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London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... A SUPPLEMENT of the POOR MAN'S GUARDTITAN will be pub. lished, on Saturday next, in order to report the full proceed. ings of the GRAND MEETiNG, on Monday next. NATIONAL UNION OF THE WORKING CLASSES. HE MEMBERS of the NATIONAL UNION, and their TFriends, will meet at the ROTUNDA, Blackfriars Bridge, on Monday morning, at 11. o'clock, precisely, in order to proceed to Lincolns-lnn-Fields to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NATIONAL POLIUICAL UNION. ' Sir FRAiNCIS BURDETT, Bt. M. P. Chairmnan-[. AS the advantages of Union can only be obtained by a complete A~ systemn of local or anizatiorn, the establishment of Branch Unions in the various Wards and Paris=es of the Metropolis, is earnestly invited. The-Com*- mittee have been much occupied in cohsidering this subject. and are now pme- ared to communicate with any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TElE MUSICAL GEM for 1832. A New Year, Birthday, or T.Christmas Present. Edited by N. MORI and W. BALL. Bound in gold, and white satin paper, price 18e. This splendid Annual contains 13 Ballads and Songs, * vocal Duets, 14 Pianoforte pieces, Fantasias, Airs with Variations, Quadrilles, Mazurkas Waltzes and Galopes. The Music by C- Eforn, Malibran, Stockhausen, De' Berior, Donizetti, Paganini, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR. URE'S D nONA 01'mwlg 76.i rr Editid. Il one very large vol 8vea. dobelbilhed Withi Nise Engravk:Ls, price one guinea in boards, DICTIONARY of CHYMISTItY and MINERALOGY, with A their Appliratipie. By ANuDRaW UaR, M.D- F. R.S . The Fourth Edi- tion with numerous unprovements. London: Printed for Thomas Tegg, No. 73, Cheapside, R. Gritlin and Co. Glasgow; and sold byallw Booksellers. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nowr ready, the Third anld concludijng Volhume, with a fine Portrait of Queen EMOIRS of the GREAT LORD BURGHLEY. By the RiL Rev. Dr. NARES, Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Oxford. Dedicated, by permission, to the Most Noble the Mllarquises of Salisbury and Exeter. This elaborate work is of the highest national interest; it embraces and disculsss a multitude of great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I OTHBRYBAT~1~G OOMSFbUNDE6Cuat~, back of OTHeBanRYThi stbihifl aawyready'fo immedliate adminis- trtL nthe fBlowngk. Bah ?? Salt Water, ~SIX'ower. Sham- pooiing tulhe r fo ?? H argt aee Chlorine, Iodinie, Medicated aourind evephryu ote ait.Go iere kept. Respeictable Male and Female Attendants.,c Warm Bath, es. lid.; Twelve ditto, II. is- Shampooing or Medicated, Ss.; Six ditto. iI. Is. O R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHOLERA.-The MEDICAL GAZETTE of Nov. 12 (with an additional Sheet, price is;) contains a mass of important information on Cholera, demonstrating, among other points, how it spreads, and consequently bow it may best be avioded-inl refutation of certain dangerous doctrines re- cently promulgated; also Critical Notices of several New Works on the sub- ject;* Roles ol the Parisian Board, &c.-a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C0-BHTTh1BRA:RY. C3B3RTT'3 Spelling-Book; Containing, besideisall, the. usual matter of tuch a book, a clear aud concise This ' haVe' iritten by way of Steppin-Stone to my own Such a thing having been frequently Sug, gested to tn~~achers as necessary. 1. ENGLUM GRAMMVAR.-Of this *vofkhstiictyzousandA ~'epies 'have now been published. This is a duodeeinto volume, a-d ?? s3 .bound- inloards.- ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - In ; ik~e -Pi ?? I DEGRAPHICAL - ICTUONWRY-* O-F- - ENGLANkI: ANO` WALES Thbis Work, twhich bas :been so loig in' hand, isa i IS DW n tbe JPress. It it-ll c~ontawu the Name, -Siltas- .tiD, &e, of every Parish, and eiveof ever' :Hamlet; i~t will contain a descnptin, and fau ?? of the .Csuntiy also of each 'C~onnty;aud~will, I trust, convey nore arse-. fat: iifoisnatio~ n e tkiisrbject, than ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE VICTIMS OF TYRANNY. Already Published, 67 9 -0 National Union, 0 1 6 Kensington and Ham' I Republican Brush- mersmith.Branch, 0 7 3 makers 0 1 9 Castle Street Rooms, i From the Hyde &New- Nov. 6 and 7, 0 6 1 ton Relief Association, Moral Force, 0 0 6 For Mr. Carpenter, 0 2 ;6 From the Rotunda, 0 13 0 - Mr. Hetberington, 0 2 6 ' At Mr. Watson's. The Victims, 9 2 6 In the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T E:W S 0 N G S.-The Pride of the Village, Words and 1 Musid - - William Ball tS. The Song of Joy and the Song of Woe - Thomas Haynes Bayly 2s. See. Dear Louise - - - MIs. Huxley-S. Nelson 2s. Fair One take this Rose and wreathe it - - Wegener Cs. He comes no more - _ _ - G. Linley 2s. Young Love, a sly Urchin - - Mrs. Huxley-S.Nelsol Cs. To the Spirit of my Mother - - - J. M. Harris 2s. Think ...