? Celia by Nrsa 13 , L CLI', Frot' the Theatre-l oy- l, Brighton, being her First Ap- pi ar(( icei . . ljosalind tv A1ssJA ',L1AN_ 1a 5ickh cilarirter She usillsinf 1'ile Cuck Sorn '9 and speak the Original Eltpiogut e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '411E .Iteet~ig of thie CLUB wrill talke place at ELGIN, on Will * Monday ?? 24tb cur.. to run for the Cup, oapen to Dog's of it a' all -ges, the property of Meimbers, and a Swteepstakes, one 'nud Litiiieca erl(, ?? for Puppies unrder 2Q) Months. The Dogs to oF ~bu entev edLvitb. the SecrctwY, on or befllel( O'clock tire morning Fin ti? i)a.Me.3fithliaw`1 016iedles paid to him, otherwvise' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On the Ist of November will-b6 pujblished, 'price M2.-In ful gltC bRIENDin, Su Kr, BlyOP VEsscd, - 1ho-.pieedzxt~volIimo of tbis odetbitdb ivnt An-x ainual containxs sonsi ?? TN have ever Opp ared from the toeriatf dt~oncifirst Engr~avers,-o1o exe 1. o cfited from celaebat. :Paiitings by :Sl~F~h65!XS -LAWRENCEo, e, S'kOT!M~nD, r~rcIrMIM, WOODl, PURSER, I~ESTA.LL, and other T 'eniinfiit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE ANN AL COM ETITIO fo URSARtIES Ivill SARCES to ba diSposed.9 Of onl t1hi :ithi, t`n' will bel Oblw Of -the onI v.'lta of' X20 ; otle. of zel8 ; otto ot' I'7 ; Onis of' xli tlo of' JVt l0s. ; two of' Lift; tor of £14 b.;two of X14; -three, of £10 ; and live o'O haflfitrot vlahio. Cmindidates fbi' t h~'s Iprzrdactes' el-a ?? to li-in' wi~th thel ,Catriricativs of the~ir vinl', ?? 1by tne ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXTENSIVE SAM.I Or ' : EIIE:RS, SPA2NIS'-5 1hAHOO;ANY, EiEl PILLAIIS; &e.. Upon' Sturday the 22d October curt. there will be bold, by' 'Altc tioIj, within Mr Jolhnt Gray's.Timber-Yard, Canal Terrace, Im Ji BOUT 7000 Feet ?? fine 'Spanish' Hondeiis VENEURS, bbe tiL ovsanfiCtiris. ?? : $d 1.100o. 1eet of ROSErVObD VENEER ' ' Ro , .00 .Feet of ?? choi!e ELif and OAK VEN'EERS. . 9100 ?? of SPANISH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ ~55Ot C~lC IIVNG .'LIlBRAYCIES, one of 230 Vo1mcs ?? bound, manyli of theml StaMd ~sdWorlk, aqndts ?? ?? n M19, ISo. ThelRt l)oW' O'dsevng1o t attention of thlose intuindinig to .C~tl)aihor oter inrsbei ng abyeiy rlnablo tol- -teotherci-ontainys did- ~volumens, 'srtl~lto for' a .uvENIL Lnn~tY fet r 7.the glcjear pall-tb bingy RVtgi'. tt ocs Books~, run well fitted foxi Sabbuthi School 'irny ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'JAVE: ronmened businew in the OLD BANK HousE, 43, A Broad Stieet, second floor; whiere they keeop a Stock of A CLOTHS and 'HABERDASHERY, wh1ich will be sold on tbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ahrt .prike 29. withll twohatflflgivns To lie continnetd MotithliY, THE REplUBLIc OP1 LETTERS: 4 .S'leedces iet Poctrp Wte' Prose, from t/ie Workns of hele ' Stnovt 'enisnent *niiesen, i,-4jtla ;unu Orillinal Pieces. At ?? By thle Editilr of tile C55{qnet of Liter~ary Gemts. to COaiTENTSr or PRTu I. Hi Mfv Sister Kale-Oils to Liberty-Tietlyiet or, Not Mt-riLljd.- oh The Balilter of tilte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1ANE 6FKLIE-NJ SOCIWL;Y. At . A-5O. ?? . -* - .. . - -1- . 1 N ABBhTEf tite es3 inst, iiSR WNuilLk 0 be preached bv the Rev.. EDWiXtB;U !4G A. M. i St ?? ?? Broughtour -Place, irs vid of the Funds. u the Ahvc Socitty. Worshiil to coxtmere at hallpast Six o'clock. . The Committee have to state, that, fr Mn e-very great ni increase in the number of applicants, the Treasureri lCon- jc AiderablY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OAN MRDAYT. AD;EHDSENB AUXILIARY SXBLE SOCIETY. TFEHI Annual General Meeting of the AIBIERDEEN AUX- JL' IL1A`tY BIBLB SOCIXTY ),II be held, in the Cour I t-r feouse, Oil ?? firse the 14th October Ourient, at 12 o'cloek L 0oon; whell the frienis of the Iustitutioit are requeisted to attend. 1A Aberdeen, Oct. 8, 1831. GIJ1 10ll BRIUTISK AND FOR13IGN LIFEI AND FIRE t Tn, ASSURANCI COMPANY, 'rll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIGNOR TAGANiI?. ASc ihe honour to ?? to the Nlobility, Ge i3 (,lj ?? l lbir t into ,tf EKnit!, urgh nii i tl. Vi- I t. thar ?? will give 'I ' C G A Nl 1 ONCEIi'TS at lie Af Qiil', t e Sthveth te lir-t n 'I'it is- N -rrtl t I c-ntter inst. and the Secoindi a of tA MellalS (CONCERiT 011i SArum31?.A MoaSrso tlte22d ; iull 1101'ticlcars still shrirtlyibe antluncu -. hi NOTICE TeO C!'iP.DITORS. ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day is published, In'8vo.il1s. bdsi elie 4th edition, iuch enlarged,,of THE EL E ENTSOF 01'PYSXOLOQ', Translaited ftrohi the Latin of the 'onstis Et itiion of Professor, BLUaiEgmuACxt iiud suppliedw(l ith Cop)iDoS Notes., 'By JO)HN ELLIOTSO N, M.D. PF.R.S. Fellowr of the 'Royal Cblleg1 of Physicitdie, Physieilal to St. Tho- mes's Hospital, and Pil'esser of tile Practice of Medicine in The ...