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Grampian, Scotland


Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... THE CLUB MBETS. In' the Pmfli'c Roo~d5 031 Wednes~day the 21st Bnebhiess at half-past 4.-_Dinener en'acty ait 5 o'cleAk. T ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _W maL N.B.-In terms of the Resolution adopted at last Club, tile and glill Quiarterly Meetings wvill in fujture be hold as follows, Viz.u ?? The]I let, On 30th April, or day of Annual General County Meet- sides Gi ing. Court o 2d~nteScidDyo h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... And otliers having IneottnLn. N ROB YRTSON, Land;,51IIveyor, reiaidij~C 'f'alxeid ediv A ?? ls djovluty it Aberdeen, rs'spect'fill~y intimduates, Cott. that he ?? ?? Yern he L.-nnd-st i-oyo's; Ile hals, dtiting lleC~ovyernl'.ci, o~culstonallyV en A It npoednada hisothr vocattions tire sow, in Biwaiol s t levehis time at :is 41ispose1, hie meianls to - deoe t to thle practicet of Liluls~i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YHH CLUE in th! 1'eI ve il0os13 o3n TWe'dnwsday tle, 21si .Boesiness (1it ilad i01t4.-.-Dzn51101' exrrtoty at ii O'cOck. ?? Itrl as11 or tht( T'.R tt~UtiOi'. tRdODLCL It Ins9t CIII1), the lst3, Oh B th ApI'i, da Sy of Aitiial (ittlii'l COonlty DMee- 24, 04ttb' ay fI~ Dray f u A Wml tl dIV0' Tiit ti 4th, Onl tlie ciuend Pz~v of theo M1Iit1~vdn.I i v Dec~i~hibuv 'thTYIc will be lot, within tbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day ispubliUshed, Price 6id. AN APPEAL ON BEHALF Or THE SCOTTISH SETTLERS IN NORTR ABXEIECA; A A SERMON. E Dv JOHN JAFFRAY, A.M. st Assistalnt, St. And.wew's Chapel, Dundee. Pnblished, (for the Ditudge Autiliarry Colonial Society,) by at Xamnes Adan, Dundee; Lewis Smith, Aberdeen; James DVwar, h Perth; aud Wlaugh & Innes, Edinburgh. Books~ recently Ptb lisliedl by R. B. LUSE, Greenock, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BETS in theic PtntatC;11ooM1ron Wcdttesdayj I1h 2Ws oa f Deco a 8e ncert. BIine a. 1.jj',rzst, 4,- Dinener' exatt' ft 5 o'tjlock. s N i3.-!ll ternIS Of the 13neohItIon t910iteotlt at 'St Club, thie ~uarerl. hrelngswill in fiutnlele eheld as3 thlow~ls, Vie. Ilst,~ on 130th April, or diny of Aninual General Counity 71eet. Rd, Oin the Second Day of thec Whitivitday or Jine termn. b S.On Ctep Day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MyL1 INSTITUTION~, 18, LODGE WAtLK. THE11 above linstitut!o w, ill be open for Patients, labouring,, ?? .of the EYE, at ?? two, o'clock; fdr the next, SiE monithb (fi~,lr ondllas, ffduetrbhesds, isnd Fr~ beeC suidl not fit two I'lr,'s omry O'clok, nsforilerpY Urg-ent Case.s Hivil be itttol~~ to, byspyss ots Sgo icl MrCATmii5F.AD, 'II Akdeiphi,~ every Moriuing ait tenl o'clock. r Aber2deen, I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : F::: LEEtCYi HOSZBRY. 0 RS. LAING begs leave respectfully to inforim ]her friends, ?? tho'pubh'ciin general, that shlo ias~,sist received a ery- largeC ?? of FLEECY HOSIERY, inild other; rticles Lc of Dites, suitable for'the appronchitn: season 'of the year, con. ate rstting of--~ Gentlemen's Royal Ribled and Lwabs Wool PANTALOONS, jihtAWF.5t, anid JACKET5'. Pentlemen's Vigonia, Mer'ino, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO D GGZCT; T - ADM To be dispozedl o, on vdv~sicrgeii, (e.'ius, T HEri STOCK hi TRtADE 'and GOO6D-WiLL vf a longi. AlJ enld l'e114.'~lerlntel 'Wholesale and Ittl INo.I Shoint e 1U LINE, inn ken' ical part of tile Tol;I.' All1 wirih dmnedliate oift ?? . a f f l i c Ase 'Ibe Adve,4'se, millI be bt, lewis fin' so~ae 7noulbs, lhe Ml q.;tI be bi'JJ to i'Cadco. vii/I On'(tel his poiti.' to it Site. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . IV. 'A ,ISSEMBLY I'OOMS. As -PUB AiMtINATION of tho SCHOLARS attending Y L tihe &fTtDEuN INFANT SCIIOOL, conducted by Mr HYILDSEa7P ill ta];C PI(;CO in1 the Assembly Rooms, Tro r- DoW -'ors wibl e opened at half-past one, and the 'l -Exanminatlon ai id eommcnco exactly nt 2 o'clock;. It is hoped that t'h Agiitst andi Guardiais. of Childreun \vill conie for. `wn-ardto'lns' L5skon, sO that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lit r~ ?? fO2 10 Zoo 1l C S y'oz 24i; ?? ill be. disposed'i of', by Competition, withinl thle L ilof ti Royal H-otal, positively oupoul Friday thle is ;&tJ November~i! enCWTVil, thel nnlignificetit N~a tional Work tilled I in N,\ine Folio Volumews, iplenlidlly bound Ill Crim1sonl Morocco, COV ill,,st-~ated with a sale of I1(1hIpi'fnihd ngvinbyD d tltoI Ines t ce131)isbi it'd Ar t i ste, 1)p ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FLEBCY HOSIERtY. * PS. LAING; liegf leave respectfully to inform her friends, lthe publit: in geexal, slint se lies just received a 'very large isupply of FLEECY HOSIERY, antl other articles of Drcss, Ssuitble tbr the approaching seaso of the year, con. sisting oF- . Gentlemenl's oyal Ribbed' an Lambs Wool PANTALOONS, DRIAWESunl KETS. Geuthinlcl's VigoltaiMeilbo, Flannel, and Fle Pi'AN Z~OON5, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i.A-TI ACCOUNTS. Dvc be I c- r J1 E (3TtANM? LIKE ACCOUNTS will be collcoted at of R1 Alcna::ilev sibanlul dlii, in H1ittly, Oil the tiay of A iletv'- c c11;1sFaiti, alti di s i::ll lo tle tlst datv oil ?? dliswo'iit will ?? I a ?? fio l btI S es)oiij; v % I( t I los in 11 a reie III Lie, .ot in 11i rrI p e prioti', Wil be pui ilO tie ilands of n Law Agen m, fioi prose. il ClldliO:I. L; ...