Advertisements & Notices

... e is THE CHOLERA MORBUS. e On TUESDAY NEXT, the 8th instant, will be published, h Price SIXPENCE, some very interesting particulars, re. ir specting the t. ICHOLERA MORB Together with an interesting ace of the GREA r PLAGUE Ii LO ON IN 1665. e Lord Broughamfand Earl Grey. le On TUESDAY NEXT, willbepublished,price FOURPENCE, n The SPERCEgS Of ce LORD BROUGHAM & EARL GREY ON REFORM. 8 Printed at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANTED immediately,-A young Man, as an W ACCOUNTANT in the GROCERY BUSINESS. Apply to Mr. C. Shillingford, 65, Corn Market, Oxford. ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT.-LAND. O be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, T -_Bei:--en 12 D- 13 Acres of rich MEADOW and ARABLE LAi-K, situate in the South Field, adjoining the River Thames, in the parish of Crendon, and about half a mile from the market town of Tharne.-For ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRE-tAA RhROYA / ragedy, which was agaisi received on ye cro ded ant fashionable audiende wit% the slastic appr!4_ation. Foukth Night ot' the EnE gemeht of tbe celebrated Comeda' M DOWTON. 'T9HIS present MON-1tAY,- November 28, 1834, ?? . jdestres' S~erventswilf perform (for the third. tine3jb 'lsia Tragedy of THE WAkRDEN OF GALWAY, Written by the Ret'. Edward' Groves, 'hth nea end ...


... &c. 20, HIIG H-STREET, lJ RS. PATTON has this day received her Wiinter - Assortment of Goods. consigng of English and Welsh FLANNELS, CASHMNIFE of the most pre- .vaiiinlC Colours, Fashionable PAINTS anil SlFAWLS, GLOVES, an Pxepllent 9ssortrnt'nt of HABElRDASH- ERY, Sheill's and Scott's SHOES, CLOGS, &c. &e. 31st Oct 1831. (21G THE DOWN HUNUT W ILL Meet at DOWWTRICK, on M1ON- T Y DAY; the 14th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY EYRE AND SON. BROOX STREET. H OUSEHOLD FURNITURE, pictures, cases of stuffed birds, plants, large boiler, excellent kitchen dresser nearly new, blundarbuss, kitchen requisites, &c. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By ETRE: & SON, (WtI0THOUT tESE'nVE,) Upon thepremises of Sir. ISAAC PEET, Brook Street, Derby, (who has changed his residence,) on1 Monday the 5th of December, 1831, sale to commence at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EWERICANTILE SALE SUPERI[OR LiNG FIS-. I 1 0 11 N O'N F.IL L X S now lidi:,t tile Cargo oi' O e Aoinle, D. ?? ,tfaster, colmisting, zf 7701lis6 0t' verv Superior LIN( 6 , wbicb ihe .will Si frvaU non Board the Vessel, at Edeul-lql, _on lower Terrns th m ailter being Stored. 23. ?? Ormond quay. NKL'W .ltAL zT AI, / : F F . e(tN I , 'tjtA1' tv 0PI S AND tRAISINS, &, &c. ONEILL, STOKES, AND CO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL Belfast Academical Insttutioitn N ConsequenCe of a Letter reCepivel this finy from I Loaan BEI.FAs, stating that His 'Majesty bad honnured Jin with his colfianll, to Rifvi *h that the BEtFAsT ACADEMITCAL INSTTIITIITN R shooldt henr*f rth style itself ROYA L-We the uandei signed Pr .pri.etors .,f th,- In titu tion, Itequ--st you will Call a GF'NEtAL MEETING of the PROPltIETORS ain TUESI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST A N DE t E 'S DA Y. II ELE(CTION of the OFFICMBE IREA MS 1 t1,e G It A N 1) T-D(7is fIG oef S.9c7)b P'j D ill in Freerriasaso Wnll, ot Veadllesilsv thp 3kth ,,te P * current, at t, o'clock, re. ' whenl the ,Asliters t flreblrh Lodges and their Waehrdtn, iloxy Mnsters 1ar idens, re ?? to attend.' i ii II te vein the Grand Lodge. of Scnlthsn, *vill meet in i-, Hall, fir the purpose of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAL&S BY AUCTION. hsNi,,ttTlERY. ?? &m &, Rem~ovedl to the luic It i.Hll, Al- bo-tct.for thalietler elott''iolece of Sae.-Cl. x 'l'it L most espeoethisily unnufllnees that be Is Instructed. ti sull by P'UBIC~ AUCTION, without nesrve, 'at tie .ftj: UtdSMU~ viioveniter,'lRtI, rind' tolbitving Days3s initil tad 'wliole be dleptsoi~ of. earic- 1flay3 at Elulevel O'Clcitlc In then Mlornling, oold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P-T:=ANNYMOUS UI HE WRITER of a LETTERI, sicned s WAR- NER, dated 23rd Oct., 1831, is particularly requestedI f-1vour the Advertisers with his Address, enclosed in a sealed Leter, and left at the Office of this Paper, so that the Adver. l iar5 may have the Pleasure of personally thanking him for e ?? ivers to them ; and require his further Aid in e ot~ster refened to. The strictest Secrecy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrO BE LET OR SOLD, gp'dh or 111itholillh UR IU E 1 1l USE, No.'6, one of the best in 11~IIE* S'lq bEE'r.-For particulatrs, apply to ICA the roprietor, eitheir there or at tl~u e 0fluse, o. I 1, St. stephet'-itsreet. IC areal to thce Putrchasetr, remain on) TO p1; L~', Ar LotY-I NEXT (old style), jItT .c0e~ entnd vvcll-knownl.1NN, now in) tice ist~l (forierily the. White Lion 11f A, Berkeley; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEPARTURE. j03jq DAIWS, Optician, &o. . ?lfe ST. jUiCIHAEL'S CIHUCH1, Queen Street, ,. PEGS to Wnforst his numerous friends and the public, that lie intends leaving Derby on Friday teeek, V ,,,,,Ilshis most grateful thanks for the distingniished d het he has received in this and former visits, and res so licits a continuance of their patronage. ick Will be found to consist of a rich and varied ...