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Advertisements & Notices

... $ALES BBYY.AAVTT FOR TWOt DAYS. ' I EXTENSIVE' IFURNJ{URF. u AUCTtON. Families about furnishing their. Houwes will find they cang, at this Auction the greatest bariety of Furnittre''of the ?? st : London sand P1atiiaa Fasheion now on vtew ?? of Sale, - t tbe nl('YVNQ O - _ theNlBRON av*l' SELL bL AUCTION,' THIS DAY MyW' J 3thM&oER 1, 18St, aapezoidi collection of Furni- ture,, as follows !- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0!.D 11''IISAhEy. I hri ?? 'SI be t *s er dwit a .lr iill o k, If' irMl'D OLD A.,: , 1 ?? 1 t, 1ttI.j ; ?? \ ?? I , \]5 ;.II. JAINI.t Miu hi1: ?? ill Id Zt B7Riiles t t .llnt : ti\ZI. ner lik.;ic g Jhi jrrr 6t tI. ea 71t:th e er'x :e: it, e A tie!:' the lnde Cri:i ho ?? ?? ltt, d, at the io't ?? fle::dq. ?? I' ices ; eday f YRaEirTq MUJELI. i' CO. Grocers to lhis the Lord Lienzre: ...


... &c. 20, HIIG H-STREET, lJ RS. PATTON has this day received her Wiinter - Assortment of Goods. consigng of English and Welsh FLANNELS, CASHMNIFE of the most pre- .vaiiinlC Colours, Fashionable PAINTS anil SlFAWLS, GLOVES, an Pxepllent 9ssortrnt'nt of HABElRDASH- ERY, Sheill's and Scott's SHOES, CLOGS, &c. &e. 31st Oct 1831. (21G THE DOWN HUNUT W ILL Meet at DOWWTRICK, on M1ON- T Y DAY; the 14th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST' RELIGIOUS 3RE ADI NG ROOM. A RELIGIOUS READING ROONMT has been A ?? this day at No. 9, QUEEN-STREET, where the Princinal Religious Nrews of Britain and America, and the best Period;cals of the day, e bo he Read at the mode- rate exppeine of FIVE SHILI.INCS r Qtiarter. Any Person interested in th' state of Reli eon, may here have the most Tmportanit New.s, and the. las telligence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GO S 'HETEWi -Itt(YYAL.' AT9HE Public i9 respectfliiy InfOrm`ed thiat tlse TIfETRE T. will re-open tir tbe Winter- easonQ thlirese WED. NESDAY, November #2, 1831, on wghich orccsasiowill be pers f.rtacd Sheridasns CGoredy.,of; T1HE.SCIOOL FOR SCAND PL, I Sir Peter Toaile' Mr. leei ' Sir Olivs± Srfat e; ri; Shut' Clarles Surface, Mr Brdwne ;Josepi Suiface Mr.CalcraftSir.. Besjamfin Back~bite.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCT[oNl Of eapital ?? ua'hold Frtirrrirue, crlprisinu a gat variety o' Parloir, Dia'rimr room and Be'ichamber Artic'es two large 'ierGlasses, 94 by46, Cliinrievditto. 36 bl 66, Turkev (Carpes, 17 feet cih 2i fee' 6;'BrUss1s ditt', and Wilton Stair Carpeting. quite new, very superior Ceiling and Di Lapj)s, two large in Maibogany Cases or Sprin S S apr o' Globes, Books, China, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-RYL. Secorid 4ight of th4W 0;-on. . HIS PRESENT TR-fSDAY, :oNvember S,3 1,: their J Maijesties Servants Will perform tbe Grand Opera of .- TME MA1l) OF+iVIDAH..- Ivanhoe, Mr. Bedford Cedric, Mr. Biough ;. Robin a d jr. -M. Stanley; G urth, Mr. F; Conrtor; Vatuba; .mr. Jofson Friar Tuck, Mr. Shuter; Oswald, MrDiff Sir Lucas de Beau.. manoir, Mr. Mathews; Sir Brien de Bois Gilberti Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... We beg leave -most -respectfully to ?? our Sub- M13ib 'irs. that Mr IV! Cnw i ieavc this Office on Mon- lay nesto receive orders an&;cislleot the aecounts due to this Edtahlrlbmtnt ip the unda-rnentioned 'Towns and their vicinities. Gentlemaen who nmay hae occation tokMi*hame, are earnestly requesfed to Igveer4art to ahave their ?? should hicallt daring thsralmnce. . Smintfield Newiy - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FPa-skionable Dres.s-i0aking ESTABLISHSMENT, No. 10, POUNTArAr-STREET, OFF CASTLE.STRlELT. A. ORM begs most respecidlly to announce to ?? the Nobility, Getry, ?? of Belfas thbt she ias cotimenced the abg Business, andifrom have Ing.a perfect knowledge ofall Bu hransp,: ba8he hopes, be strict attention dndvery deratebargesto merit a share of-pablic favour., re She will be regiiarly Supplied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1i,° IPw wb - a be aheut p br.L-t ZlJAX1 9lwrS . T TICKENS and COUNTERVANTES are recomm~mde to try 1 1 I eoa bd RICHARD ALL-EN, IMPORTER OF SUPERFINE CLO'HlS, * ). 60, IIIOU-SrTERT, baere they will fiad articlet of tinese descriptions of right good Value, on the systern ot - small Profit ior quick Returns. This Establi:brneiit ia 3. uisual well Supplied with Articla h7solo Superine Clothe, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TAZ DOW W rILL -Meet dt DOWi P7A R I on MON DAY, the 14th -?Sovemhr 22S) ART'HUR INN-ES, Treasurer. .. , i-=. _ T1HEATLUM, BELFAST . VE1TRLOCQIUI9M r O SITI VEL Y ONL Y FO UR N] OIRTS. ON NEXT 3;IDAY, AND THE FOLLOWING MONDA'. , WEDN`ESDAY AND THURSD.AYF :, The 4th, 7th, 9thz, and ?? November, IS31. R. GALLAHER, the celebrated YE tTRILI M QU!tT, has the honour to, auriounee to the Nobilit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-4ROYA L. Third; Night of the Season. / T HIS PRESEN!;T FRIDAYie N ovember 4, laa8, their F ?? vaill performa tens Tragedy of ISABELLA. Biron, Mr. Calcraft; Vifllerour? -lrM. Stanley ; Carles, MIr. Cing; CountBaldwin, kr. Sbutersi Belford, Mr. Barry ;iPedro,. Ar. Coitnori Isabella,-Ms -iHuddartr -Nurse, Misa Lindsay. -li Act 1kL-A tEpithlaeimitA.* - - ?? . ?? . **P.E WlEQTION.- Sir L ...