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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORTLY WILL BE PUBLISHED, THE LEGALlTY OF THE SCHOLASTIC T SYSTEM OF OXFORD asserted and vindicated against the NEw CALUfNIES of the Edinburgh Review. By a MEMBER of CONVOCATION. Supersunt etiamnum in tanta luce literarum. quibus. usque adeo obbratuit palatum, inventis jam frugibus 33aXavnta-yehp ut malint. In Prmfat. Statut. Oxon. NOTICE. LL persons who may have any debt owing them by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , EGIMENTAL ORDEBS. r piHE FIRST REGIrMENT of OXFORDSHIRE YEOMIANRY CAVALRY will be assembled at Witney, on Tuesday the 11 th of October, at Three o'clock p. mn. in complete marching order, for the purpose of going into Quarters for eight days' Permanent Duty. By command of Lieutenant Colonel the Right Honourable Lord Churchill, C. J. B. HAMILTON, Captain and Adjutant. Head Quarters, Witney, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? MILITIA. O1TICE is hereby given, What hll the ?? en:. N rolled or 'serving in the REGULAR MILITIA of the COUNTY of BERKS (except those MDen whos term's Qfservice ?? before the 20th day of November) are to assemble in the Forbury, at Reading, in the said county, on Thursday the Sixth; day of October next, at 12 o'clock at noon, fyr the purpose of being tramed aid. exercis for the 'ace'of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~th 1 ,,p ;).be LET,-A FARM, at Arncott, near Bicester,. ar AL. consisting of about 80 Acres, with or without 40 Acres of adjoining, in Piddington. A Apply (if by letter, post paid) to Mr. HIester, solicitor, 0' Oxford; Mlessrs. Hester and Aplin, Bicester; or to Air. F. Hastings, land agent, Ensham. co DESIRABLE FARM. Su 3 0 be LET, from Michaelmas next,-A convenient fr T. FARDI, comprising a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ofrptJ. IWE1YIVItI1WS JING comnenced making SAUSAGES for li' te Season, returns thanks to the public for tbe liberal Rlie bss hitherto experienced, and most respectfully ?? CoWitinuance of the samue. ,Fitlt 11 ,, dressed and sent to any Part of Oxford. CON Ilarket, s-ptmnber 30, 1a8t0. ?? TURNPIKE ]ROAD. 1,ItE is hlereby given, That the General An- nual O leeting of the 'Trustees of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a aesidence for a Private rarmily. GET, fbr a termn of years, with immnediate On - A very excellent hO()US1S, situated in exactly opposite the 'Theatre, the resienlc (f, ;,who is remĀ°ving. '~or particlakrs apyiy to Mir. Roberts. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOLLY BRIDGE TRUST. OTICE is hereby given, that a Meeting of the N - Trustees for carrying into execution an Act of Parlia- ment passed in the fifty-fifth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Third, for taking down and re- building the whole or part of a certain Bridge, across the River Isisi in or near the city of Oxford, called Folly Bridge, otherwise Friar's Bridge, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VHEATLEY, OXON.0 To Grocers andb otherS. T OOME time in the beginning of next month will T kY be SOLD y AUCTION, unless previously disposed 5I bf by OLD by A ?? STOCK in TRADE A of byr.ivames Cuntinrha ieaig consisting of several Q of Mir. James 'Tustin ?? fes refined and w, hundred pounds of blak and re ta, of e, reindondp V raw sugars, larg until e S O Fixtures (nearly ?? ldur of iujture, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 be LET,-A FARMi, at Arncott, near Bicester, T consisting of about 84) Acres, with or without 40 Acres adjoining, in Piddington. Apply (if by letter, post paid) to M1r. Hester, solicitor, Oxford-; Messrs. Hester and Aplin, Bicester; or to Mr. Hastings, land agent, Ensham. DESIRABLE FARM. r lO be LET, from Michnelmas next,-A convenient !t FARM, comprising a good House, superior Barn, wif 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'rivo RICICS OF OATS Three Stadks, 3 Dulng, Grass, and Dutch Carts, Cart and Plough Harness for lour Horses, 3 Ploughs, 6 Harrows, a Pair of Drag Harrows, good Oak Roller, a three-drill Plough, new Turlip-Cutting and Winnowing Machines, Cow Racks, Sheep Cages, Barn and Dairy Implements, a very neat Pony Chaise and larness, in good preservation, a capital 90-gallon Copper with brass voider, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11E Quarterly Meeting of the pe,1dldh1'5gn andt Ai Chipping-Norton D)istrict Society fist Protnloog h Cr1W- tian Knowledge will be held at Deddiugtoo, onl Tue5dsly tie 256tl of October inst. C. BAR'T'ER Secretary. (Widow of the late Mr. Jonx Hsonis4S) CURRIER and CHEESE FACTOR, J tOOdStOCk, ETURNS her most sincere thanks to the manY XV friends of her lamented husband, for the favours Cor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DESIRABLE FARMVI TO LET. L fnnO be LET, with immediate ?? ex- *.L cellent FARM, at Upper Milton, near Burford, in the icounty of Oxford; consisting of a good Farm House, conve- nient yards, barns, stabling, and other suitae Zaria Viilnltigs). and 124 Acres of Arable and 38 Acres of Pasture Land, in ia good state of cultivation, and of a very superior quality. Milton is situated at easy ...