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Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... i °~FIRST 9 1J3YL SUI3SCRII IPO' N I3ALL, Dg fftjSI)AY1 XNoVxEEnER 3rd, 1831. . ftEA'1 iIrJrLroT, P-so. Stewarod. I It TO 12. tion Tickets (one poinl) to be had of lr. Benirose, ,,bS(TiP h~fsfrket Pla~ce. fir Non.subscribers, 7 shillings. I ANI DRESS R AlN(d. lIRS. MANFULL, zIn MII. J RD, of Nollinyh~mn,) .-, i I anounces to tbe Ladies of f 'll its \ itcinity, licr intention of coimencing |l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Optical Instrument Repository, Opposite ST. l1lICIIAEL's CHURCII, Queen Street. JOIAN DAVIS, Optician, &c. ETURNS his most sincere thanks for the dis- . A tinguished patronage that has been already conferred on him, and keels confident that the excellency of his Spectacles, and the taste and workmanship of Instruments, will afford the greatest satisfaction to those who may honor him with their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STURM'S DEVOTIONA.-L MEDITATIONS. Handsomely printed in two Volumes, small 8vo. price lG6. boards, the Second Edition, thoroughly revised and cor- rected, ot 11 ORNING COMMUNINGS with GOD; or Devotional 5l editations for every Day of the Year. Translated from the original german of Christian Christopher Sturm, Author of Reflections, &c. By WILLIAM1 JOHINSTONE, AM. These Devotional ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANNIVERSARY ith, i jOF ali T BXE GENERAL L!urNATIC ASYLUM, 'he 1ENA NOTTINGHIAM. IIEHNRY GiALLY KNIGHT, ESQUIRE, nd PRESIDENT; nd HENRY SMITH, ESQUIRE, iat VICE rICESIDEST. lot ,rk @N THnISSDAY, NOVEaitER 3d, being the Day gc 0 appointed for the ANNIVERSARY, it is hoped that on all the Friends and Contributors to this huPmane Charity, 11 will manifest a resolution and zeal to support it, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Under the sanction & recommendation of eminent Gentlemen of the Faculty. Dr. WRIGHT's CELEBRATED PEARL OINTMENT, For the cure of Cancerous, Scrofulous, & Indolent Turnours and Ulcers; Scurvy, Evil, Ring Worm, Scald Head, Chilblains, Chapped Hands, and all Cutaneous Diseases , also an infallible remedy for Soreness and Diseases of the Eyes. r HE high estimation in which this invaluable T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DI?.1 ROB3ERTISo E'ELEIBIMI'L'D )I CALLED IrTnE P0011, MAN'S FlrIEN- -111ac-,s iv~esli ~ sore ilAeor sta eii jr description~~~itii~ pant iii theBloa], i Scrpli Fa Glasunla Ifle iIctII, In Pr. ililet is lriti r Itost, h Piietleslr5~ t Sir I itse h-e 2., s- r a ll ctid sii acii; Tb31 irt yeitriis h itis p ritved l it nars invaluableii Ale, atlri( gave ott sikodt eili siliploi it Gandtitta .aii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY B1't. 'TIT'T'ERTON. F REE:HOLD LAND at HILTON, DERBYSHIRE., TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY Mr. TITTEiTONr, At the .Talbot Inn, situate in Hilton, in the parish of .Aarston.uponflDove, in the county of Derby, on Monday the 14th day of November, 1831, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon precisely, in one or more Lots, as may be agreed upon at the time of sale, and subject to such conditions as will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P. FASHTONS. ASpIBY respectfully ituforlms tuse ILadies rb an i vicinity, that she has received from t0 7 faionable A .ortmnent of 1illinery, Dress, &c. r be redy for inspectiOn an Tuesday, the 1i5th iit, r of an early call will be esteemed a favour. ' hor 12 A 1r4t 1 tCES WANTTED. C~esz larket, De-by, ANov. 9th, 1831. -f WA1I4TED TO :BORBOW SeC5y of the To/le on the ~ and Aslebouris ' of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD, , BAY HORSE, vith black legs, IS hands one inch high, six years old, in high condition, and has excellent action, will be warranted sound and free from vice. He has great power, is a complete Hunter, and has the additional recommendation of being equallygood in Harness. -Price fifty guineas. Apply to Mr. HALLAMC, Mercury Offlce. Derby, 7th Nov. 1831. STRAYED, N Sunday morning, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROUGH OF DERBY. Hr IlE Price antd Assize of Bread, setby CHARLES iMATT'IHEV lOWB, Esq. Alayor of the raid Borough, ipon the itth day of Novemiber,I183l.-'I'o take place thc 11th of November, IB31, & to be in force seven days: JnllE rPRicE BItEAD: lb. oz10 i - s. II. Tei pc'c! loaf whtoeatevn, is to wei4h.. 17 ti 0 1 .5 T 1101110loll d(litto . it 0 O hlt Pilrek rL t 11I iIutt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For Indigestion. Habitual Costiveness, s I'KaI Nervous Affections, Dropsical CpjIj, I i, Eruptive Faces, &c. V 41 ' I SE Pills are justly Celebrated for thisirr' -~ andi opening qualities, nad assy be taketljy ,,i.U whclnever medicine is required. They are siig ciotue in removinrg fill disorders of the Heai, Sfsnlarly l Bowels, whether proceeding from c aivi . ~it act, or too much ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Tanners and Skinners. To BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONfTRACT, OUR Copyhold MESSUAGEs or DWELLING F HOUSES, with Gardens to thesame, situate inQueen ie Street. Belper, in the county of Derby. S The above offers a most advantageous investment to Tanners and Skinners, having a constant stream of excellent P water running by the Premises, and well situated in the above flourishing Town. For further ...